Voting Hunters

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I am worried the D party wants to have the biggest push ever to cover up our public lands with green energy wind and solar.
Like it is covered with oil and gas wells now?

Again, for some of you that aren't paying attention ... the public land transfer by Rs is a fake political issue or as others have said flat out lie. The only proposal is the opposite ... bipartisan to prevent public land sale.

Fwiw, one of the cosponsors (R from Montana) is probably one of the biggest supporters of the R from Montana running for Senate.

Any chance they change page 21 on their platform doc? It apparently is citing "fake news" or "flat out lie". Also, you might want to read the bill you cited. There are some major carve outs and exceptions for land that can be transferred, like the land not being publicly accessible. Clean that up and I'm sure Dems would vote for it and it would be signed into law. Pitter patter, as they say. However, the bill hasn't moved. Mostly it is an attempt to get a "see what I proposed" action in the news before an election.

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Ever heard of a bow or muzzleloader?

Edit, or a fishing rod? Etc etc etc
You won't have ANY rights if you are unarmed.
You can kiss life as we know it good bye.

Guns are the only reason in which we as a country remains free, from both outside enemies and a tyrannical government... the whole reason the gov is trying to edge firearms out of existence.

I doubt you would understand this with your mentality.
I've thought about it, if it came to it, I'll hunt with a rock, I'm a hunter thru and thru.

However, there is a larger chance of losing public lands than losing all guns. A big difference is there isn't a land lobby that raises money 24/7 to fear monger the issue. It only pops up in some elections in states with significant public lands.
Yeah, keep sticking your head in the sand.
If there were 67 cases proving Trump innocent most people would fly it on flag poles. There's 67 cases proving voter fraud didn't happen... all those with "evidence" got called into court and they all backed off. Biden won. I hate it but he did. Not to mention the over 800 cases of J6 people who have been convicted because at the end of the day they had no leg to stand on against the constitution...

There's a reason FOX news almost lost its broadcasting license. They had to fire a lot of people who lied to keep it. Tucker Carlson cannot broadcast anymore because of so much he said was proven wrong...

I truely despise both parties. 3rd party is the future of the US.
It's called: "Lawfare".
Fact, the 6 million deer hunters in just the upper midwest states overnite would be the 3rd largest army on the planet. After vj day, Hirohito was asked why then didn't invade the mainland, he said every house was armed.
Again, for some of you that aren't paying attention ... the public land transfer by Rs is a fake political issue or as others have said flat out lie.
Have some reality with your coffee. This is the most recent RNC platform on public lands, from the 2016 document. The party has declined to update their platform for the last 2 election cycles, you may draw your own conclusions about who is responsible.

"It is absurd to think that all that acreage must remain under the absentee ownership or management of official Washington. Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing for a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to states. We call upon all national and state leaders and representatives to exert their utmost power and influence to urge the transfer of those lands, identified in the review process, to all willing states for the benefit of the states and the nation as a whole."

Doesn't get any clearer than that. Turn over federal lands to states, who lack the budgetary and administrative capacity to manage them. States will willingly, or of necessity, start selling the national forests and BLM lands all Americans now own and have access to, to the highest bidder.
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It is not "ballot fraud" as those words have been used for 200+ years. But sure, it's the internet so I guess you can make up your own words.

Also, how does this compare to Ohio refusing to waive the timing rule on when the Dems/GOP have their party convention appointment of their obvious and unambiguous chosen candidate - when they and others states in the past routinely did it?

Ballot fraud if they won't put Biden on it?

Of course not, just petty politics that work themselves out - as it did with CO.
Climb off your high horse. It's a conversation. As for your opinion - it differs from mine.

If you followed my comments you would see I don't give a rats over the Repubs nor Dems.

You and your manipulation of content to shine your forehead... Ballot fraud if they don't put Biden on it? Piss off little drummer boy. I care not Biden nor Trump - they are both chumps. What??? You disagree? Holy Batman!
You won't have ANY rights if you are unarmed.
You can kiss life as we know it good bye.

Guns are the only reason in which we as a country remains free, from both outside enemies and a tyrannical government... the whole reason the gov is trying to edge firearms out of existence.
Huge over statements.
Like it is covered with oil and gas wells now?

Any chance they change page 21 on their platform doc? It apparently is citing "fake news" or "flat out lie". Also, you might want to read the bill you cited. There are some major carve outs and exceptions for land that can be transferred, like the land not being publicly accessible. Clean that up and I'm sure Dems would vote for it and it would be signed into law. Pitter patter, as they say. However, the bill hasn't moved. Mostly it is an attempt to get a "see what I proposed" action in the news before an election.

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Do you hunt? Have you harvested game animals recently? I do and we have killed many antelope and some elk and deer in very very near proximity to oil and or gas equipment. However, when wind energy goes in all access and hunting stops. It kills birds and the swoosh swoosh swoosh keeps game away. The area is totally closed to access once green energy is installed.
O&G hasn't really affected my hunting but wind energy has.
Do you hunt? Have you harvested game animals recently? I do and we have killed many antelope and some elk and deer in very very near proximity to oil and or gas equipment. However, when wind energy goes in all access and hunting stops. It kills birds and the swoosh swoosh swoosh keeps game away. The area is totally closed to access once green energy is installed.
O&G hasn't really affected my hunting but wind energy has.
I don't simply paint it as "what affects my hunting more". I'm not a fan of development of large swaths of public land for anything, not O&G, not mining, not solar. But all energy development is about tradeoffs, and some of the land will be needed. We also need to start being honest with ourselves, hold companies accountable for the impact they make on the land, and tell citizens they need to start paying the real cost of energy, not the subsidized cost.
You won't have ANY rights if you are unarmed.
You can kiss life as we know it good bye.

Guns are the only reason in which we as a country remains free, from both outside enemies and a tyrannical government... the whole reason the gov is trying to edge firearms out of existence.

I doubt you would understand this with your mentality.
If you think that is was keeps our country "free" you're deeply mistaken. Didn't see anyone up in arms, full pun intended fyi, when the patriot act took away the largest chunk of American freedoms.

So no, guns aren't the reason and I doubt you'd understand with your mentality.
Two points of curiosity for voters:

1. If you have no idea about any of the candidates in a non-partisan race do you guess or do you leave blank?
2. If someone is running unopposed, to you bother filling in the dot (or pulling the lever, or punching the tab, or whatever you do in your state)?

My answers are, "Blank" and "No"
1: That’s the beauty in what I call “cat in lap voting” from home. I can take a few moments to inform myself about the candidates while voting.

2: Yeah, I’ll fill it in if I’d have voted for the candidate in an opposed race.

Interesting that the gang who’ve been very opposed to early, mail-in, and absentee voting has been promoting the practice in the las . Guess it’s flip-flop season with the warm weather and all.
Have some reality with your coffee. This is the most recent RNC platform on public lands, from the 2016 document. The party has declined to update their platform for the last 2 election cycles, you may draw your own conclusions about who is responsible.
It gets worse than that. I’d encourage everyone to check out Project 2025. It’s a blueprint for individual agency priorities under a new incoming administration should the election go that way. Pendley penned the Dept. Of Interior priorities section of the ~900 page document. Same dude who published an op-ed in the Wash. Examiner yesterday advocating for, you guessed it, selling public off lands. He could very well be the next Secretary of Interior.
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