What's on the smoker today?

The last of my cow bison ribs and some pork ribs. Started with some pecan wood sea salt and will finish it up tomorrow.
Pecan and post oak wood mix for the ribs. Chupacabra 2 Gringos rub on the bison and Head Country Sweet and Spicy on the pork.
Anyone else fire up the smoker today?

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Counrty ribs.


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Tossed some london broil on the smoker today, little SPG on one and blackening seasoning on the other, pecan for 4 hours @ 225* finished last 30 @ 250*. Anxious for this rest to be over, curious how that blackening season turned out since it looked really good when I pulled it off.
1 gal water
1 cup salt
1 cup white sugar
1 cup maple syrup
1 large onion
4-6 cloves of garlic
Frank's red hot
Pepper corns
Cayenne pepper

I personally freeze the individual bags and they don't last more than two days at home. I've had frozen smoked fish in the freezer for close to a year with no issues and tasted as good as the fresh stuff.
@SaskHunter how long am I brining here, overnight?
@SaskHunter how long am I brining here, overnight?

I make the brine the day before I smoke and I make sure it's cooled all the way before I put the fish in it. I normally dump the fish in the brine the evening before and take it out the following morning for the smoker. Make sure the fish is patted dry before you shove it in the smoker. I glaze the fish with maple syrup a couple times during the smoking process.
I make the brine the day before I smoke and I make sure it's cooled all the way before I put the fish in it. I normally dump the fish in the brine the evening before and take it out the following morning for the smoker. Make sure the fish is patted dry before you shove it in the smoker. I glaze the fish with maple syrup a couple times during the smoking process.
Cool, thanks. Grilled salmon quite a few times but never smoked it myself.
I accepted the sage wisdom of @mtmuley and smoked a version of split chicken.
I cut it down the breast bone, placed it on the smoker in a cast iron at 225 F for 4hr. Then I added a small amount of apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup with brown sugar mixed in) and went to 350 F until the internal temp was consistently above 165 (about 2 hr today given the wind).
Used the same smoked garlic seasoning as last time, no beer. Much to my surprise, my entire family loved it. No ketchup requested! 🤣
Thanks for the feedback @mtmuley and all the great ideas and experience on this thread!

fresh smoked salsa for easter taco sunday at the in-laws

i'm still tweaking this recipe, both methods and ingredients. i rely on jalapenos with just a couple serranos for heat, and when i really wanna kick it up i add some tablespoons of hot chile pequin

not pictured is the obligatory gobs and gobs of cilantro that go into this along with my secret ingredients

i've always done my salsas in this past with my immersion blender on the tomatoes and garlic and everything else mostly hand chopped. i tried the food processor for the first time on this batch. piecemeal approach - tomatoes first and then the rest separately and more carefully to chunk them up. i like it, but i over blended much of it.

i'm doomed to forever be tweaking my salsas. i've never made two batches exactly the same, which i think is my favorite part of making salsa

gotta eat those with your hands. standing around the camp fire. with beer. Damn it now I have to go to the grocery store.

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