Top 10 Western State Self Promoters

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Cant we talk about something more interesting like

This line is especially entertaining

“As well, ammunition improvements and new loads, such as the 6.5 Creedmoor, have furthered the reach of these weapons.”

🤣 lol

Still can’t believe Mike and Aaron Davidson didn’t make the list. What a crock of shit. I’m unsubscribing..
What is this 'resident preference' he is for? Does his state not receive any Federal funding for conservation? Are not the USFS and BLM Federally public lands?
...and what's wrong with the BHA? If it wasn't for a couple of their members, and a few episodes of Randy's Fresh Tracks, I'd have never taken my family to Wyoming to bag antelope. Oh wait, that must be his issue...
Randy, can this piece of shit. Enough is enough.
Well, there is the entertainment factor. This is a boring time of year for many of us.

Edit: But I don't take much pride in getting my jollies helping someone make a fool of himself. Shame on me. Time to find the ignore button.
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Randy, can this piece of shit. Enough is enough.
The guy is trying to be banned so he can have another article on his site how he’s so mistreated and picked on and get attention. He did the same thing on another forum. He’s a troll trying to get negative attention and have another feel sorry for me section on his page.

Isn’t that right @mtnprst
10. Janis Putelis - TV Personality, YouTuber, Podcaster

Instagram Handle
Instagram Bio "Family man, environmentalist, conservationist, outdoorsman, MeatEater contributor"
Instagram Followers 179K
Sponsors First Lite, Meateater

9. Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Selling Memberships, Sponsorships, Advertising
Instagram Handle backcountryhunters
Instagram Bio "The Voice For Our Wild Public Lands, Waters and Wildlife."
Instagram Followers 181K
Facebook Followers 178K
YouTube Subscribers 16.5K
Podcast BHA Podcast & Blast
Sponsors VorTex, Traeger, First Lite,, Filson, Rep Your Water, Victory Archery, Stanley, Stone Glacier, Weatherby

8. Casey Lavere, Eric Chesser, Brian McElrea - YouTubers

Location Utah
Selling Logo Wear, Advertising, Sponsorships, Outfitted Hunts
Instagram Handle gethushin
Instagram Bio "All of our links are here ↙️ #Hushlife #HuntFishFood"
Instagram Followers 236K
YouTube Subscribers 369K
Facebook Followers 150K
Podcast hushlife
Sponsors Onx, Stealth Cam, Phone Scope, MTN OPS, Delta McKenzie, First Lite, Weatherby, Yeti, Hoyt, Vortex, Camp Chef, Hanwag, Easton, Cam-Am, Exo, First Lite

7. John Dudley - YouTuber, Podcaster

Location Not Listed
Selling Pants, Releases, Sights, Stabillizers, Arrows, Rests, Targets, Logo Wear, Recipes, Fitness
Instagram Handle @nockontv
Instagram Bio "Professional Archery Athlete, Elite Level Coach, Passionate Cook, Bow Guru dedicated to teaching archery to the world!"
Instagram Followers 308K
Facebook Followers 57.8K
YouTube Followers Not Listed
Podcast nockonpodcast
Sponsors Easton, Sitka, PSE, Carter

6. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Location Montana
Selling Sponsorships, Memberships, Partnerships, Podcast Advertising, Gear
Instagram Handle @rmef_official
Instagram Bio "The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s mission is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat, and our hunting heritage."
Instagram Followers 327K
Facebook Followers 579.3K
YouTube Subscribers 36.8K
Podcast None

5. Remi Warren - TV Personality, Podcaster, YouTuber

Location Montana
Selling Sponsorships, Podcast Advertising, TV Advertising
Instagram Handle @remiwarren
Instagram Bio "TV host, guide, writer, nomad. Living off wild meat. I take the pictures I am in, but I think of them as sophisticated selfies. #livewildhunthard"
Instagram Followers 330K
Facebook Followers 95K
YouTube Subscribers 18K
Podcast Cutting the Distance
Sponsors Sako, Under Armor, G5 Outdoors, Wilderness Athlete, Vortex, MEAT!, Gerber, Onx, Yeti, Stone Glacier

4. Jim Shockey - TV Personality

Location British Columbia
Selling Advertising, Sponsorships, Outfitted Hunts
Instagram Handle @jimshockeyofficial
Instagram Bio "Naturalist, Outfitter, Author, TV Producer and Host of Jim Shockey’s The Professionals and UNCHARTED on Outdoor Channel."
Instagram Followers 410K
Sponsors Bowtech, Yeti, Ripcord Travel Insurance, Outdoor TV, Leupold, Hornaday, TC Arms Muzzleloader, Christian Arms, Havalon Knives, Bass Pro Shops / Cabela's

3. Eva Shockey - TV Personality, Lifestyle Brand

Location North Carolina
Selling Sponsorships, Partnerships, Advertising, Hunting Gear, Home Furnishings, Women's Fashion/Jewelry/Cosmetics
Instagram Handle @evashockey
Instagram Bio "Family Outdoors Health and Home."
Instagram Followers 561K
Facebook Followers 1.1M
YouTube Subscribers No Channel
Podcast None
Sponsors Bowtech, MTN OPS, Cabela's

2. Cameron Hanes - YouTuber

Selling Sponsorships, Health Supplements, Logowear
Instagram Handle @cameronrhanes
Instagram Bio "Athlete. Bowhunter. #keephammering."
Instagram Followers 1.1m
Facebook Followers 420.5K
YouTube Subscribers 274K
Sponsors Under Armor, Ram Trucks, Hoyt, Easton, Spot Hogg, RMEF, Mtn Ops, Leupold, Big Agnes

1. Steven Rinella - TV Personality, Podcaster, YouTuber, Author

Location Montana
Selling Subscriptions, TV/YouTube/Podcast Advertising, Hunting Clothing (First Lite), Hunting Gear (FHF), Game Calls (Phelps), Books (hunting, survival, cooking, etc.), “Outdoor Lifestyle”
Instagram Handle @stevenrinella
Instagram Bio "Avid outdoorsman, conservationist, writer, and founder @meateater. Get your hands on a FHF Bino Harness at the link below."
Instagram Followers 935K
Facebook Followers 665.5K
YouTube Subscribers 764K
Sponsors Weston Products, Steven Rinella
Why is the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in there they fight for our hunting rights??? Do you not care about out hunting rights???
I have yet to use that feature but am about to with this a**hat.
I think we should collectively ignore him! He’d never know the difference and his cries for attention would be unread
How did you come up with this list? Are you jealous that you only have 114 Instagram followers? What do consider yourself because the only way I would have ever heard of you is through social media and that apparently is what you have a vendetta against. I do admit that I follow a lot of the people you have on your list and 90% of them are tools and if you think anything more of them, you are a tool to. How can you have 2 individuals from meat eater but not the head meat eater? There are a couple of people who occasionally post hunting stuff that have more followers then most of these people combined. I just don’t understand how you came up with this list.
Rinella is #1 on the list
Gotta hear the details on this one.
Nothing SUPER depressing. I was fishing a trout stream in the southern metro of the Twin Cities that gets hammered pretty hard (like vehicles at every access point even on weeknights), and the habitat is such that there are few trout, but the ones that do survive get very big.

Basically, I'm stripping in a streamer, big tug right about where I expected one to come, and then SNAP, my surgeon's knot failed. I'm an embarrassment to my self and everyone else around me.
Nothing SUPER depressing. I was fishing a trout stream in the southern metro of the Twin Cities that gets hammered pretty hard (like vehicles at every access point even on weeknights), and the habitat is such that there are few trout, but the ones that do survive get very big.

Basically, I'm stripping in a streamer, big tug right about where I expected one to come, and then SNAP, my surgeon's knot failed. I'm an embarrassment to my self and everyone else around me.
Damn that is a Crappy feeling. I’m not familiar with a surgeons knot but if you think it was the knot that failed and not a weak spot in your line you could look into the Palomar knot. That’s what I usually tie and is very strong
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