What do you do for a living?

I'm a Regional Inventory/ Audit Manager (Loss Prevention Div) for most of the SE. If you see me walking in the front door, unanounced, 'someone' had better be running for the backdoor before I get there !!!
For five months of the year I disinherit the US Treasury as a CPA. The rest of the year I disinherit my son by galavanting around the country filming crazy TV episodes.

When I grow up and have a real job, I want to hunt antelope in every western state that has tags, every year. That would be my dream job.

Good luck with the move and the new job.

I've been wearing so many hats lately...not quite sure what my job title should be. It changes from day to day, sometimes from hour to hour.

My primary job is a Forester with the USFS...but after opening my yap...since about March I've also been the NFFE Legislative Rep. for my local union 1950. Just this week, after attending some training in Madison Wisconsin, I'm also now an advanced Steward as well. Beings how I didnt have enough going on with all my "free" time I also took on the responsibilities as a National Safety Representative. I've also been asked to become an accident investigator...not sure about that one and not sure I need anything else right now.

I'm a classic under-achiever.

As a recovering beneficiary of Club Fed (federal employee) I appreciate hearing about hard working federal employees. In a previous life a great federal salary was easy livin and left tons of time for hunting, with pay. I busted my butt but sure did not have to based on the folks I was around all day. Now I bust my butt even harder to make less but love it as a water resources consultant specializing in stakeholder processes, meaning I listen a lot and talk a lot....and stick my nose in places many will not.
I deliver good old fashion bread....Sara Lee is now running my life but maybe one day I can build up enough vacation to start putting in some quality hunting time
I am a Safety Manager for a construction company and they seems to think I like to travel. I have not been home (to work) in over 2yrs and it looks like my next job again maybe out of state.
I am a regional airline pilot based in Minneapolis and live in Minot, ND. Let me clear up a few misconceptions...
No it is not a glamorous job.
No it is not exciting.
The pay is VERY poor. My first year i made $12 an hour.
We have very, VERY few good looking flight attendants. Most of them fall into what we call the 3 G's: gay, ghetto or grandma. Sad but mostly true...
I hope to quit flying within 5 years and if i could do it over again, I would definitely choose a different profession.
Normally I'm a very happy and positive person, just not when I think about my job!!
I work in a glass factory,I unload glass there now been working there for 11 years.Not a bad job for around this area but it does have the factory politics.12 hour shifts 3-4 days a week.I would much rather be doing something different but I cant beat the amount off days off I get.
When I left the private sector I was a digital color imaging specialist, troubleshooter and trainer in that field. After retirement I took up stonemasonry, specializing in restoration of historical edifices, walls, etc. No one wants to pay for good stonework anymore and my back told me not to work alone anymore, so now it's the odd remodeling job and occasionally make a piece of furniture.
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I work in a glass factory,I unload glass there now been working there for 11 years.Not a bad job for around this area but it does have the factory politics.12 hour shifts 3-4 days a week.I would much rather be doing something different but I cant beat the amount off days off I get.

I was a glass cutter for a couple years. Glass is definitely an interesting product to work with.

As for now, I'm done with school and working in the manufacturing of a Missoula based electronics company. Not at all what I want to be doing, but something for now.

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