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Why are CA pigs a menace.

I saw something like this a family friend's cabin near Coalinga about 35 years ago. After they sold it and I lost permission, I hunted near there at a certain piece of state ground.
I saw something like this a family friend's cabin near Coalinga about 35 years ago. After they sold it and I lost permission, I hunted near there at a certain piece of state ground.
Coalinga! , hunted some blm or state or something (who knows) there for pigs with a guy in the late 90’s when I was a teenager, Vietnam vet. Crazy f’er, hunted with a AK. 7.62 fmj. Jesus!
Hunting pigs here isn't that tough. They cycle around every few weeks and usually hang for a few days in their normal favorite areas. What we have been beginning to see is very large single boars 2-300 pounds that are doing lots of damage. It seems that they never stick around and hunting them is tough. The good side is that you will get 100#+ of sausage and snack sticks.
I’ve watched those mean nasty bastages split it’s snout trying to break thru a pig wire transfer holding pen. Temporarily stunned they revive and do it again. They eat their own and gestate 3 times a year, thick as mosquitoes & wary.
That might be the award winner for pig damage to a building.. We have had bear put the hurting on stuff but the pigs are in the lead now

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