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Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

Imagine that. Started late Wednesday. One of me and all those, and not one left unanswered. But it's kinda getting redundant. So maybe I'll shut it down. Spent more than enough time on it and got my answer, though not happy about it. People just throw mud if they don't like to hear something, be it true or not. Enjoy beautiful MT
Good idea. Have a nice day. mtmuley
Y'all thanks to those that came from good place in their minds to be positive and respond as such. And I don't give much thought about those who just showed fangs and wanted to claw for no reason. It's all about who you are, from the upbringing to today, that determines the kind of responses that one makes. At the end of the day we look at ourselves in the mirror, and that's the only person you have to prove yourself to, not anyone else.
Almost 250 posts in a matter of about 36 hours must be some sort of a record here. Someone can look it up. So it's enough. If I've gotten 95% unkind responses at least there's 5% positive. I don't know how to end a thread here. If someone knows pm me. Otherwise, I'll just unwatch it on my end.

Take it easy.
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I think that when a person spends hundreds of hours, often frustrating and sometimes painful, learning how and where to hunt, there is going to be a natural resentment towards anyone who wants to take the easy way out by piggybacking on all that hard work.

Trial and error is by far the best teacher but if you need instruction, that's what paid guides are for.
Agreed. That's the last thing I want to do.
Well, I see you've chosen to speak in behalf of everyone here.
Neither of us "owes" anything to each other. Yet if you go to a car club or a gun show or a boat convention, you're there with people of similar taste.
49 posts don't count the private messages and phone conversations, unless you've access to all of that, which if so wouldn't be nice. I've tried to pay my dues and even just go along to help and not hunt, after speaking a few times to make sure I'm not dealing with a serial killer type. The responses were mostly that I want to hunt instead of going to outfitter!! I didn't even want to hunt and was offering them to help.
Like some posts on this thread there's a lot of cynicism. That's kind of the point I'm making.
See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here for about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort.
Just reading your posts I can see why no one wants to invite you.
I’ve invited others to hunt with me. I’ve asked members to meet me in person to help me. I’ve offered to help others on their hunts, and plan hunts together. Nearly all of this is through PM.

I get about 15% yes responses. People say “no” for a lot of different reasons - and I really don’t care to know what those reasons are. It’s not a judgment of their character.

I also have >4000 posts, I post photos, and I’m pretty transparent. At the end of the day I’m still a stranger on the internet.

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It helps to be generous, be a sport about getting ribbed, don’t complain, don’t blame people, and don’t pronounce judgment.

Also being open to others’ input helps: I’ve had members tell me I’m naive, wrong, foolish, lying, confused, providing outdated information, full of crap, rude, exaggerating, unethical, disrespectful…I’m sure I’m missing a few. Rather than get defensive, I consider the merits of what they’re telling me.
Dudes trying to hard I can’t go anywhere without meeting someone from this site. Like 2 weeks ago I met @EYJONAS! at the hardware store
Not gonna lie, I was a fair bit nervous. Like, "who TF is this lumberjack lookin sum bitch lookin me down." 😉

Then we talked and it was all good.

Chalk another win up casual hunt talker meet and greet.

Great guys 14
Serial killer still 0
I get about 15% yes responses. People say “no” for a lot of different reasons - and I really don’t care to know what those reasons are. It’s not a judgment of their character.
If that’s true that’s ridiculous. Anyone who turns down an iowa deer hunt is on the stuff. Not the good kind either. Only way I’d ever turn it down is if I had an elk hunt.
Last member I bumped in to was Greenhorn. I had a colonoscopy like an hour before. I confessed I was a little goofy but was driving around Bozeman for the heck if it. 🤣
He looked at me like I was friggin off my rocker.
Pointed out my wife heading in to REI.😁
Good circumstance...think he shot his bear that night.
Good dude that Greenhorn.
Last member I bumped in to was Greenhorn. I had a colonoscopy like an hour before. I confessed I was a little goofy but was driving around Bozeman for the heck if it. 🤣
He looked at me like I was friggin off my rocker.
Pointed out my wife heading in to REI.😁
Good circumstance...think he shot his bear that night.
Good dude that Greenhorn.
The colonoscopy bear. mtmuley
So far of the 6 or 7 people that to go on the goat hunt. 5 of them I've met on here and consider great guys and friends.
Caribou Gear

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