B&C minimums--not that I wouldn't shoot less as I do and will continue--I'm getting picky though and pass up more and more bucks each time I go out hunting--unless it's here in CA then if it has a fork it will be seeing a fork later at dinner time--chris
Funny you ask, I actually spend alot of time thinkging about this!
I have 4 categories (for bigger deer) "nice" "big" "giant" "Monster"
These are just personal ratings, I know everyone else has different ideas.
A nice buck for me is a 140-155 mulie, doesn't matter if its typ or non, still measuring that much bone.
A "big" buck is one that goes 160-175 or so. These aren't net scores, just gross. Symmetry and cheaters dont matter so much to me, just measure the bone!
A "giant" buck is a 180-195 or so. Now I will start to separate the nontyps a bit. I think for a nontyp to be a giant, he's got to be 200-210 at least.
The "monster" is just that. 200+ typical or a 225+ nontyp. I think even the lowest end B&C nontyp is a monster, but I dont think the lowest end typ is a monster, he's got to be over 200 to be a monster.
This year, I'll pull the trigger on a "nice" buck, but would love to hit that "big" buck category. I think a 160+ mulie is a big buck!
I have to agree with Turkey Eye and the rest who said the one bigger than the last.
I only hunt for fun and then food. I personally would pass on a 200 trophy buck if a 3x4 with 20" spread or better is right by it. (Like I said it has to be bigger than my last!)
They are much better eating.
A "BIG BUCK" would have to be anything that has more than 4 points per side, not counting eye guards, and weighs more than 350 punds...that is a BIG buck. When I shoot a deer bigger than that one I get to mount his head because he'll be bigger than my dad's biggest mule deer.
But then again a spike with 3" antlers will be a big buck for me to shoot...LOL
Quick Draw
Mine for rifle is anything wider than ears. That is the only time I pull out the rifle. I know I have 2 more months of archery if I can't connect with rifle.
Archery hunting its 4x4 or better and wider than ears also.
Man you guys are making me feel puny. I think of a big buck as anything over 75 points and that aint no story. Hell I'd even shoot one that would score half that!!