Kenetrek Boots

Why I like this Site...

This is a very good hunting website and the only one that gave me a hat and a XXXL t-shirt!! Thanks Oscar for putting this site together and it was good meeting you and the little lady in Maui, we'll have to get together sometime and do a moose or caribou hunt sometime..........or I could find the time to come down and chase mulies, I really miss hunting those critters.
Thanks for the heads-up. I was gonna ask why I wasn't on the phone list, but I guess it's because I'm not a fag. ;)

Correction, only homo's are left off the list, wait, how the hell did schmalts get on it then........hmmm, homo.
This place just feels like home.
Every other place on the internet feels like going out to dinner in public, behave yourself or they’ll ask you to leave.
Huntalk is like dinning with the family at home. You can throw food and call people names without getting kicked out. Just because someone is sitting at the head of the table doesn’t mean you can’t lob a meatball at him every once in a while.
Hunt Talk is “da bomb”.
Canoe, speaking of Kick ASS people i'm met on this site, Long time no hear. You wanna do lunch later in the week ?

I'd love to, but I'll be out of town starting tomorrow. Maybe we can hook up next week...

This kind of backs up the homo and weiner posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great info site, but lately there have been some posts I just sit and stare at and think WTF is going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carry on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You think?





Are we done with all this group hug therapy chit????? :rolleyes:

You fags just like this site 'cause it allows you to get in touch with your feminine sides...and because trying to decipher Tom is just plain entertaining!

...bite me JB ;)
The thing I like about this site, is that we can all give eachother crap and still get along, but when someone posts something crappy that's happened in their lives the responses appear pretty heartfelt...
like the idea of having a place to go and read about the western side of the country. and the videos that have been posted, are classics. moosie smelling that leaf then eating it is a classic. only one way it could have been better. if a critter would have pee'd on the thing first.
Why do we have to show that picture of Trevor trying to kiss me every time we start posting crazy pics.

This site is ok but I like MM better.
Whatever Bugler, it's obvious you're getting ready to go in for the kill on that kissing picture.
I enjoy this site too. Waste a lot of time looking at stuff here. You think Pee Wee is going to join in and say he learns a lot here too?
Amen to this being a great site.. some of you are fags. (Schmalts).. but thats ok, :)

Just kidding dude, your a little gay, Stan is full on GAY :)

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