Caribou Gear

Big bucks for big bucks.

Not necessarily trying to pin you down but what part of the LPP (for example) do you disagree with? If I owned 160+ acres in CO, I would have an expectation that I could hunt my own land on somewhat of a regular basis. The LPP seems to have quite a few qualifications in place to get a tag so it's more than just the person owns some land. If the tag was non-transferrable or only transferrable with no monetary gain is that acceptable?
The fact is that the vast majority of LPP vouchers in the western half of the state are not being used by landowners who just want to hunt their land. They are being sold on the market by landowners who then do not follow the rules of the program that require them to provide private land access to the hunters who purchase unit-wide vouchers. Make them PLO and non-transferable and I would feel better about it.
Have you ever hunted NM ? Draw or otherwise? Have you ever talked to anyone who has and tried to hunt some of those ranches as a public hunter with a draw tag?

Did not kill my elk on the ranch but darn near almost did
The fact is that the vast majority of LPP vouchers in the western half of the state are not being used by landowners who just want to hunt their land. They are being sold on the market by landowners who then do not follow the rules of the program that require them to provide private land access to the hunters who purchase unit-wide vouchers. Make them PLO and non-transferable and I would feel better about it.
Fair points. Thanks. Seems like some focus on enforcement of existing rules is also in order.
Look, I know that the NM system isn't great. Compared to the Kentucky voucher system, it's garbage. That is because it is the outfitters and big pockets that drove the creation and details of the program.

Kentuckys program was built from the department of natural resources and locals (mostly mining companies) that really wanted to see the elk flourish on the landscape and it worked.

I'm positive that in someway Wyoming could use landowner vouchers that provides a win from everyone involved - the rancher, the state, the public land hunter and the private land hunter. I'd start with Kentuckys model and tweak it from there. This won't be done though because this bill is driven from just the perspective of two groups (the rancher and the private land hunter) without likely any support during its revisions from the other two.
How much?
For what? The tag? I drew it. The area I was in had two parcels that were enrolled in the program and the one was a high mountain meadow in which the elk were in each night and we hunted them coming out of it and sometimes while our feet were on that land
For what? The tag? I drew it. The area I was in had two parcels that were enrolled in the program and the one was a high mountain meadow in which the elk were in each night and we hunted them coming out of it and sometimes while our feet were on that land
Ah - thought you bought an eplus tag
Heck thinking about that, if every western state had eplus for elk, I'd bet those tag costs would be more than cut in half across the board due to the huge increase in supply and the cost to just buy a voucher would be cheaper than the app fees to apply and try and get one in all those states. That's crazy to think about for the argument of "I don't like privatization wildlife because it's only for rich people to buy the tags then". We are already there but it's just the states doing it
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