Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

What do you do for a living?

general contractor residential and commercial vuilding and remodeling, Commercial was the only thing keeping the bills paid however our largest client is struggling in this economy as well so have slowed there plans in turn slowing our business. They say its turning around I dont see it in this part of country yet
Protecting your food supply by being a veterinarian in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, looking at beef all day- dead and alive. Cook your hamburger, E. coli is an SOB!
Machinist both areospace and commercial.
and I design soft plastic Fishing lures for hobbiest and big companies alike

Protecting your food supply by being a veterinarian in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, looking at beef all day- dead and alive. Cook your hamburger, E. coli is an SOB!

I'm betting you appreciate your own game meat on a different level than the rest of us.
To pass the time i par take in Surveying and Engineering at the time i am working toward my Land Surveying License in Wyoming...:D
I'm a Civil Engineer that works primarily designing highways, roads, performing traffic engineering studies, and in the field of right-of-way acquisition/negotiation for roads and utilities.

Interesting work most of the time, can get pretty tedious the rest of the time. Pays for good hunting gear and keep the family fed and warm.
A saying from my line of work with the Air Force........"On the seventh Day god created the Nuclear Weapon Specialist; to undo what it took him 6 days to build." I'm allowed to "play" with the A-bomb 5 days a week. Some weekends, holidays, etc. as well. I also have a little gun-dog training business on the side as well as run them in AKC Hunt tests and HRC tests.
I am also a manufactures' rep...... but I get to sell fun stuff. I sell guns, optics, fishing rods and reels, watersports equipment, ammo etc.......

I cover all of Montana and half of Wyoming. I generally work pretty long hours, but I make my own schedule for the most part and there are definitiely some perks to the job. Like say, an all expenses paid trip to BC to chase grizzly bears :)

I am also a manufactures' rep...... but I get to sell fun stuff. I sell guns, optics, fishing rods and reels, watersports equipment, ammo etc.......

I cover all of Montana and half of Wyoming. I generally work pretty long hours, but I make my own schedule for the most part and there are definitiely some perks to the job. Like say, an all expenses paid trip to BC to chase grizzly bears :)


I hate you.

Can you get me a job in this territory? :D
Thought I would get this thread goin' again.
For pay I'm a Radiologic Technologist (x-ray tech). I manage an outpatient imaging center and perform MRI's and CT Scans. For free, I designed and maintain my church website, lead worship, and put together the slide presentation for lyrics, scripture and announcements.
Own my own little business in Graphic Design/Sign & Banners mostly, Furniture Fabrication and decoy carving as more of a passion than money. But it also pays pretty well
I'm a private contractor. I'm under contract to not have a job. Still trying to figure out how that happened. At least I get to go hunting/fishing every day.
I'm a Professional Animal Scientist. I work for a regional feedmill in Northern California where I formulate rations, order ingredients, consult with poultry and livestock producers, and manage a retail feed and supply store.
I mount my stuff on the cheap, when I actually bring something home.

Aaaahhhhhhhhh the good ol' days.

Me ? Work in Civil Engineering (Again) I draw purdy pictures. What we should start is a thread of what all we've done, and what we plan to do in the future. That would be a crazy topic ;)