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Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

I met @antlerradar when he was in town for the mule deer CAC. Pretty sure he’s not a serial killer, but the odds of two of them being in my house at the same time are slim. For me, it was one of those times where ya know someone has seen a lot more than you and you listen. Was a really fun conversation.
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Not everyone. That may be your experience and is all good. Mine was better each time, be it Elk or moose or bear or even fishing for the Ahi. Now that's something lots you don't get in your neck of the woods. What I lack down here when it comes to any land animals we don't have shortage of sea creatures. But my preference is hunt, especially with a couple of people that give a damn about each other enjoying the same thing
Geez, chill out. I have a boat in Dana, the best whitetail property' on the planet, 120 bowkills, 200 with gun, I duck and bird hunt, I live 12 miles from you. Get engage in the o.c. hunt community. This is a great website with nice, logical guys. Make an effort to get involved locally. Please end this thread.
I met @antlerradar when he was in town for the mule deer CAC. Pretty sure he’s not a serial killer, but the odds of two of them being in my house at the same time are slim. For me, it was one of those times where ya know someone has seen a lot more than you and you listen. Was a really fun conversation.
You have some horn porn that I just couldn't pass up on.
Last member I bumped in to was Greenhorn. I had a colonoscopy like an hour before. I confessed I was a little goofy but was driving around Bozeman for the heck if it. 🤣
He looked at me like I was friggin off my rocker.
Pointed out my wife heading in to REI.😁
Good circumstance...think he shot his bear that night.
Good dude that Greenhorn.
What kind of colonoscopy? Hope not the kind I've been having here 🤣😝
Geez, chill out. I have a boat in Dana, the best whitetail property' on the planet, 120 bowkills, 200 with gun, I duck and bird hunt, I live 12 miles from you. Get engage in the o.c. hunt community. This is a great website with nice, logical guys. Make an effort to get involved locally. Please end this thread.
Have a boat in MDR. Been to some local stuff. Spent more days than I care to remember in NF from oceanside to border some years. Nothing but squirrel and lizards. No water does that.

Have not even heard of DP being hunting grounds. Maybe i should ck more of that community than here.

I actually tried but it doesn't seem to work. So I've emailed HT to ck it
Referring to post #34 are you being judgmental or racist regarding trophy hunters? Just asking for a friend. Also post 39 "Schmuck" now that would hurt my feelings, I'm kind of sensitive you know.
I am not as thinned skinned as the OP. Being in the "I hunt alone" group, I have no desire to be around a sensitive man. IYKWIM

Just shaking my head this train wreck has gone on for 14 pages.
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This thread has turned out great actually.
I help and steer anybody that asks in the right direction if I'm knowledgeable on the area. Actually hunting with? If it's a meet up with a bunch of people I'm down. It's the meeting up with one stranger or 2 strangers to hunt and share camp with that I'm leary of. I'm trying to avoid that brokeback scenario or any mé·nage à trois scenario involving all camouflaged men.
This thread has turned out great actually.
I help and steer anybody that asks in the right direction if I'm knowledgeable on the area. Actually hunting with? If it's a meet up with a bunch of people I'm down. It's the meeting up with one stranger or 2 strangers to hunt and share camp with that I'm leary of. I'm trying to avoid that brokeback scenario or any mé·nage à trois scenario involving all camouflaged men.
Ohhh, you went there!

Personally waiting for part II:
