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Weirdest Western Town?

Missoula is weird.. and I am from Ca originally.. nothing's beat the abandoned midget community in northern Ca along the American river
Clarkston mt also. Buses, sheep header wagons and you don't really see anyone there til it gets dark.
Awesome town. Mining, Irish, Looks like Harlem with better backdrop, Bars per Capital off the chart. When I worked with SkyWest two of ten employees at BTM were named Jim Kelly. Irish town to the core!

Butte.....Conveniently located within driving distance of Montana.

Worked down there for 2.5 years, easiest town in America to get into a fist fight in. You probably won't even know youre in one at first. 4th of july is a freaking warzone and St Patricks day is beyond belief.
Butte guys -

Hunters, fishermen, guys who stand up for shit and don't take much of it.
A lot of access to MT stuff is owed to Butte folks. Stream Access. The Big Hole and Beaverhead River Recreation plans - a huge victory for non guided anglers.
Butte guys are the DIY public land hunter's/anglers friends.

Yeah it's a funky town, but....

I am not from Butte, don't want to live in Butte, and am not a paid spokesperson.
Have not been to too many towns in the west. Have to say going through Billings it didn't appear to be the most picturesque town. I have heard from some to avoid the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming
Might have to take Trinidad off the list. The weird stuff when I was there in the late 80's is considered normal and main stream today. I sure happy I never had need to go to the hospital.
Butte,MT. Rough town in the 70's.
Worked in nearby Basin for a while & would go there once in a while on weekends with some locals.
Iron workers & miners I worked with,& we would never knowingly stay the night. I do remember steams,saunas,cheep beer,decent steaks & free sandwiches in numerous bars.
Also remember Anaconda Co. was still setting fires or bombs in buildings to get more land for the pit. Seriously watched a whole block burn,including the J.C.Penny store one day sitting on a bar stool.
A bit further north than anything else mentioned but Watson Lake in the Yukon is the strangest town I’ve ever been to. Several places in the Yukon have a strange vibe.
Man we went out west for our first elk trip this year. Stopped in Trinidad (we will reroute or keep driving next time) and pulled in to a hotel just to sleep in the parking lot since it was 2:30 AM. Pulled around back to see a big bear raiding the dumpster after he had the munchies from the weed dispensary next door. It also seemed like we drove 3.5 hours on a New Mexico highway (39) and literally only saw one vehicle. We were turning in a small town off of 39, there was a big painting on and older building of Bob Wills, I said I wanted to get out and take a picture. She said this town has the makings on a Stephen King novel so we drove on. New Mexico was sort of creepy to me.
If you spend anytime in Missoula you will see just how weird it has become. Naked bike rides, congregations of the Rainbow family, home of Footloose Montana, at least two herbal apothecaries downtown, ice cream cones for your dog (which I actually like).

Of course, weird is subjective. If you mean just make you stop and wonder kind of place I would vote Pinedale.

Just curious why Pinedale?
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