PEAX Equipment

Why are CA pigs a menace.

San Francisco is Bay Area, Sacramento is Northern California, south of there to Bakersfield Fresno is Central California. Anything south of that should be reclaimed by Mexico.
In John McPhee's "Irons in the Fire" he does a vignette on a Nevada brand inspector. The inspector tells a story of breaking up a particularly difficult cattle rustling ring. Two rustlers were stealing hundreds of cattle, then trucking them to a remove canyon that they had fenced and filled with hogs. They would then kill the cattle, and let the hogs go to town on them, transforming the stolen beef into marketable swine...
It's lapside redwood. Look at the damage to the windows. The pig destroyed wooden casement windows. He went completely through the wall in a couple places. I've seen lots of pig damage but nothing this intense.

That's the most impressive pig damage I have ever seen, I'd guess it was a bear or humans if you weren't so sure it was a pig. I remember when I lived in CA seeing a small herd of pigs absolutely destroy acres and acres of a planted field in just a couple hours, it looked like they'd been turned over by a rototiller. That guy never let us hunt his property either...too bad
The very sad part is that it is a family cabin built by the family over 100 years ago. I refer to the guys that built and own it as The Charlies and designate them C1-C4. C1 is long gone. C2 is in his 90's. C3 late 50's. C4 in his 20's. There's memories, heirlooms, pictures etc that are destroyed. The cabin was flimsily built. The damage to the outside also damaged the inside where things hung on the walls. The pictures don't show to much but things now on the floor are trampled and destroyed.
I have been invited to opening deer season party there for the last 35-40 years. I have a lot of memories there also. I'm pretty sensitive to the jokes about drugs and such being part of the problem. While some of them could be really funny, they aren't right now.
I remember seeing a hogzilla down in coalinga on some private land. We easily spotted him with the naked eye from 1/2 mile away. A guy in the group shot him and a sow, with only the sow dying. The big boar absorbed the shot and left with the herd. From a half mile away, we could see him standing in grass and I remember the curve of his belly going into the grass. When standing in the grass it was knee high. Looked like a beef cow from a distance. I can imagine a hog even half that size doing that kind of damage on a cabin. Not sure what could stop them besides solid rock or steel.
San Francisco is Bay Area, Sacramento is Northern California, south of there to Bakersfield Fresno is Central California. Anything south of that should be reclaimed by Mexico.
North of Red Bluff is northern California, anything south of there has been reclaimed by Mexico.
San Francisco is Bay Area, Sacramento is Northern California, south of there to Bakersfield Fresno is Central California. Anything south of that should be reclaimed by Mexico.
I was messing with you, I’m from Humboldt county originally

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