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Voting Hunters

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I refuse to vote mail in.
I want to personally put my ballot in the machine and see that it is counted.

I think mail in ballots disappear or don't get counted properly.
I refuse to vote mail in.
I want to personally put my ballot in the machine and see that it is counted.

I think mail in ballots disappear or don't get counted properly.
So, you think the machine is beyond being manipulated? If we are going paranoid, let's go the whole way. Hand counted punch ballots or nothing for me - that would be perfect - what could go wrong? Oh ya, Dade County ;)
So, you think the machine is beyond being manipulated? If we are going paranoid, let's go the whole way. Hand counted punch ballots or nothing for me - that would be perfect - what could go wrong? Oh ya, Dade County ;)
I think anybody regardless how they vote would have to wonder if it's always counted as it should be everytime. From presidential to township.
INFORMED voting matters. Too many vote party line without realizing the consequences of their vote. Most want balance. In Montana the current "super majority" in the Legislature and the Governor of the same party has had a major run of bad bills, the worst only to be overruled by the Montana Supreme Court. And they are challenging the makeup of the Supreme Court so they can push their agenda. Fish Wildlife and Parks is a trainwreck of fired/resigned leadership, centralized top down management and a Commission made up of primarily outfitters and large landowners. If you like the sky high increase in your property taxes while the Governor's property taxes went down.....carry on. Apparently the majority got what they voted for.
Most countries have figured out it is too easy to cheat with mail-in voting. Sure, it's easier, that's the problem.

If you believe everything in the political ads, please don't vote. ;)
I wonder how and why anyone that owns a firearm would vote for someone that says I WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY. Voting should be a PRIORITY for hunters and firearm owners.
In addition voting for a candidate who is supported by your enemy is a bad idea. If the anti hunters, anti trappers, anti second amendment crowd support a candidate I must ask myself why would I support that candidate?

They might not make a show of denying me my rights, but those who would like their chances with them. If it comes to a veto they probably will roll over.
Most countries have figured out it is too easy to cheat with mail-in voting. Sure, it's easier, that's the problem.

If you believe everything in the political ads, please don't vote. ;)
I don’t buy it. Have worked polls in three states across three decades. Still waiting to see the supposed fraud that is supposedly controlling our elections.
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So, you think the machine is beyond being manipulated? If we are going paranoid, let's go the whole way. Hand counted punch ballots or nothing for me - that would be perfect - what could go wrong? Oh ya, Dade County ;)
Of course voting machines get manipulated.
Look who is in office...
My point is, at least I see it tallied, I know it got counted.

Sorry to get off topic.
Any district that added a "none of the above." Box won... just think about that for a second. The vast majority is looking for ANY OTHER OPTION.

the dems are never actually going to take your guns. There's to much money in TRYING to take them. The Republicans are never going to actually fix the economy. There's to much money in TRYING to fix it. Nobody shoots a golden goose.

3rd party will never be allowed to debate because there's to much money in pitting us against each other.

Circus and bread.... and the vast majority wants a loaf from their side and a show. Stand up and say, "Hey they both suck..." and get crucified.
Of course voting machines get manipulated.
Look who is in office...
My point is, at least I see it tallied, I know it got counted.

Sorry to get off topic.
If there were 67 cases proving Trump innocent most people would fly it on flag poles. There's 67 cases proving voter fraud didn't happen... all those with "evidence" got called into court and they all backed off. Biden won. I hate it but he did. Not to mention the over 800 cases of J6 people who have been convicted because at the end of the day they had no leg to stand on against the constitution...

There's a reason FOX news almost lost its broadcasting license. They had to fire a lot of people who lied to keep it. Tucker Carlson cannot broadcast anymore because of so much he said was proven wrong...

I truely despise both parties. 3rd party is the future of the US.
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Please forward the data and I will look iI to. Internet stories aren’t data.
I know of a State who's liberal agenda (Colorado Gov Hickenlooper - Polis, all Democrat appointments) was overturned by all nine liberal and conservative SCOTUS Justices.

If a State's Supreme Court is willing to manipulate Americans residing in Colorado constitutional right, I'm not sure I'd be so quick to rule out the potential of ballot manipulation.

As most all are aware:

Bull Moose Party for the win.
The best Democrats and Republicans gift Americans to vote? World stage mockery! Piss off to all trench digger kool-aid chugging Republican and Democrat turds. 😉
I know of a State who's liberal agenda (Colorado Gov Hickenlooper - Polis, all Democrat appointments) was overturned by all nine liberal and conservative SCOTUS Justices.

If a State's Supreme Court is willing to manipulate Americans residing in Colorado constitutional right, I'm not sure I'd be so quick to rule out the potential of ballot manipulation.

As most all are aware:

Dumb politics by the Dems in these cases, but absolutely zero relationship to actual ballot fraud. Still waiting for evidence of a true election ballot steal of any relevant size in any election in the last 40 years. Have heard it from left and right for 40 years - still waiting for more than mere story telling by either side.
Dumb politics by the Dems in these cases, but absolutely zero relationship to actual ballot fraud. Still waiting for evidence of a true election ballot steal of any relevant size in any election in the last 40 years. Have heard it from left and right for 40 years - still waiting for more than mere story telling by either side.
Closest you'll actually get,in my opinion, is hanging Chad's of Florida. Not that I would call it actual fraud in the sense most folks claim these days. But that was twenty years ago and resulted in an R win so most in here wouldn't count it as fraud either way
I vote in every election. Not every election goes the way I hoped for, but I still vote. Pissing and moaning about election fraud every election gets old. At least we still live in a country that allows us to vote.

My two biggest issues, particularly in national elections are the economy and national security. Living in an unsafe, bankrupt nation is not an option to me. So I continue to cast my 1 vote.
I am mixed on this. I dont want people to just "vote" i want them to vote based on understanding and being informed. . .
I agree when I first voted I didn’t know how much was going to be on a ballot and didn’t know half the stuff I was voting for, but the past election I was actually prepared…. Didn’t pay off but knew what I was for!
I've looked into it. Pain in the butt for me. Too many hoops to jump through constantly. It's almost like they don't want you to absentee vote.... 🧐
My wife I have absentee voted for years. It's simple. We even hand deliver our ballots to an official drop off site on the way to work, or when in town doing errands. You can also easily go on line to confirm that your ballot has been accepted. Beats standing in line on election day.

What hoops are you forced to jump through in South Dakota that make it so hard?
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