Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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Agreed. The extremists on either side of the aisle always make the rest of that party look nuts to the folks in the middle. This being said oppose all the bills they are trying to pass. I live in illinois with some of the strictest gun laws in the country and about an hour and a half from shitcago. New laws dont do a thing except make it harder for law abiding citizens. More laws aren't needed, the laws that are in place just need to be enforced.
Once again, what do you think will change any of this? Voting?
To be clear, I've also said this in another post; this isnt a message to the people, it's a message to the government. Do you think there is an issue with the government of that state? Or the federal government? And do you really believe voting is going to fix it?
Voting and civil disobedience is our recourse, because there’s only one thing left beyond that. Right?
Meanwhile, the government has snipers on roof tops and drones in the air. You only see what you want to see.

And nothing sends the message better that these laws are draconian, than a bunch of unarmed family men and women standing together in face of that.

Thinking about this specific protest in the context of civil rights. It's MLK day, that man was brilliant, he understood optics better than anyone.
Why did MLK choose Selma to stage a protest, because a similar march had occurred in Albany, Georgia that went off with little to no fanfare, because police basically ignored it.
MLK, knew that Bull Connor was an outspoken racist and would react in the worst possible way to a protest in Selma. MLK knew that images of peaceful people getting attacked by dogs and hit with fire hoses would galvanize a nation.

Where the civil rights movement really faltered and lost steam was in it's later years when Seale and Newton started the black panthers and took it down a militaristic road.
Interestingly enough the first anti-gun laws were enacted in California, by republicans in response to the black panthers. The black panthers were actually the first group to take up the 2nd amendment as a right to carry.
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Voting and civil disobedience is our recourse, because there’s only one thing left beyond that. Right?

I think those 3 things are the flow path of recourse. We still have time before shit hits the fan.

Hoping cooler heads prevail today and Antifa doesn’t show up after waking up past noon in their parents basement.
To be clear, I've also said this in another post; this isnt a message to the people, it's a message to the government. Do you think there is an issue with the government of that state? Or the federal government? And do you really believe voting is going to fix it?

I believe in the power of the vote...if used wisely.
As for the Assault type weapons ban , I’m not for that ever , high volume clips and bump stocks are different. I don’t own one but I wouldn’t mind owning an AR 15 someday, I have friends former service members that own them and I enjoy going out and shooting them from time to time with friends. Here’s a pic of my friend Jose a Iraq war vet teaching my son weapon safety the first time my son got to use an AR

my concern over an assault rifle ban because a criminal used it to commit an act of violence is after they ban those , Then the criminals will use semi auto 9mm pistols , then they will want to ban them , etc etc . Where would it end , the slippery slope argument
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One of the original talking points was no one under the age of 18 would be allowed to possess a gun. The was no elaboration on under supervision etc. It is true they are starting to roll some of the legislation back but they were very bold with the 18 years of age, as well as banning and confiscation assault style weapons which they were planning on redefining.

To me, Virginia is a real litmus test on what the next few years may bring as far as gun ownership.
By post 30 I for sure thought it was going to be locked by now.

This is Hunttalk and we all have guns and are passionate about our hunting heritage and it’s future. If we can’t agree and be civil about it how do you think the undecided are viewing today.

Isn’t the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words? Which picture best represents you.

I am a former law enforcement officer and a retiring Army Soldier who dedicated his life to public service. I am all for the Second amendment but will never promote escalating tension by showing up as a para military force. We have a ballot box for a reason, a show of force is not the answer.
Also praying for all the law enforcement officers. They're out there doing their job. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt over this. That being said, like Chris said, they don't need all those types of weapons but as soon as they start taking some away, it's a slippery slope from there.
As shown in this thread, anyone may choose the photo to best fit their post (agenda) - as with the Kool-Aid media to push their flavor.

There are extremes on either side. Peaceful protest is constitutional. Inciting violence (i.e. Berkeley, anti 1st amendment children) is NOT constitutional.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

I'm thankful to see a few extremists who declared terroristic threats and presented the capability to follow through with the threats were arrested. My hope (and prayer) is that those law abiding citizens who are holding firearms maintain a law abiding mind-frame and are presenting themselves with their firearms as Public Land owners wear orange / camo to represent their agenda, peaceably. Those anti- 2 a citizens maintain their right to peaceably assemble and present their agenda without inciting violence.

And my main prayer goes to our law enforcement officers who are present (snipers and all) to preserve that right to peaceably assemble. May God watch over this day.
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