Caribou Gear Tarp

Who owns the NRA & SCI?

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Interesting report that I found in my inbox this morning. I'm sure many will attack the messenger rather than the message but here's some of the more salient takeaways:

Since the 2008 presidential election, the oil and gas industry has expanded its investments in Congressional lobbying, political campaigns, and advertising to
help advance and defend its policy agenda in Washington. Between 2008 and 2013, the oil and gas industry spent $898 million to lobby Congress, an increase of 127 percent over the previous six years. In 2012, fossil-fuel industries and their allies spent a record $270 million on television advertising alone to help elect their preferred candidates, including $176 million to defeat President Barack Obama.

Since then, trade groups such as the American Petroleum Institute, or API, have spent millions more on so-called “branding” campaigns, which use television ads such as “I’m an Energy Voter” to create the impression of widespread popular support for the industry’s agenda. Taken together, these investments have helped defeat climate
change legislation in Congress, preserve tax subsidies for oil and gas companies, slow and weaken environmental protection rules, and pressure federal officials to further expand and accelerate oil and gas leasing on public lands.

New evidence indicates that, as part of its policy and political strategy, the oil and gas industry is now also heavily investing in and influencing at least three of the nation’s most powerful sportsmen’s organizations: Safari Club International, the National Riflemen’s Association, and the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation.

Together, at least 28 oil, gas, and energy companies have made financial investments in the NRA and CSF since 2010, and, although SCI does not list its corporate donors publicly, Federal Election Commission files show that the oil and gas industry is a major contributor to its political action committee.

The contributions are so significant that oil and gas companies now represent as much as 28.5 percent of the NRA’s corporate giving program.
This doesn't surprise me that much - after contracting through many Energy companies and Chemical manufacturing - most of those folks really enjoy hunting / fishing / shooting. They start making a ton of money and want to support organizations they relate to.

Call me naive, but I don't think there is anything sinister about the link(s). I can't say that I like the trend.
This doesn't surprise me that much - after contracting through many Energy companies and Chemical manufacturing - most of those folks really enjoy hunting / fishing / shooting. They start making a ton of money and want to support organizations they relate to.

Call me naive, but I don't think there is anything sinister about the link(s). I can't say that I like the trend.

Read the report. it's pretty clear that they invest in these groups to increase their lobby power. In the case of SCI, the memo from the IPAMS meeting is extremely telling. The industry, upset that sportsmen are asking for better regulations for wildlife & hunting opportunity, work to place their lobbyist in a position at SCI. Then, that lobbyist comes out supporting some of the most egregious legislation that would eliminate the Roadless Rule, strip wilderness of it 's protections and crater TR's legacy by severely limiting the Antiquities Act.

I'm not much for conspiracy theories, but the pieces fit here. SCI & NRA has advocated for some horrible politicians and policies over the last 6-7 years.
I'm sure many will attack the messenger

..astute guess.

The Center for American Progress is a partisan liberal public policy research and advocacy organization. Its website states that the organization is "dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action".[2] The Center presents a liberal[3] viewpoint on economic issues. It has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.[4]
Money buys favors. The difference here is that the O&G money is buying less hunting opportunity for you under the guise of "sportsmen's" organizations.

At least Steyer has the balls to put his name on what he does. ;)
It's a good thing that guys like Soros sit on the sidelines and count their money instead of pumping it into politics.
You could have just called me naive. But after reading the report and then going into the Rabbit hole - let's just say I'm not naive anymore. It would have been better for my work day to not have clicked on the link though.

Thanks for posting that up Ben.
It's a good thing that guys like Soros sit on the sidelines and count their money instead of pumping it into politics.
Sure, but this is oil, etc money going into a gun group. Members of that gun group should be aware and note the NRA's previous actions supporting things that had very little to do with guns, but happened to open up roadless areas making them susceptible to extraction industries. That's why I'm not the IRA...
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