What is the best piece of advice tht you have ever been given?

I'm not sure I agree with that. I see way too many guys who scrimp and scrape to build up a retirement fund for a fantastic bucket list only to have their health go in the toilet months after retiring. Enjoy yourself while you have your health.
Haha. My dad used to tell me that our society was built backwards. Everyone works their ass off when they’re young, and usually work till they die. He always said we shouldn’t even start working till we’re 40, still going to work till we die, but spend the time up till then enjoying life. While we still had the strength and health to do so!!

However, In reply to your other one, actually NoOne OWES anybody anything. I have to disagree with you there. If your not getting the living you expect, you have the FREEDOM to find another job. That’s the beauty of this FREE country.

But all that aside, I get what you mean
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If you’re not in bed by 10:00 you might as well come home.
Learned at young age at hunting camp
"Let your eyes do the walking"

Not the best advice I've received, period, but for hunting it sure helped.
Sorry for the csb & tldr but here goes;

Worked construction for my dad's plastering company during summers while in high school...pay was good and kept me in decent shape for football. Was working around a pretty old guy named Red and something, probably stupid, initiated an argument. Anyway, I said I'd whip his ass. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "you might but you'll be telling your friends for a long time that you almost didn't". I instantly recognized he was giving me sound advice and apologized.

Told my father what happened that evening and he said I made a wise decision...he said that Red had built timber oil derricks for 30 years, hanging from them while swinging a rig axe...and would have wrung my neck.

Years later I wept at Red's funeral.
If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.
Tell my kids this constantly 🤣 4 year old just ate shit doing massive wheelie on his little ass bike, riding no training wheels for a year already, and no shoes no helmet.. which is always an arguement… if you’re gonna be dumb…… 🤣
Don’t let your mouth write a check that ya ass can’t cash!

Don’t tell on your friends!

I had another, that was important to me… to be continued… 😑

Life isn’t fair.

If you don’t work; you don’t eat.

It’s not about winning or losing… It’s about having the heart to win OR lose….

May be more to come
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