What is the best piece of advice tht you have ever been given?

I am not one to proclaim my faith publically (I typed and deleted this post 3 times before deciding to hit send), and am humble enough to know that my beliefs are not in and of themselves proof or commandments for others, but Ephesians 2:8 is a cornerstone of both my personal faith and how I try to treat others (even in a secular sense). These words are the most powerful advice I have ever received. If they put one word on my tombstone, it will be "GRACE" - and not just because I am a nifty dancer. I believe grace should be extended by each of us to one another - whether we do so basis our faith or our secular humanity. To love for its own sake and to forgive from that love is our highest calling.

Ephesians 2:8 (NSRV) "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God"
Grandfather : There are no owners in nature.

Father: Dont "settle", for anything less than what you want.

Mother: ( when I left for college ) Keep both feet in a ten gallon bucket. Two five's dont provide the same protection

Note to self after reading the forum today. When going into bear country take bear spray, handgun, rifle, shotgun, bullets, bang/flash, rubber bullets, buckshot, someone who is slower than I am and dont be a negative nelly. Or in the spirit of this thread.

keep my ears open an my mouth shut
Grandfather : There are no owners in nature.

Father: Dont "settle", for anything less than what you want.

Mother: ( when I left for college ) Keep both feet in a ten gallon bucket. Two five's dont provide the same protection

Note to self after reading the forum today. When going into bear country take bear spray, handgun, rifle, shotgun, bullets, bang/flash, rubber bullets, buckshot, someone who is slower than I am and dont be a negative nelly. Or in the spirit of this thread.

keep my ears open an my mouth shut
...cept for the state and it's residents. ; )
This was a hard question. I can think of two instances of my dad giving my brother and I formal advice, neither of which are profound, and both of which I have failed to live up to many times.

"Push Yourself" and "Never lie."
"buy once, cry once" - about tools and such
"it takes all kinds of kinds" - about assholes and such
"you choose what kind of man you'll become, but don't wait till everyone else already knows" - about bravado and such
Honestly can't remember any specific advice my dad gave me other than take that job when I was offered a pretty good job with a good retirement. Wasn't super keen on it at the time but here I am 32 years later and 58 years old and retired with a good pension. It was pretty profound of him considering he ended up dying of cancer at 60 after having worked his azz off all his life.
Both of them from my grandpa - "Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills first - nothing comes without work." Also, right after I bought him out of the business and was running around like a one-legged man in the proverbial but butt kicking contest - "Rush slowly. Pick one thing, do it until it's done, then move onto the next thing."
I heard this many years ago and have tried to live my life by this moto....

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