De-publicize, De-glorify and De-monetize Western State Hunting

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Fair point.

That is exactly what I am trying to do. Can’t speak for anyone else.

In just Wyoming or in other States without statutes that dictate the total number of non-res tags as well?
Correct, not in states that don't have total tag numbers in regulation, but Wyoming does.
You should probably brain storm this stuff in private and then try to get maybe 10-20k followers of your movement before you go about this the way you have so far.....

On another note. I made your website traffic go up 1.

Good job on trying to make your moral and ethical limits apply to everyone.

The shot distance crap is about as enforceable as minimum draw weight on bows.....which is not enforceable in the field.

When a movement....well this isn’t even that.....a few people who have an idea.....has the desire to drive a wedge between everyone else it quickly becomes a cancer that needs to be removed.

Dividing hunters is about the most stupid idea I have yet to see.

Make sure my company is the first on your boycott list....because I don’t want your money.

I can’t wait to share this crap with the industry.
Says the guy who thinks Buzz has an attitude.
Will this one go as long as the outfitter set-aside topic?

How about some

Thank you for being so generous Wyoming and it's many residents I know..

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I would like to see NR pronghorn and deer allocations stay the same...also reduced priced deer, pronghorn, and elk too.

But, LQ full priced elk, moose, sheep, goat, and bison need to change and those are the most likely to have a chance to change as well.
ok, my #1 pet peever: Wyoming OUTFITTERS. Hate'em. We don't need these parasites, don't want'em. Why oh WHY are Outfitters and Guides needed anywhere? You talk about suckin' off the public's teat?! These maggots make a living off of YOUR wildlife. If you want to de-monetize hunting, get rid of these scoundrels
Wow I see a use and need for outfitters in every state, If someone wants to spend their dollars having an outfitter with horses tents and gear take them back into a area farther than they can walk and have a guide with them that has experience hunting X animal to help them fill a tag how on earth is that a bad thing
And outfitter is no different than any other small business ,and small businesses make our country great
I think the east could easily support a larger elk herd then the rockies.
I Kinda agree, here in Pa our heard is doing well but I asked one of the local game commission wardens why it hasnt spead out more like our deer he said it has a lot to do with elk diet vs deer and they dont seem to like our hardwood forests vs more open areas grass eater vs browers like deer
I Kinda agree, here in Pa our heard is doing well but I asked one of the local game commission wardens why it hasnt spead out more like our deer he said it has a lot to do with elk diet vs deer and they dont seem to like our hardwood forests vs more open areas grass eater vs browers like deer
We got to clear out all those farms in the Midwest to put more elk in!
Wow I see a use and need for outfitters in every state, If someone wants to spend their dollars having an outfitter with horses tents and gear take them back into a area farther than they can walk and have a guide with them that has experience hunting X animal to help them fill a tag how on earth is that a bad thing
And outfitter is no different than any other small business ,and small businesses make our country great
he got tossed
I was one pronghorn away from having the Interstate trifecta and now with the demand on pronghorn tags, doubt it will ever happen. I just needed I-90 and I had the additional buck tags to pull it off too.

Wouldn't be as fun now that topgun isn't around anymore anyway...
A buddy of mine who's a realtor told me he got stopped by HP for hunting off the interstate about five years back. According to his story, he called the local warden at the time who kinda helped him get out of the situation. Apparently the HP was pretty wound up about it at first.
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