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Western Hunting Self-Promoter Identifying Traits

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But you left out the kicker...Napalming a western public land hunting forum with self promotional, anti-public land hunter posts in an attempt to exploit said forum’s viewership. Can’t get views on your own, so being a parasite on an actual successful hunting platform must be the next best thing?

Public land elk tenderloin with caramelized onions and Gorgonzola crumbles. Yum. Maybe I’ll put it on Instagram.
Doing a quick search of this guy I think I figured out part of His posts. He’s trying to be banned so he can throw up a “feel bad”give me attention case on his website. I guess He got banned from Rokslide and posted it on his website then bad mouths the forum owner Robby Denning, the title reads “

Mountain Pursuit Banned From Western-State Hunting Forum Website for Defending Fair Chase, Resident Hunter Preference”​

it’s all about attention. He’s a troll
I'm finding this entertaining even though it's completely dumb to come over here and "astroturf"
For the record I thought someone said "astrosurfing" and it was something related to Astro-glide which piqued by interest.

So the OP is pretty much a clown on the internet even if he's a decent guy in real life. I'd appreciate it if he'd produce some Non-Resident Hunter bumper stickers along with some window stickers with the same message. I'll take an XL on some NR hunter shirts too.

I've got no problem offending people while riding around in someone else's truck adorned with NR Hunter stickers. What could go wrong?

Dude went to a lot of effort to irritate management here. Seems he could spend that time promoting a cause that might earn him enough cash for a new pair of crossfit shoes or some Mtn Ops supplements.
How about

1) internet posters that invade forums just for attention and have no discernable objective other than to create noise
2) guys who sell a product called the "Athlete Subscription Package" and then turn around and criticize others for selling or promoting subscriptions services
3) webmasters who seemingly aren't aware the color photos are a technical possibility
4) business owners who have a gear shop, but complain about others having a gear shop
5) anyone whose Medium profile pic involves not one, but two instances, of their own brand (in a gym nonetheless), yet criticizes anyone wearing own-branded gear OR posting training pics

You are free to advocate for wildlife causes, but please cut out the hypocritical nonsense.
We should also add: Someone hypocritically condemning others for the “monetization of wildlife” althewhile having their own wildlife website/platform with a big DONATE button on it!

Rob, I notice you removed the Board members’ picks from the About page of your website. Maybe because James’ pic was exactly this? Or did you decide that pics of yourself lifting weights is a bit self-promoting?
I also like the comment about tshirt that’s too small. After someone posted a pic of
Him in the last thread in a shirt that’s too small.
Rob, I notice you removed the Board members’ picks from the About page of your website. Maybe because James’ pic was exactly this? Or did you decide that pics of yourself lifting weights is a bit self-promoting?
My photo was a distraction and James' was clearly hypocritical, which rightly deserved to be pointed out. Stupid mistake on my part.
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