Ukraine / Russia

What if...

Flip the tables on this bully. U.S. responds strictly in Ukraine. Air superiority, ground troops, armored branch - hammer Russia out of Ukrainian borders. Reports indicate the Russian military are not nearly as prepared for Putin's objective.
U.S. military theater is strictly Ukrainian based. Sets up multiple temporary bases (yes, we already have an Air Base in Ukraine).
Return common personnel at the Poltava Air Base and pull back to Poland, etc as part of an agreement to end hostilities with Russia (not Putin) - return to the status quo.

U.S. porpaganda machine whirls into full action as a "Humanitarian necessity". Humanitarian, not only for Ukranian though also for Russian military - run News Media. Propaganda full force with Russia underground media, etc.
U.S. continues with strictly "conventional" means and maintains humanitarian purpose.

The table flips on the Putin bully squad, and he's faced to make a world effecting nuclear decision or agrees to a draw down. Thus, draw down back to the original status quo, now with Ukraine armed and better prepared with the usual left behind military surplus.

It's a what if.
Just so I'm clear; we are gonna shoot Russians?
The table flips on the Putin bully squad, and he's faced to make a world effecting nuclear decision or agrees to a draw down.
This is the key. I don't think anyone feels like it's worth finding out how crazy he really is. But, it could come to that anyway, whether this drags on 'too long' for his patience level, resources, crippled economy or something similar, or NATO is forced to intervene

We're learning that if you have nukes, people are hesitant to push you too far. I think there's also an element of hesitancy due to the China/Taiwan situation. If we intervene with Russia, but not with China, then what?
What do you guys think of the biolab situation? I know some Tucker Carlson fans and they think we shouldn’t fund the labs and there is more to this story. To me, the labs were known about and it’s no big shock if they were studying pathogens since they border a hostile country. Ukraine is pretty poor so I don’t have issue with the US funding this as long as there isn’t weaponization. I realize people are nervous since COVID may well have been lab leaked but I still think overall Russia propaganda that’s been parroted by some in media for whatever purpose.
There’s a big difference between a bio lab and a bio weapon lab, but it seems like they’re being used interchangeably lately.
There’s a big difference between a bio lab and a bio weapon lab, but it seems like they’re being used interchangeably lately.
The news cycle is spraying scads of info non stop from many sources and hour the doves are flying, the next FOAB's are being reported.
There’s a big difference between a bio lab and a bio weapon lab, but it seems like they’re being used interchangeably lately.
Hamilton has a level 4 bio lab. I would be extremely nervous if this lab was situated in a war zone. Whether the invading army is bright enough to make use of what is in these labs, or not, can be debated.
Apparently Romney and Gabbard are having a piss fight .......

"There are 25 to 30 us funded bio labs in Ukraine. According to the US government, these bio labs are conducting research on dangerous pathogens,” she said. “Ukraine is in an active war zone with widespread bombing artillery and shelling and these facilities, even in the best of circumstances could easily be compromised and release these deadly pathogens.” She also said the US was funding labs around the world involved in “dangerous research”.

After her video was posted, Republican Senator Mitt Romney tweeted: “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives,”

Ms Gabbbard has since “clarified” her remarks, claiming there might have been some “miscommunication and misunderstanding” about the terms bio labs and bio weapons labs.

“‘Biolabs’ are facilities which contain and experiment with dangerous pathogens, ostensibly for the purpose of serving the public good (i.e vaccines, etc.). ‘Biological weapons labs’ are facilities which exist for the purpose of turning pathogens into weapons so they can be used against an enemy (i.e. ‘bioweapons’),” she said on Twitter.

“The danger of pathogens being released from biolabs in Ukraine is very real, and we need to take action immediately to prevent an impending catastrophe.”

She added: “Mitt Romney and others say that I’m treasonous because I called for a ceasefire around the 25+ biolabs in Ukraine to prevent the breach of such facilities and escape of pathogens, and prevent more pandemics. Romney should resign.”

I am starting to think he may be trying to carve out a route out of this, by throwing his advisors under the bus. We saw earlier this week that he placed one of his top FSB leaders under house arrest for providing him bad intelligence on the potential invasion. You also saw pre-invasion that he called in retired senior generals to give him advice on a potential military action, building a cadre of potential scapegoats. This may help him a little in Russia, but won't with the international community.

I think any way out has to provide a way to undo sanctions and isolation Putin incurred by invading, and I can only see that happening based on Putin gaining a strong position to negotiate from or Russia no longer being led by Vlad...
I am starting to think he may be trying to carve out a route out of this, by throwing his advisors under the bus. We saw earlier this week that he placed one of his top FSB leaders under house arrest for providing him bad intelligence on the potential invasion. You also saw pre-invasion that he called in retired senior generals to give him advice on a potential military action, building a cadre of potential scapegoats. This may help him a little in Russia, but won't with the international community.

I think any way out has to provide a way to undo sanctions and isolation Putin incurred by invading, and I can only see that happening based on Putin gaining a strong position to negotiate from or Russia no longer being led by Vlad...
Interesting to see the maneuvering of an ex-spy vs an actor, and who is clearly making to better moves, laying the deeper groundwater, and over playing the shit out of their hand.

I different potential factor considering how much russia is relying on movement of heavy ground equipment.
I may not agree with Mitt Romney on a lot, but I generally don't question his loyalty to the nation.
Equally as strange to me, is how establishment politicians constantly question the loyalty of a veteran (still serving) who has served two tours overseas.

Gabbard is kind of a blowhard and overly dramatic voice, but if the establishment applied one quarter of the criticism they do to her, to instead themselves, the world would be a better place.
I agree with Romney more then I disagree. On this one however, he misunderstood what was being discussed. Maybe he's getting old and losing his fastball?😉
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