What's on the smoker today?

Sister in-law requested a brisket for her Easter party. Smoked this one for 25 hours at 180 only wrapped it the last 3 hours to speed it up a bit. Amazing bark on this one. View attachment 320951View attachment 320952View attachment 320953
Just used this method on a packer. Wasn't even a prime, found a choice at Sam's that looked better then anything else they had. May be the best, juiciest brisket I've ever made. Mine went right around 22 hrs, never smoked one more than 15 or so before
Just used this method on a packer. Wasn't even a prime, found a choice at Sam's that looked better then anything else they had. May be the best, juiciest brisket I've ever made. Mine went right around 22 hrs, never smoked one more than 15 or so before
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I've done a lot of brisket anymore low and slow is by far and away my favorite. I also skip the prime or wagu mostly almost feel they're to fatty for a great brisket (makes amazing steaks). My favorite is a CAB brisket. Interestingly most of the guy's winning brisket competitions are cooking hot and fast (250-300) in foil pans with liquid.
Upgraded my Bradley smoker with a new Tempco Element and an Auber PID. IYKYK

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Did a pork loin first then tonight smoked a couple Tri-Tips. Normally folks grill them, but I smoked them at 230 for 3 hours. Wrapped them in foil and let them rest for an hour. Vacuum sealed one and froze it. Cranked up the gas grill and reverse seared the other one to serve for dinner. Served with loaded potato salad and spinach salad with vinaigrette, dried cranberries, and blue cheese.
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@Addicting inspired me yesterday to put some smoke to our wild turkey thighs. Pulled last year's birds out of the freezer and added them to the mix. Rubbed with chili lime and bbq seasoning made for good smells while getting the lawn cut. Should add a little extra to Hank Shaw's already awesome carnitas recipe when its all said and done.


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