What is the best piece of advice tht you have ever been given?

"Why get off in Minneapolis when your going to Chicago."

My ol man, don't half ass it if your gonna do it, do it right.

"Don't sweat the small stuff"....

In life we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents🤣 Robert Ross
What would you do if it was your house- Do what you would do if it was your house- which has roots in-do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. which is obviously biblical.

Don’t ever try to make money from something you love.
Enjoyable thread to read and many I can relate to for sure

My father was away in the war and my mother was working in the ship yards during the war, so during my formative years I was raised by my christian, Grandmother.

He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her

You need to walk a mile in his shoes before passing judgement.

"Time" is the one thing you can not buy back. Dont waste a minute of it.

Approx 18 years ago, and for very personal reasons, my grandmother's words and Tim MaGraws song, "Live like you were dying" was not just a song or a saying, but a fact of life. I thank my grandmother and my husband for always pushing, leading, encouraging me to do more than I thought I could do. I have have had wonderful life, except for hang gliding in Rio De Janeiro. I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die o_O --but I didn't. And even in my advanced years I can not wait to see what is around the next corner:)

Enjoy your life ladies and gentlemen. "Live like you were dying"
Concerning drugs my Dad said “ I can’t stop you from trying any of that sh*t. BUT, what are you gonna do if you try it and you like it????? Then what??”
The more I thought about that the more sense it made. I never tried anything. No nothing. And there was plenty around then too. Can’t say I missed any of it either.
I’ve been fortunate to spend a lot of time with people older than me that passed on a lot of wisdom but I’ll take the easy route and borrow Randy’s - Hunt while you can because you’re gonna run out of health before you run out of money.
My granddad’s favorite was something about not half assing anything, just means you get to do it twice
I received my #6 draft lottery number in late summer of 1971. After a few weeks of me mostly ignoring it, Dad got out of bed early to catch me before I went off to work. "What are you going to do about this? It's really upsetting your mom." I was thinking about checking out the Guards in Kalispell or Reserves in Whitefish. Dad was quiet for a minute and then said simply, "Son, I don't think that's the answer for you." To give some context: Dad was a surgical tech in the South Pacific and saw and did some terrible stuff during the war. But I think he saw me doing some terrible stuff to myself too. His dad and Mom's mother were both alcoholics and I seemed to be driving down that same highway in a hurry. He also knew I had great potential that a GI Bill could finance when I finished my tour. And finally, Dad was not the kind of guy to order his boys around or run their lives. He lived an example that we wanted to follow. So on the very few occasions when he gave advice or suggestions, it really meant something. I never said a word. After work I stopped off at the Army enlistment office. Shortly after Christmas I left for basic at Ft Ord. Everything I am and have today I owe to that single sentence piece of advice my dad gave me one morning fifty years ago while standing in his underwear at the front door.
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Two that have stuck with me.

My dad, "There's less traffic on the high road."

My grandfather took me aside on my wedding day, " Never keep score in your marriage. Even if your winning, and you won't, but if you are then your married to a loser."
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Ask yourself "Will it matter in two weeks?" before stressing about something. If the answer is yes ask yourself if it will matter in two years. Adjust accordingly.

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