De-publicize, De-glorify and De-monetize Western State Hunting

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A buddy of mine who's a realtor told me he got stopped by HP for hunting off the interstate about five years back. According to his story, he called the local warden at the time who kinda helped him get out of the situation. Apparently the HP was pretty wound up about it at first.
I would have told the HP to go shake down the 7-11 for a cold wiener.

My I-80 buck was pretty cool actually...was so muddy that day you had no choice but stay on the pavement.


I-25 was just a buck...

Mountain Pursuit didn't develop DDD, but when it came onto our radar we saw it aligned with what we've seen and have been advocating for several years now.

The brutal truth of hunting is that animals suffer and die for the hunter's recreation. Defending this politically is difficult in any environment, but what's happening now via the industry marketing onslaught and social media is this is out there for everyone to see and for anti-hunters to take advantage of. And they are, brilliantly.

The humane society is one of the biggest, most powerful anti-hunting organizations in the US. The humane society also funds dog and cat shelters around the country where dogs and cats are euthanized regularly and by the thousands. So why doesn't the humane society post photos of piles of dead dogs and cats with smiling shelter employees, and videos of dogs and cats being euthanized? Because it's politically stupid.

But this is exactly what hunters and the hunting industry does.

From the hunting industry side - "content" is produced to sell product, memberships, subscriptions, advertising, etc. Overglorification of western-state hunting is done to lure in eastern and midwestern hunters, or new western-state residents, and get them to spend a thousand dollars on camo, a thousand dollars on a new bow or 3 thousand on a new rifle, 1-3 thousand on optics, $600 on a backpack, and on and on. It's not that complicated.

The problem is it's political suicide. Below is MP's position on DDD:


Nation-wide, hunting is a dying tradition in the United States. Hunting's roots lie in rural areas and rural populations, and as the nation urbanizes, fewer young people will be introduced to hunting.

While rural America has been slowly dying, the interest in western state hunting has exploded - driven primarily by industry marketing and celebrity hunter self-promotion.

Mountain Pursuit strongly believes in the Depublicize, Deglorify and Demonitize (DDD) movement as it applies to western state hunting. Mountain Pursuit did not begin this movement, but rather found it aligns with many of the concerns and positions we’ve taken since our inception.

De-publicize, De-glorify & De-monetize Western State Hunting
Self-promoting hunters and the hunting industry leverage social media to attract eyeballs, which they quickly monetize via subscriptions, apparel and gear sales, memberships, sponsorships, etc.

Eastern and Midwestern white tail deer hunters and non-hunting newcomers to the west are the primary target audience for the hunting industry marketing and media onslaught. The aim is to extract dollars from this target audience.

Within the hunting industry, a corrupt “circle jerk” of celebrity hunters, hunting movie producers, gear/clothing manufacturers, internet hunting service companies (, etc.), podcasters, and approving mainstream hunting nonprofits stroke each other daily to keep content machine producing, audience growing, and money rolling in.

All hunting TV shows, movies, videos, podcasts and self-promoting celebrity hunters glorify western-state hunting. Hunting by its nature is a controversial activity and its glorified over-promotion will only bring unwanted attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non-hunters. This unwanted attention will ultimately increase political opposition to hunting in general, and western-state hunting in particular.

Filmed kill shots and dead animal photos are political suicide for the future of western-state hunting. Glorified, self-promoting hunting content is a direct political threat to the future of hunting in the western-state US.

Unlike the East, Western-state hunting is dependent upon hunting being allowed on federal lands - USFS and BLM. Under current law, it only takes a department rule or a Presidential Executive Order to severely restrict, or even end, hunting on federal lands. Even though the states manage the wildlife, and hunting can be a management tool, state governments cannot dictate to the federal government how to manage activity on federal land. Specifically, federal restriction on hunting on federal land happened during the Obama administration in Alaska, and is currently being proposed by the Biden administration, again in Alaska.

Hunting media increases hype and hunting pressure on western-state public lands. Self-promoting celebrity hunters and the hunting industry value money from new nonresident hunters over maintaining uncrowded, quality hunting experiences for western-state resident hunters.

Hunting at its core is about seeing, not about being seen. Cameras, microphones and film crews violate this true spirit of hunting, increase hunting pressure, and bring hunting unneeded attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non hunters.

Mountain Pursuit will fight to make hunting social media posting taboo and to forcefully embarrass/discourage self-promotors from hunting.
Instead of trying to unite hunters you have come up with a bunch of hunt like I do or dont hunt at all self righteous crap. We as hunters should be tolerant of other legal and ethical hunters. We don't have to agree about the legal methods that each of us employ to harvest game. But we must agree that hunting is a sacred right that all of us must gift to future generations. Respectfully, Bob
Instead of trying to unite hunters you have come up with a bunch of hunt like I do or dont hunt at all self righteous crap. We as hunters should be tolerant of other legal and ethical hunters. We don't have to agree about the legal methods that each of us employ to harvest game. But we must agree that hunting is a sacred right that all of us must gift to future generations. Respectfully, Bob
The allies of my enemies are not my friends.

Self-promoting celebrity hunters, and hunting industry marketing which floods social media with dead animal pics and slow-motion kill shot video are the allies of anti-hunters.

The people posting this stuff aren't doing it because they love hunting - they are posting this stuff in the hopes of monetizing it through product sales, advertising, sponsorships, subscriptions, etc. Their short-term pursuit of money is a long term threat to the future of western-state ungulate hunting.
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Rob, how many times do I have to ask you to follow the rules and quit violating the Terms of Use, such as not promoting your platforms or links to your website?

I've told you the rules and Terms of Use on the threads and via PMs. You just don't get it. No matter what I ask, you in essence give me the finger.

Here is what you have put out there in your "About" profile. It is almost like you want to be banned so you can go tell the world that another platform banned you because they don't want dissenting opinions.

I tolerate all dissenting opinions. I don't tolerate people who won't follow the rules and flaunt their dissension on purpose.

The crew here can testify that you have been given a longer leash than any person who has ever been on this forum purposefully and intentionally violating the Terms of Use. Others operating in this manner were banned by now.

Your time here is likely short, and not because of your opinions. If you are banned, it will be because you operate as though the rules don't apply to you and you continue to push back against every request I have made of you.

Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 10.56.08 AM.png
Here is what you have put out there in your "About" profile. It is almost like you want to be banned so you can go tell the world that another platform banned you because they don't want dissenting opinions.

That's been it the whole time and it's why he came in here talking about cancel culture right out of the gate.
Rob, how many times do I have to ask you to follow the rules and quit violating the Terms of Use, such as not promoting your platforms or links to your website?

I've told you the rules and Terms of Use on the threads and via PMs. You just don't get it. No matter what I ask, you in essence give me the finger.

Here is what you have put out there in your "About" profile. It is almost like you want to be banned so you can go tell the world that another platform banned you because they don't want dissenting opinions.

I tolerate all dissenting opinions. I don't tolerate people who won't follow the rules and flaunt their dissension on purpose.

The crew here can testify that you have been given a longer leash than any person who has ever been on this forum purposefully and intentionally violating the Terms of Use. Others operating in this manner were banned by now.

Your time here is likely short, and not because of your opinions. If you are banned, it will be because you operate as though the rules don't apply to you and you continue to push back against every request I have made of you.

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The allies of my enemies are not my friends.

Self-promoting celebrity hunters, and hunting industry marketing which floods social media with dead animal pics and slow-motion kill shot video are the allies of anti-hunters.

The people posting this stuff aren't doing it because they love hunting - they are posting this stuff in the hopes of monetizing it through product sales, advertising, sponsorships, subscriptions, etc. Their short-term pursuit of money is a long term threat to the future of western-state ungulate hunting.
You sound like a broken record and you offer nothing to most legitimate hunters.
Rob, how many times do I have to ask you to follow the rules and quit violating the Terms of Use, such as not promoting your platforms or links to your website?

I've told you the rules and Terms of Use on the threads and via PMs. You just don't get it. No matter what I ask, you in essence give me the finger.

Here is what you have put out there in your "About" profile. It is almost like you want to be banned so you can go tell the world that another platform banned you because they don't want dissenting opinions.

I tolerate all dissenting opinions. I don't tolerate people who won't follow the rules and flaunt their dissension on purpose.

The crew here can testify that you have been given a longer leash than any person who has ever been on this forum purposefully and intentionally violating the Terms of Use. Others operating in this manner were banned by now.

Your time here is likely short, and not because of your opinions. If you are banned, it will be because you operate as though the rules don't apply to you and you continue to push back against every request I have made of you.

View attachment 181576
My apologies, Mr. Newberg.

I'm not purposely trying to break your forum rules. Your "about" form asks for a website address.

As well, I think it would appear deceptive to post to your forum and not acknowledge my affiliation in the "about" part. I see others doing that here and it seems underhanded. You don't agree?

It does speak very well of you that haven't banned me yet - because of my positions.
It does speak very well of you that haven't banned me yet - because of my positions.

This is exactly what I was referencing earlier.

You and me and everyone else here knows that when you get banned, it won't be "because of your positions."

There are diverse opinions and myriad daily pissing matches all over this site that serve as proof enough that no one gets banned because of their "positions."

There's nothing I or anyone else here can do to stop you from doing exactly what you're going to do when you finally do get banned (and you will, because that's been your goal from the start IMO), which is to run to the next forum and cry thaf you got banned by big bad Randy Newberg because he couldn't tolerate your oh-so-heterodox opinions.

But just know that most people see right through the nonsense, and your organization and whatever good work it may be capable of doing will be hampered by your silly behavior as long as you insist on keeping it up.
My about me just lists a few of my favorite things.
Remarkably unpretentious and ineloquent. My kind of guy. However, I’m fearful you may be an ultra liberal elitist. Or maybe it was an ultra elite liberalist? Regardless, you’d look damn good in a resident hunter shirt from our friend.
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