Yeti GOBOX Collection

What do you do for a living?

Good luck with the move and the new little one, 1_p.

I'm a wildlife biologist and do private consulting, primarily in the energy industry. Probably making life difficult for Big Slick. ;)

"You one of those Environmentalists?" ;)
Grats on the little one joining your family 1_Pointer.

A sign in my kitchen reads, "Happy wife, Happy life".... TOO TRUE!
Thanks for the congrats on the little one!! Hopefully he'll wait on making an appearance for two things: 1. the inlaws to get here to help with his older (3yo) brother and 2. we pick out a name. :D
Congrats on the baby and the move 1-pointer. Good luck at the new job.
You're a range guy. Ever think of a botanical name? Maybe Quercus? ;)
Like you said I am (when do I have to say was?) a range guy. A botanical name would have to be a better forage species than Quercus... ;) Not sure the wife's gonna go for Agropyron. :D
Best of luck with the move, promotion, and new addition to the family Pointer.

I work for the state of Idaho and like some of the others am one of those damn environmentalists to a degree.

Good luck with the move and the new job.

I've been wearing so many hats lately...not quite sure what my job title should be. It changes from day to day, sometimes from hour to hour.

My primary job is a Forester with the USFS...but after opening my yap...since about March I've also been the NFFE Legislative Rep. for my local union 1950. Just this week, after attending some training in Madison Wisconsin, I'm also now an advanced Steward as well. Beings how I didnt have enough going on with all my "free" time I also took on the responsibilities as a National Safety Representative. I've also been asked to become an accident investigator...not sure about that one and not sure I need anything else right now.

I'm a classic under-achiever.
After Buzz's remarks, I feel a little inferior. I'm a General Contractor, I've been building sense 1977, my sophomore year in high school. I've built some some nice commercial projects, all here in the Bitterroot Valley. I'm working on some big projects right now. Bidding some blue bird houses, and I have contracts for several dog houses. Things are popping.
Thanks Buzz! It's not a surprise to me how many hats you might be wearing. The position I'm leaving was sorta that way, giving one all the responsibility they want and more they don't. I doubt budgets will get any better with the Gulf happenings. Don't be surprised if you see a fat guy wandering around WY in September, just maybe not this year... :(
I am a dumpster diver.

Here I am taking a break.

I am full time paid Firfighter/EMT. I have been doing it for almost 10 years and still love it. But like almost everyone on here that is just what I do between hunting seasons.
I'm a package delivery driver for UPS. Not exactly what I went to college for but it pays the bills.
When I'm not out looking for sheds I'm a journeyman electrician. I primarily do service calls but when theres no service work I'm on new construction jobs, everything from industrial to residential ( residential sucks btw).

I have 1 more year before I'm making a career change, either take my administrators test or go another route I've discussed with many on here....

full time shed hunter ;)