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Weirdest Western Town?

Darby, MT in the 70's was an eye opener,or closer...
Enterprize,UT ...everyone was blonde hair/blue eyed & barefoot and appeared to be one family...

nearby Omega,NM is pretty weird,but not a town per se.
I can think of several in NM that will send folks for the exit,if there is one...
I spent about 30 minutes in Hyder, Alaska looking for a campsite. My one and only time in Alaska. Bunch of locals were hanging around a fire barrel drinking and told me a grizzly just past through the campground so no tent camping was allowed. Ended up going back through customs and camped at Stewart B C. No shortage of grizzlies there either.

Hyder has made the NYT for its unique qualities........
Must say it is a beautiful area when it's not fogged in.

Cooke City Montana in November can be slightly odd as well.
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Darby MT. For the win.

It’s bat chit crazy politics alone beat out any other town. For pure entertainment show up for one of FWP’s tentative meetings hang in the the corner and watch.

I've heard TJ sports a clip on man bun when traveling to Missoula........that would be entertaining.
Another vote for Jeffrey City, WY

I spent a lot of time in Jeffrey City when it was booming. My uncle worked at the uranium mine. What that place is today is a set from a Sam Shepard play. Some real characters hanging on there. I love it.
Cokeville, Wyoming and then Portland, OR comes to mind. Wouldn't mind returning to Cokeville, but don't care if I never return to Portland.
Tough to beat Missoula. Not for the "backwoods creepy" kind of weird, but for the "really, how is this town in Montana?" weird. It's home though, and I love it even with all the weird flaws.
Ingomar, MT. Lots of history in this town but still a bit on the kooky side, stopped for lunch at the Jersey Lilly (beans are highly overrated) ...
Yep, I agree. The Steers & Heifers outdoor plumbing and the little sink at the Jersey Lilly entry is interesting. The Bunk & Biscuit old schoolhouse classroom cots for hunters and breakfast in the morning is a good option during hunting season. There is always local color hanging out at the Jersey Lilly ... and I will drive a hundred miles out of my way for a great chicken fried steak at that place.
Jeffrey City is a good choice, so is Lamont. But my vote goes to Denver and everything surrounding it. It is truly amazing how quickly once you cross into Colorado from Wyoming on I25 how much nicer people are dressed, how many weird hairdos there are, and how many jolly rogers you see flying.

Go crawl back under your rock.
Does California count?
Yes! From the bay area down to Coachella....
Slab city outside Niland, CA has some real characters....

Couple summers ago we traveled to Denver for a concert at Red Rocks. Stayed downtown and did quite a bit of walking around. Cirque de Soliel was in town and also walking around downtown in costume. It was surreal but it was cool as chit. Denver is up there in weirdness but can't hold a candle to Austin.

Taos ranks with Denver.
16th Street Mall is an experience unto itself.

I'd say Boulder ranks up there with all the strange places I've visited in the NW.
16th Street Mall is an experience unto itself.

Yessir...as are the comedy clubs and pot shops. I think that's where Dink buys his gummy smileys. Cool weird IMO.
They are fun as hell bobbydean...

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Ken,I ran into HST in Taos,literally, coming out of a restaurant head one night about 25 yrs ago.He dropped his pistol from his waistband as he was tucking in and pushing the door & I did a perfect about face my dad would have been proud of and left. I went to my truck & waited til he left...lol. I didn't want him to think I had anything to do with it. He was really flying that night. Cig holder & all.
I met him years later again in Taos in a coffee shop and told him the story.He laughed and tried to remember what he was on......
Ken,I ran into HST in Taos,literally, coming out of a restaurant head one night about 25 yrs ago.He dropped his pistol from his waistband as he was tucking in and pushing the door & I did a perfect about face my dad would have been proud of and left. I went to my truck & waited til he left...lol. I didn't want him to think I had anything to do with it. He was really flying that night. Cig holder & all.
I met him years later again in Taos in a coffee shop and told him the story.He laughed and tried to remember what he was on......

Classic hank..I've ran into many Raoul Dukes and Dr. Gonzo's in Taos.
Enterprize,UT ...everyone was blonde hair/blue eyed & barefoot and appeared to be one family...

Ha my brother used to live in St. George and called Enterprise "Intercourse". I guess the teen pregnancy rate is off the charts. Kinda goes along with your observation
Bruneau Idaho back in the 80's. Now that the world has gotten smaller and more people have moved into the area it doesn't weird me out as bad. Boise is up there now. Way to many outsiders moved in and ruined it.
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