So, what did your CSI Vet and the Homocide Department figure happened? Somebody mistakenly was 4 feet away from a 1200 pound Angus cow (as evidenced by a small wound channel from a shotgun, the size of a fist) and thought the 1200 pound cow was actually a 12oz quail?
Not saying you don't have good cops and forensic vets up there, but I don't think you can blame it on a hunter for mistaking a 1200 pound Angus cow for a quail at 4 feet away....
I do not think forensic was a big deal back in the mid 60s, hell we did not see it done or there would not be any question as to who or what ever happened. We did not have pet Angus cows but just some Herefords that were free ranged and wintered on the river bottom. I am not saying all hunters are killing live stock, but that it has and can happen.. My sister worked for WY G&F and at a game check station by Cody a man from back East checked in a Mule as a cow moose. She said the man had know clue what he had done. Stuff happenss.