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What do you do for a living?

Does anyone like their job?

I hate mine. I only stay for the 4 day work weeks, come and go as I please, large amounts of time off and they pay 100% health prems for me and my wife. Keeps me sucked in here.

Goldmember / "So there's no pleasing you?" \ Goldmember
I am finishing up my AAS in Electrical Engineering Technology.....just because the owner won't sell me the place with out an Electrical degree of some sort. Anyways, I do a lot of work with windfarms in MT and WY. Mostly do the takeoffs for the collection fields and foundation grounding. I have some pretty good contacts out that way. When you're ready to start looking let me know.

That's awesome, I'll have to get in touch with you later on more.
I've been in contact with Invenergy in Judith Gap, and I'm really hoping that's where I can settle. Absolutely love that part of the state.
Electronic Technician for the Federal Aviation Administration. 4 day work week and come and go as i please.
I work at an airport in NC. Supervisor over airfield, vehicle, and building (hangar) maintenance and also over Wildlife Committee at the airport...which can be fun with a depredation permit! ;)

remauto1187, I may have a few questions if you work directly with airfield electronic (ie. Localizer, MALSR, PAPI, REIL`s, Glideslope, etc). Always scratching my head on some of our problems.

This type of forum started a few months ago on another forum that I am on and it is up to 17000 posts...yicks!
I'm in the death and destruction business. I work on the A-10 warthog as a weapons systems mechanic.
I am a CPA. Great gig - you work your tail off from December to April, then you hunt and fish the rest of the year.

Then, I went and BOUGHT this other job as a website owner and TV show producer, and now I realize I better not quit my real job.
I am a diecast engineer and partner in a casting plant, with the economy what it is and the administration pushing a global growth over american growth, it really sucks.
I am a CPA. Great gig - you work your tail off from December to April, then you hunt and fish the rest of the year.

Then, I went and BOUGHT this other job as a website owner and TV show producer, and now I realize I better not quit my real job.

:D Come on now, we all know you are a big tv superstar making millions.

And buying a job is exactly what I will be doing when I buy the rep firm, at least I am getting paid to do the job right now.
Ultrahunter-we still use A-10's in our military? I thought we retired them.

Yep still got them. They are getting a little old but still kicking tail!!! There are actually lots of them left, from the active duty to guard/reserve. Still a pretty good jet!
Forward commodity trading for an electric/gas utility. Trading itself is great fun. All the support work, politicking, and extra projects make the days long.