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What is the best piece of advice tht you have ever been given?

One is No Excuses by Kyle Maynard, and the other is Extreme Ownership by Navy Seal Jocko Willink. The latter epitomizes your mom’s ethic.
My next set of audio books for my daily commute. Thanks for the share.
My dad told me: "There are going to be jobs in this world that you need to do. You don't want to do them but you have to do them. So get up off your lazy ass and get it done!"
I've found that those jobs you dread the most usually turn out to be the easiest and most fun ones. So I never put them off any more. I just get up and go do them. Usually they are done so fast I have to go find more work to do. LOL
My dad used to tell me all the time, "YOU make your life by ownership of YOUR actions" & "Money doesn't grow on trees, it is only gotten by hard work"

Then he would tell me to go dig a ditch, wash the outside windows, or go wash the cars, etc... I always thought he was just punishing me. Only later in life, did I realize the lessons he was teaching me. I have instilled this philosophy in my two sons. They are some of the hardest working adults I know with a never say die attitude. I guess they "got it" quicker than I did. Now if they could both find a future wife and get me some grandkids, it would be nice... LOL
Reminds me of what I used to tell the kids when I coached hockey - if you’re not falling then you’re not trying hard enough!
Thanks! I'll send that one to my daughter. She's a gold medal quitter. So much potential ... with so many excuses not to be. Perhaps I could have been around more as a living example like my dad when I was growing up. But she had no better example to follow than her mom who was there for her every day. A lovely little gal who faced a lifetime of adversity due to a genetic condition and still achieved so much. Anyone driving the Alaska Highway check out the granite fifty-year commemoration monument at the end. She designed it. I guess things could be worse: my daughter is not into drugs (her favorite response). But life could sure be a lot better for her and her family if she'd just get a plan and stick with it. And stop with the excuses! That's almost as destructive an addiction as drugs.

The last couple of lines in that Teddy Roosevelt quote are a gem. Don't be a sheep.
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Unlike April's grandmother, my grandfather is a bit "rough around the edges"

you can keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool or open it and remove all doubt

never drink downstream from the herd

all hat and no cows

better to be a has been than a never was

if you find yourself in hole, quit digging

not my first rodeo

that boys got a full set

"dont shoot your dick off," just never rang true for me. I prefer, 'dont shoot yourself in the foot";)
My dad told me: "There are going to be jobs in this world that you need to do. You don't want to do them but you have to do them. So get up off your lazy ass and get it done!"
I've found that those jobs you dread the most usually turn out to be the easiest and most fun ones. So I never put them off any more. I just get up and go do them. Usually they are done so fast I have to go find more work to do. LOL
That is good advice.

I've found it useful to think of life like I am on a sailboat, solo. Jobs must be done not only to get where you want to go, but to survive. They must get done. Accept that, and there isn't a question of deciding to do them or not.
Don Bauman, the old boy who I had coffee with every morning at the sawmill I worked at while going to college. He was the mill right. Didn't say a lot and had a great sense of humor when he did say something.

Don: "Randy, I hear you're getting married this weekend."​
Randy: "Yup, decided it was time to grow up before she changed her mind."​
Don: "Well Randy, I've met her a few times and I've known you for three years. Just understand, you don't bring anything to the table that she couldn't replace by noon tomorrow. Behave accordingly."​

I spit my coffee out my nose when he dropped that one on me. But, it is probably the best advice you could give a 24 year-old guy who thinks he's gonna wear the pants in a marriage.

I miss that old boy and our morning coffee. He was a mule deer hunting nut. He passed a couple years later from cancer.
Don't put your fingers where you wouldn't put your prick. (How to keep from injuring your hands.)

You can have it done quickly or you can have it done right.

No one cares about your success more than you.

There aren't any employees that can't be replaced.
"Mind over matter......if you don't mind, it doesn't matter"

Told to me by my father, as we were working outside in freezing rain, and I asked him how he could work in the old threadbare coat that exposed his backside in classic plumber crack fashion. As a lazy teenager and city kid, my life was sooooo soft compared to his hardscrabble Wyoming dirt farmer childhood, quickly followed by enlisting into the USMC and fighting in the Korean war in the depths of winter.

He lived his saying
Another from my dad-
"The cheese in the trap is always free"
Sorry for the long game quote though this one my uncle read to me as a young one... more than a few times.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt
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