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Interior misses Great American Outdoors Act deadline

As if the gamesmanship surrounding the election wasn't enough, and now we get this crap. Wouldn't surprise me if Mike Lee is involved. We gotta get that guy out.
This is infuriating to me. I was and have been on the fence with this administration starting 4 years ago. This Act was one of the very few things that I was satisfied enough with to win my vote, even with all of the other “issues” I have. Talk about feeling betrayed, especially after casting a ballot. I got played big time on this one.😡
When is it time to find a lighter and gather up the pitchforks? This is beyond irritating. Congress has spoke...get behind it and move on. It’s called America.
Pretty standard move to get votes in an election year. Doesn't really surprise me in the least bit.
I'm confused by this deadline. What does this actually mean for the GAOA? That it is essentially delayed? Was there a provision which dumped the whole thing if this initial deadline was not met? Maybe I'm an idiot but none of this is clear to me.
I'm confused by this deadline. What does this actually mean for the GAOA? That it is essentially delayed? Was there a provision which dumped the whole thing if this initial deadline was not met? Maybe I'm an idiot but none of this is clear to me.

It means that the administration has not forwarded any LWCF projects for the upcoming budget year/congressional session, killing any project that was in line at least for the next year or so, while allowing the maintenence fund to continue forward. This tracks with what Rob Bishop and many other Republicans had been angling for - no LWCF and only money spent on maintenence of existing lands.

It's a huge missed opportunity for DOI to advance access projects, new public land acquisitions and conservation easements, as well as better city parks, etc.
No worries, I'm sure we're still making more land somewhere, we all know access isn't a real issue (fake news), it's not like a bunch rich coasties are moving to the rural mountains and buying up working ranches and subdividing them into ranchettes or just gating away the access. This little bit of bait and switch was to be expected I mean, com'on it's not like anyone actually believed us... besides we're still head long into making this country great. #RedOrDead #Mericanfiefdom #publiclandisforweenies #hailutah

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