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Weirdest Western Town?

Mayhill, New Mexico and the area surrounding Taos, New Mexico are among the weirdest places I have passed through. Pretty sure the world's supply of school buses go to Taos to die in weird communal desert villages. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the earthship biotecture village!
Jeffrey City, Wy is sort of interesting. I can remember driving through and wondering...?? Uranium mine must have got the residents :)
Darby MT. For the win.

It’s bat chit crazy politics alone beat out any other town. For pure entertainment show up for one of FWP’s tentative meetings hang in the the corner and watch.
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Darby MT. For the win.

It’s bat chit crazy politics alone beat out any other town. For pure entertainment show up for one of FWP’s tentative meetings hang in the the corner and watch.

Some friends were fishing the (in)famous Bitteroot skwala hatch a few years back, and while in Darby, the clown of the bunch said "oughta' tear this town down and build a slum".
Probably - understandably - piss Darby folks off, but funny as hell............
I find it is funny that Taos and Chama , New Mexico are on both lists. I couldn't agree more. Both are different (Taos radically so), but both are so much fun to visit.

Mayhill, NM is listed as weird. I like that little community and never thought of it as weird.
I hunted pronghorn several miles north of Fort Benton in MT. There were some odd farms in that region. I don't think were Amish as I saw farm equipment but those peeps gave off a vibe was best for me to have a full tank of gas and not slow down to ask directions.

I was hunting mountain goat east of Aspen, CO, and bumped into a group of structures on an old mining claim. Creepy with a lot of bad juju vibe so did a 180 and double-timed it over the ridge. No idea what was going on there but I wanted no part of a meet and greet miles from nowhere.
Castledale, Utah. With the center of the strange vibrations being located at “Deja Vu Fine Dining.” Black table cloths, black napkins, black plates, and microwaved chicken. Ate dinner there with my dad and brother after a day of cow elk hunting when I was a kid. The absolutely skeletal waitress began to sing to us after she brought out our food. Stood there at our table and just, started singing. My dad made my brother and I go outside we were laughing so hard.

De-ja-vu is in Huntington, Utah about ten miles north of Castle dale.
Mammoth up in the Tobacco Roots..all those cabins and houses and nobody outside...
They are watching though.
I think I'd have to put Portland and Seattle above all of these, when I do go to either I can't relax until I get out of town. Disclaimer: the closest town to where I now live is Paterson, population 75 or so.
Big Sky,

Stickney Creek has a distinct leg up on the Dearborn community when it comes to weirdness.

JLS, I will make a mental note to avoid Stickney Creek as Dearborn already has far exceeded my weirded out quota for this lifetime.
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