Who owns the NRA & SCI?

There is not enough site space to list the organizations that have other agendas then what them seem, allocate their monies to areas other than stated cause, are influenced by other outside interest, both left and right leaning or anywhere in between.
There is not enough site space to list the organizations that have other agendas then what them seem, allocate their monies to areas other than stated cause, are influenced by other outside interest, both left and right leaning or anywhere in between.

I can think of two that really matter to the people here:
1) NRA
2) SCI

That others "have other agendas than what they seem" doesn't justify the suspicious actions of the NRA and SCI.
I can think of two that really matter to the people here:
1) NRA
2) SCI

That others "have other agendas than what they seem" doesn't justify the suspicious actions of the NRA and SCI.

Oh contraire monsieur, there are many more organizations that have effect over where and what you may hunt or fish. Sierra club, PETA, Humane Society, howling for wolves, western environmental law center, Center for biological diversity, Wildlife guardians, and this doesn't even scratch the surface.
Oh contraire monsieur, there are many more organizations that have effect over where and what you may hunt or fish. Sierra club, PETA, Humane Society, howling for wolves, western environmental law center, Center for biological diversity, Wildlife guardians, and this doesn't even scratch the surface.

Actually, I think we know where those groups stand and furthermore we don't support them because of their stance.

On the other hand the NRA's and SCI's corruption has been speculated, and now more sunshine has been shined on it. The shoe is starting to fit. When RMEF drifted we didn't make excuses for them; we stood up and collectively kicked their ass into shape. When Trout Unlimited drifted (to stop fighting for access) we didn't make excuses for them; we collectively stood up and kicked their asses.

The question to ask is whether y'all are going to continue to make excuses for them or make a stand?
Actually, I think we know where those groups stand and furthermore we don't support them because of their stance.

On the other hand the NRA's and SCI's corruption has been speculated, and now more sunshine has been shined on it. The shoe is starting to fit. When RMEF drifted we didn't make excuses for them; we stood up and collectively kicked their ass into shape. When Trout Unlimited drifted (to stop fighting for access) we didn't make excuses for them; we collectively stood up and kicked their asses.

The question to ask is whether y'all are going to continue to make excuses for them or make a stand?

You should, but I certainly wouldn't take a stand based on a progressive blog either.
Have you contacted either the NRA or SCI for a response?
You should, but I certainly wouldn't take a stand based on a progressive blog either.
Have you contacted either the NRA or SCI for a response?

OK, we have one for making excuses. :D

I'm not a member of either organization.
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OK, we have one for making excuses.

I'm not a member of either organization.

What excuses? I don't care if you are a member of either that is up to you.

I do belong to the NRA and have been for years because of my participation in competitive shooting sports. I have asked them directly to respond and will post the response if I get one rather than speculate or make excuses.
Regarding the "progressive blog," be suspicious by checking the references. Usually blogs are just opinions that can't stand on their own. I put little faith in those. This one is heavily footnoted, but even those can be sometimes disingenuous references. If you are suspicious check those footnotes and see for yourself. If they don't pan out report back. If we dismissed everything because we didn't like the source we would still be in the stone age. The truth isn't always what we want to hear.

[edit - this isn't a response to your above response. You posted while I was writing it]
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What excuses? I don't care if you are a member of either that is up to you.

I do belong to the NRA and have been for years because of my participation in competitive shooting sports. I have asked them directly to respond and will post the response if I get one rather than speculate or make excuses.

OK, you are acting. Good on you. Will the rest make excuses, for example, we need energy?

I'm looking into a little deeper, but I don't care for either group.
Regarding the "progressive blog," be suspicious by checking the references. Usually blogs are just opinions that can't stand on their own. I put little faith in those. This one is heavily footnoted, but even those can be sometimes disingenuous references. If you are suspicious check those footnotes and see for yourself. If they don't pan out report back. If we dismissed everything because we didn't like the source we would still be in the stone age. The truth isn't always what we want to hear.

I didn't say I dismissed it but I did state I wouldn't take a stand based on it. What I do is check for myself through multiple sources and pardon me if I might have a suspicion based on just one foot noted story. Sometimes the petroglyph interpretations can be a little slow. What is reported as the truth is always the truth either.

I have not passed judgment either way yet.
Hey, I'm a guy like a few others around here that loves to hunt, fish, shoot, hike, enjoy the outdoors and if there is an organization that I belong to that is contrary to what I hold dear for myself, my family, my friends and fellow sportsman then I will end my association with them.

We have to fight a lot of fronts to fight and try and preserve what we love not only for ourselves but for those that come after we are gone.
By the way, I was smiling when I saw the photograph on the cover of the report you cite. Seems that oil & gas companies CAN co-exist with wildlife. The antelope look pretty well at home new that drill rig. The two are not mutually exclusive.

good luck to all
the dog

I hope nobody actually smiles when they see this picture, and nobody thinks this is a quality hunting experience. We owe our children and grandchildren much better.

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