PEAX Equipment

What do you do for a living?

Since today was so boring at work I dug around some and decided to bump this in case anybody wanted to get in on the action. Or give me an idea for a new career :) I am so bored
...still a payday loaning sidewalk barristering conflict resolutionist building subcontractor...and the hours are longer these days. :(
I've decided to give up on my career in wind energy, and invest all my time into starting a website through AmWay.
If my calculations are right, I should have my double ruby eagle diamond badge by the end of the year, and be retired in 18 months.
I've decided to give up on my career in wind energy, and invest all my time into starting a website through AmWay.
If my calculations are right, I should have my double ruby eagle diamond badge by the end of the year, and be retired in 18 months.

LMAO!!! Shouldn't you keep working until you get that pink cadillac...or is that Avon?
I've decided to give up on my career in wind energy, and invest all my time into starting a website through AmWay.
If my calculations are right, I should have my double ruby eagle diamond badge by the end of the year, and be retired in 18 months.

The next dipchit who asks me to meet them at Perkins so they can give me their Quickstar presentation is going to get a loogey in the ear.
I've decided to give up on my career in wind energy, and invest all my time into starting a website through AmWay.
If my calculations are right, I should have my double ruby eagle diamond badge by the end of the year, and be retired in 18 months.

Randy - I need to compile a couple names for you from the wind energy show in Texas a couple of weeks ago. I know you're lookin in MT area but I don't have much new going on there. A little bit in WY and a whole lot in TX and some on the eastern shore coming.
That was a good laugh. Thanks Randy! :)

I'm in the Federal law enforcement world of employment. Great retirement program 1.7 to 1 ratio for retirement time. Only downside, mandatory max retirement at age 57. Love my job.

As the sig line states - one either lives to work... or works to live.
Randy - I need to compile a couple names for you from the wind energy show in Texas a couple of weeks ago. I know you're lookin in MT area but I don't have much new going on there. A little bit in WY and a whole lot in TX and some on the eastern shore coming.

Thanks WV, I'd appreciate that. It is looking like I'm going to need to head to either eastern Washington or Southeast Wyoming for a couple years until the stuff around here picks up.

Have you been paying attention to the Grasslands RE projects up here at all? I got to check out the proposed Martinsdale Pumped storage site a little bit this week. Interesting stuff.
Thanks WV, I'd appreciate that. It is looking like I'm going to need to head to either eastern Washington or Southeast Wyoming for a couple years until the stuff around here picks up.

Have you been paying attention to the Grasslands RE projects up here at all? I got to check out the proposed Martinsdale Pumped storage site a little bit this week. Interesting stuff.

Should pick up pretty quick. Wind Generators are always breaking down. Job security. If you can handle it. I know a lot of guys that have worked at the ones in SE wyoming and elsewhere. They all ended up making career changes after a couple years.

I was on a wind generator project 4 years ago and when I was back home last about 15% of the field were in need of repairs....

They want to put a lot up here in AK in the next few years. So theres always the option of ending up here.... :D
Have you been paying attention to the Grasslands RE projects up here at all? I got to check out the proposed Martinsdale Pumped storage site a little bit this week. Interesting stuff.

Kind of funny you'd mention GRE. I did some work for them last summer. I thought everything they were doing was very interesting and I'm glad to hear it's moving along.

Might as well pitch the website while I'm at it:

If this whole Computer Engineering thing doesn't work out as well as I hope, I think something in this field would be pretty fun to work on.
Rangeland Management Specialist for the BLM. And yep, I like my job! Like what I do, who I work with (for the most part), and the benefits. Just wish I could make a career of it...

Since this got bumped, I realized how prophetic my post was. I will soon be a District Conservationist in Muncie, Indiana. It'll be quite a change from what I'm doing and where I'm doing it.
A Conservationist that works out of a District office??? ;)

Below is a pretty generic description of the duties:
· Directs field office operations, analyzes workloads, develops individual field office business plan (plan of operations) or works with other field offices to develop a team business plan, and establishes goals in line with needs, available manpower, and other resources.

· Provides guidance to the conservation district board of supervisors in developing and carrying out the district's program. Coordinates the field office program with the district's program and work plan. Assists the conservation district board of supervisors in gathering information from the public to find out what their resource concerns are and their ideas on what can and should be done to meet the resource concerns. Assists the conservation district board of supervisors in developing plans and/or projects to meet the public's resource concerns.

· Provides technical assistance and guidance to individuals and small groups of farmers and ranchers in the development, application, and maintenance of natural resources conservation plans. Implements Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs and/or activities in accordance with NRCS environmental policy.

· Directs a follow-up and maintenance program on farms, ranches and other various types of operations. Provides for periodic review of natural resources conservation plans and progress made in applying resource management systems.

· Provides technical guidance and assistance, including soil interpretations, erosion control recommendations, and water control recommendations to individuals and groups such as those with responsibilities for federal, state, county, township, and municipal land use planning and development.
Machinist. Retired as of March. Eight years at the Dravo shipyards and thirty one in my own machine shop with my dad and brother.
I didn't know people would/could move east after living in the great west!
I didn't either! ;) It was with a bit of a heavy heart that I took the job, but in the long run it will be better for our family. My mom had a sign in the kitchen when I was growing up that read, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy". Being married I realize there's a bit of truth to that. Besides, now I'll have a better shot at drawing tags in UT! :D
I didn't either! ;) It was with a bit of a heavy heart that I took the job, but in the long run it will be better for our family. My mom had a sign in the kitchen when I was growing up that read, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy". Being married I realize there's a bit of truth to that. Besides, now I'll have a better shot at drawing tags in UT! :D

Your childhood was different than mine. The sign in our kitchen was "A women doesn't speak, unless spoken to" ;):eek:

GL with your move!
That's funny!! I didn't realize you were old enough to have grown up in the '50s... :D

With a new baby being born no later than 6/28, I'll need some thank!

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