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De-publicize, De-glorify and De-monetize Western State Hunting

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Jun 22, 2019
Mountain Pursuit didn't develop DDD, but when it came onto our radar we saw it aligned with what we've seen and have been advocating for several years now.

The brutal truth of hunting is that animals suffer and die for the hunter's recreation. Defending this politically is difficult in any environment, but what's happening now via the industry marketing onslaught and social media is this is out there for everyone to see and for anti-hunters to take advantage of. And they are, brilliantly.

The humane society is one of the biggest, most powerful anti-hunting organizations in the US. The humane society also funds dog and cat shelters around the country where dogs and cats are euthanized regularly and by the thousands. So why doesn't the humane society post photos of piles of dead dogs and cats with smiling shelter employees, and videos of dogs and cats being euthanized? Because it's politically stupid.

But this is exactly what hunters and the hunting industry does.

From the hunting industry side - "content" is produced to sell product, memberships, subscriptions, advertising, etc. Overglorification of western-state hunting is done to lure in eastern and midwestern hunters, or new western-state residents, and get them to spend a thousand dollars on camo, a thousand dollars on a new bow or 3 thousand on a new rifle, 1-3 thousand on optics, $600 on a backpack, and on and on. It's not that complicated.

The problem is it's political suicide. Below is MP's position on DDD:


Nation-wide, hunting is a dying tradition in the United States. Hunting's roots lie in rural areas and rural populations, and as the nation urbanizes, fewer young people will be introduced to hunting.

While rural America has been slowly dying, the interest in western state hunting has exploded - driven primarily by industry marketing and celebrity hunter self-promotion.

Mountain Pursuit strongly believes in the Depublicize, Deglorify and Demonitize (DDD) movement as it applies to western state hunting. Mountain Pursuit did not begin this movement, but rather found it aligns with many of the concerns and positions we’ve taken since our inception.

De-publicize, De-glorify & De-monetize Western State Hunting
Self-promoting hunters and the hunting industry leverage social media to attract eyeballs, which they quickly monetize via subscriptions, apparel and gear sales, memberships, sponsorships, etc.

Eastern and Midwestern white tail deer hunters and non-hunting newcomers to the west are the primary target audience for the hunting industry marketing and media onslaught. The aim is to extract dollars from this target audience.

Within the hunting industry, a corrupt “circle jerk” of celebrity hunters, hunting movie producers, gear/clothing manufacturers, internet hunting service companies (gohunt.com, etc.), podcasters, and approving mainstream hunting nonprofits stroke each other daily to keep content machine producing, audience growing, and money rolling in.

All hunting TV shows, movies, videos, podcasts and self-promoting celebrity hunters glorify western-state hunting. Hunting by its nature is a controversial activity and its glorified over-promotion will only bring unwanted attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non-hunters. This unwanted attention will ultimately increase political opposition to hunting in general, and western-state hunting in particular.

Filmed kill shots and dead animal photos are political suicide for the future of western-state hunting. Glorified, self-promoting hunting content is a direct political threat to the future of hunting in the western-state US.

Unlike the East, Western-state hunting is dependent upon hunting being allowed on federal lands - USFS and BLM. Under current law, it only takes a department rule or a Presidential Executive Order to severely restrict, or even end, hunting on federal lands. Even though the states manage the wildlife, and hunting can be a management tool, state governments cannot dictate to the federal government how to manage activity on federal land. Specifically, federal restriction on hunting on federal land happened during the Obama administration in Alaska, and is currently being proposed by the Biden administration, again in Alaska.

Hunting media increases hype and hunting pressure on western-state public lands. Self-promoting celebrity hunters and the hunting industry value money from new nonresident hunters over maintaining uncrowded, quality hunting experiences for western-state resident hunters.

Hunting at its core is about seeing, not about being seen. Cameras, microphones and film crews violate this true spirit of hunting, increase hunting pressure, and bring hunting unneeded attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non hunters.

Mountain Pursuit will fight to make hunting social media posting taboo and to forcefully embarrass/discourage self-promotors from hunting.
Mountain Pursuit didn't develop DDD, but when it came onto our radar we saw it aligned with what we've seen and have been advocating for several years now.

The brutal truth of hunting is that animals suffer and die for the hunter's recreation. Defending this politically is difficult in any environment, but what's happening now via the industry marketing onslaught and social media is this is out there for everyone to see and for anti-hunters to take advantage of. And they are, brilliantly.

The humane society is one of the biggest, most powerful anti-hunting organizations in the US. The humane society also funds dog and cat shelters around the country where dogs and cats are euthanized regularly and by the thousands. So why doesn't the humane society post photos of piles of dead dogs and cats with smiling shelter employees, and videos of dogs and cats being euthanized? Because it's politically stupid.

But this is exactly what hunters and the hunting industry does.

From the hunting industry side - "content" is produced to sell product, memberships, subscriptions, advertising, etc. Overglorification of western-state hunting is done to lure in eastern and midwestern hunters, or new western-state residents, and get them to spend a thousand dollars on camo, a thousand dollars on a new bow or 3 thousand on a new rifle, 1-3 thousand on optics, $600 on a backpack, and on and on. It's not that complicated.

The problem is it's political suicide. Below is MP's position on DDD:


Nation-wide, hunting is a dying tradition in the United States. Hunting's roots lie in rural areas and rural populations, and as the nation urbanizes, fewer young people will be introduced to hunting.

While rural America has been slowly dying, the interest in western state hunting has exploded - driven primarily by industry marketing and celebrity hunter self-promotion.

Mountain Pursuit strongly believes in the Depublicize, Deglorify and Demonitize (DDD) movement as it applies to western state hunting. Mountain Pursuit did not begin this movement, but rather found it aligns with many of the concerns and positions we’ve taken since our inception.

De-publicize, De-glorify & De-monetize Western State Hunting
Self-promoting hunters and the hunting industry leverage social media to attract eyeballs, which they quickly monetize via subscriptions, apparel and gear sales, memberships, sponsorships, etc.

Eastern and Midwestern white tail deer hunters and non-hunting newcomers to the west are the primary target audience for the hunting industry marketing and media onslaught. The aim is to extract dollars from this target audience.

Within the hunting industry, a corrupt “circle jerk” of celebrity hunters, hunting movie producers, gear/clothing manufacturers, internet hunting service companies (gohunt.com, etc.), podcasters, and approving mainstream hunting nonprofits stroke each other daily to keep content machine producing, audience growing, and money rolling in.

All hunting TV shows, movies, videos, podcasts and self-promoting celebrity hunters glorify western-state hunting. Hunting by its nature is a controversial activity and its glorified over-promotion will only bring unwanted attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non-hunters. This unwanted attention will ultimately increase political opposition to hunting in general, and western-state hunting in particular.

Filmed kill shots and dead animal photos are political suicide for the future of western-state hunting. Glorified, self-promoting hunting content is a direct political threat to the future of hunting in the western-state US.

Unlike the East, Western-state hunting is dependent upon hunting being allowed on federal lands - USFS and BLM. Under current law, it only takes a department rule or a Presidential Executive Order to severely restrict, or even end, hunting on federal lands. Even though the states manage the wildlife, and hunting can be a management tool, state governments cannot dictate to the federal government how to manage activity on federal land. Specifically, federal restriction on hunting on federal land happened during the Obama administration in Alaska, and is currently being proposed by the Biden administration, again in Alaska.

Hunting media increases hype and hunting pressure on western-state public lands. Self-promoting celebrity hunters and the hunting industry value money from new nonresident hunters over maintaining uncrowded, quality hunting experiences for western-state resident hunters.

Hunting at its core is about seeing, not about being seen. Cameras, microphones and film crews violate this true spirit of hunting, increase hunting pressure, and bring hunting unneeded attention and scrutiny from anti-hunters and non hunters.

Mountain Pursuit will fight to make hunting social media posting taboo and to forcefully embarrass/discourage self-promotors from hunting.
That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Blowing up other people’s forums about overhyping and over publicizing hunting while self promoting and serving your own monetization of hunting.

I supported the DDD idea when Matt Rinella brought it forward. I think it is an interesting discussion and causes people to think about what they are doing and their motivations.

That said, I ask you to take note to what I provide below, Rob. Evidently you didn't get the point when I sent a PM. Here it is again, in more detail.

Hunt Talk is not your personal website and forum for promotion of your organization/platform. Any other person who put the organization logo as the Avatar has been asked to change it. Those who refused to quit promoting their products, services, platforms, and organization have been told that this is against forum policies agreed to.

I've edited two of your posts in the last week that had direct links to your website. I sent you a PM telling you that you are welcome here, so long as you follow the rules. I do not feel compelled to read you or tell you every part of the Terms of Use you agreed to, rather told you to abide by those Terms.

Using this forum for promotion of your organization and platforms is not within the Terms of Use. Again, I am asking you to follow those rules. If you need another reminder to what you agreed to when you signed up, pay attention to Paragraph 6 at this link related to promotion of other platforms - https://www.hunttalk.com/help/terms/

I'll save you the short read. Under prohibited activity is content
  • That promotes other companies, websites, products, services, media properties, or platforms.

If you want to be here and have discussion, all points made in a decent manner are welcome, no matter how differing the opinions, no matter how critical of me and what I spent the last twenty years working on.

But, this is not your forum. Using every post and every thread to promote your organization/platform is not what is agreed to when you signed up. I've been more than tolerant of your blatant use of this forum against the rules, as you r platform is a non-profit organization. NGO's always get more leeway with me than for-profit folks who try to use the forum for something other than the personal/non-commercial use or other violations of the Terms of Use.

Yet, inspite of my requests, you continue to use this forum, one I subsidize, to complain about my efforts and lump me in with everyone/every group you are pissed at. You come to this forum, at no cost to you, seeking to reach this audience that was built with two decades of time/money, violating the Terms of Use I have pointed out to you

You complained on some threads that other forums banned you. It is almost like you have to push the limits of Terms of Use in hopes getting banned can satisfy some sort of martyr complex, justifying your crusade. If your posts and operation there were similar to how you interact here, it is no wonder you got banned.

I hope this is the last time I have to give a warning, edit a post, or send you a PM. Chime in on topics, but stop your promotion of your organization/platforms.
😂😂😂 a guy with a stick man chasing an ungulate with a stick in his profile avatar is lecturing us on how we are viewed by the non hunting public.
Dont worry, it's on a shirt too, be sure to check it out at their store. I wonder if there's a promo code we can use...

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