Kenetrek Boots

Unofficial WY app numbers

People are sick of their wives, kids, and houses. Traveling with friends to drink, camp(hotel for most), and shoot stuff probably sounds like a great idea.

Years ago at a hunters barbecue event in Douglas, WY they offered a chance for folks to go up on stage and tell a lie. So one gent goes up and said, "I just called my wife and kids to tell them I miss them".
I wonder how long it will be before the states shorten the seasons and increases the tags to capitalize on people buying tags and increasing their revenues...I bet you that has been talked about many times.
Actually quite a few of those antelope hunters will have their wives (or girl friends), and/or kids with them when they travel to antelope country to hunt.

Ya, but we can still be sick of them, right? Asking for a friend :)
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I wonder how long it will be before the states shorten the seasons and increases the tags to capitalize on people buying tags and increasing their revenues...I bet you that has been talked about many times.

i dunno

colorado is slowly, ever so slowly, backing out of that model. not necessarily out of want, but out of need - little bit of both i guess.

it's a crack addiction road to go down and ever harder to back out of, just like preference points

maybe i have too much faith in wyoming being such a well managed state compared to most that they wouldn't dare, nothing is impossible though
Here is a very interesting stat that many of you that have been applying for a very long time will remember:

In 2009 - right after the crash of the economy in 2008 - overall USA hunting license sales skyrocketed to a 128.7% increase from 2008 sales. Immediately after this year, in 2010 they tanked right back down to 96.9% of the 2008 sales number.

It looks like something similar is happening now. Outdoor activities are booming and by next year, I'm pretty confident it will get back to the normal decline of sales this nation is seeing as more and more kids aren't getting the exposure and desire to the natural world like we did when we grew up. Hunting pressure out West may be increasing to the many items brought up on this forum already but the sad fact and reality is that as a nation, participation in outdoor hunting and fishing activities is tanking at an alarming rate due to poor new hunter/fishing recruitment of our youth. SO GO TAKE A KID FISHING/HUNTING!!!
Here is a very interesting stat that many of you that have been applying for a very long time will remember:

In 2009 - right after the crash of the economy in 2008 - overall USA hunting license sales skyrocketed to a 128.7% increase from 2008 sales. Immediately after this year, in 2010 they tanked right back down to 96.9% of the 2008 sales number.

It looks like something similar is happening now. Outdoor activities are booming and by next year, I'm pretty confident it will get back to the normal decline of sales this nation is seeing as more and more kids aren't getting the exposure and desire to the natural world like we did when we grew up. Hunting pressure out West may be increasing to the many items brought up on this forum already but the sad fact and reality is that as a nation, participation in outdoor hunting and fishing activities is tanking at an alarming rate due to poor new hunter/fishing recruitment of our youth. SO GO TAKE A KID FISHING/HUNTING!!!

i agree, and am hoping we might see some less horrifying app numbers next year (only for the sake of draw odds)

but this is still an unknown situation, nobody knows where covid is or isn't going, nobody knows exactly how the economy will be over the next few years, though i'm assuming not great

lots of unknowns, so i'm trying to assume nothing to remain unsurprised

but i agree, i think the 2008 situation is the best predictor for what app numbers will look like next year
I wonder how long it will be before the states shorten the seasons and increases the tags to capitalize on people buying tags and increasing their revenues...I bet you that has been talked about many times.

I have set in on many, many season planning meetings (the ones with only the game wardens and wildlife biologists) in my state and I have NEVER heard that mentioned.

Here is a very interesting stat that many of you that have been applying for a very long time will remember:

In 2009 - right after the crash of the economy in 2008 - overall USA hunting license sales skyrocketed to a 128.7% increase from 2008 sales. Immediately after this year, in 2010 they tanked right back down to 96.9% of the 2008 sales number.

It looks like something similar is happening now. Outdoor activities are booming and by next year, I'm pretty confident it will get back to the normal decline of sales this nation is seeing as more and more kids aren't getting the exposure and desire to the natural world like we did when we grew up. Hunting pressure out West may be increasing to the many items brought up on this forum already but the sad fact and reality is that as a nation, participation in outdoor hunting and fishing activities is tanking at an alarming rate due to poor new hunter/fishing recruitment of our youth. SO GO TAKE A KID FISHING/HUNTING!!!

I don't believe that happened in every state...
We've been remodeling/restoring an old house together the last few months.. I think we're both ready for some time apart, lol!

LOL! Remodel projects really test a marriage. My wife and I travel and hunt together all the time. We are spearfishing this week. Camping with the kids next week just like we did last week.

Plenty of others do not enjoy the company of their families as much as I do.
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