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What is the 1 rifle you regretted buying or wished you never had bought?

I purchased a cheap hunting rifle for my first rifle ( Remington 770). It was a .270 win and it shot straight but good luck feeding shells. Only good thing I got from it was my first deer and a respect for a .270 win. I still own the rifle because I can' t bring myself to selling that hunk of metal to anyone and feel good about it. My question is this, I don't care what the reason was but what is the one rifle you wish you never would have purchased and why?

This was my first gun as well only in 30-06. I think they all had feed issues because the action was so sloppy.

I cant say I regret buying it as it was the spark that set me off on my now obsession with hunting. I couldnt afford anything else at the time (that I could find locally) so had it not been for this gun I may not be where I am now. Ultimately I gave mine to my younger brother to use as a beater gun as he was learning to hunt. It shot accurate and worked fine but you couldn't be in a hurry to chamber the next round.

The only gun I ever truly regret buying is a CVA Electra. It was an electric ignition muzzleloader. I had never muzzleloader hunted before and these were $100 when I bought one. I've had that guy fail to fire on 4 deer before I finally put it in the safe to never be used again.
I'm with you Scarey,Remington 770 won't feed shells.Paid to have it worked on twice.
still a piece of shiete!:cool:
Never had one I regretted buying, but several I regret selling.

That's why I hang on to my Ruger Precision. Won't get enough for it and is fun at a range.

I have a Remington 7400 semiauto 30-06 that has always given me trouble. Had trigger assembly cleaned and there was a broke spring but trigger is still crap. But my Dad bought it for me years ago and I've killed deer with it. I am going to pull the scope off for my muzzleloader but it will be stored rather than sold. Had a guy offer to buy it too.
Husband -----378 Weatherby, 505 Gibbs, 8 bore (black powder ) Actually I wish we had held onto the double 8--but not to hunt with ( There was also an A-Square caliber along the way that left soon after it arrived )

Me--muzzleloader---I tried and did not enjoy it, sold it and never looked back. I also prefer a typewriter to a Quill Pen
300 weatherby light weight. It has a muzzle break but I'm just not a fan of the big boom. Most guys would be very happy with how the gun shoots and carries. I just prefer rifles a little more precise. Most of its purely mental and just preference.
Had my Model 4 in .270 jam on a trip, so I picked up a savage axis in 7-08 thinking it’d be a fine replacement. It misfired on me twice, felt awful, and had a terrible trigger pull. Traded it in and took a loss on the purchase. Replaced that axis with a tikka t3x hunter in 30-06 and couldn’t be happier.
Never had one I regretted buying, but several I regret selling.

Sorta where I'm at on this one as the one rifle I really regret parting with went in an imprudent trade for one I don't miss....a lapse in judgement on my part.
This past weekend, I sold a gun I regretted buying. I've had buyer's remorse with several items that were not what I thought they were or I could not use or enjoy like I had originally anticipated. Why should a gun be any different?
Remington 700 .204 R that shot very poorly. After a new PacNor barrel in .204 R, Gretan firing pin and spring, BDL bottom metal and a B&C stock it shoots great....just like the used Cooper .204 R I bought for less $$$!
I think I only ever sold one gun and that was a model 700 sendero in 7STW. However, I sold it to a best friend and he puts it to good use and loves it.
I've been very lucky, I guess. I've never regretted buying a rifle, because I only buy Remington Model Seven and M700 rifles. I don't sell guns, so I've never had that regret.
Savage 99 in .308. That thing kicked the dog crap out of everyone. Sure wish I had the 99 in .243 though go figure
hossblur always loved mt .308,used for 1000yd. matches at local shooting facility.Pigs,Deer,Elk
But as stated,that sucker Kicked!

Europe whats a typewriter and what the heck is a Quill pen?lol!!:cool: