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Ukraine / Russia

Just saw this - https://ravallirepublic.com/news/na...cle_d1ba3f3d-7e68-5303-9e4d-91079500bd50.html

It will be interesting to see how many people in the US watch this and if that number is growing, as hopefully more people focus on this. I am hopeful that it is not going the other way with the situation loosing peoples short attention spans. That guy is giving one hell of an effort for his people/ country and is being more than a thorn in Russia’s side - good for him.
Just saw this - https://ravallirepublic.com/news/na...cle_d1ba3f3d-7e68-5303-9e4d-91079500bd50.html

It will be interesting to see how many people in the US watch this and if that number is growing, as hopefully more people focus on this. I am hopeful that it is not going the other way with the situation loosing peoples short attention spans. That guy is giving one hell of an effort for his people/ country and is being more than a thorn in Russia’s side - good for him.
It's amazing how some people rise to the occasion. I doubt even his supporters thought he had this in him.
Kudos to these leaders - would be safer to "zoom" with him, but instead they go in person.

One thing I have been thinking about…it seems apparent that Russia’s initial push failed and now they are taking a more terror-inducing / civilian destructive approach as they slowly occupy broader Ukrainian territories

Now Kyiv is effectively under siege, which in medium / long term could see the ‘starving out’ of the besieged (energy, medicine, food, water, etc)

While the US refuses to establish a no fly zone in Ukraine as it necessitates enforcement (ie, shooting down Russian planes above Ukraine) could / would we ever do escorted drop shipments of supplies to besieged cities … an Kyiv Airlift a la Berlin? Especially if it was (primarily) humanitarian aid, this would be a version of containment that would ride the grey line of active engagement (similar to arming them) but not quite be the same as hostile actions
One thing I have been thinking about…it seems apparent that Russia’s initial push failed and now they are taking a more terror-inducing / civilian destructive approach as they slowly occupy broader Ukrainian territories

Now Kyiv is effectively under siege, which in medium / long term could see the ‘starving out’ of the besieged (energy, medicine, food, water, etc)

While the US refuses to establish a no fly zone in Ukraine as it necessitates enforcement (ie, shooting down Russian planes above Ukraine) could / would we do escorted drop shipments of supplies … an Kyiv Airlift a la Berlin?
I have to think flying into that air space is a pretty damn risky proposition.

But based on some of the commentary about the split of opinions in NATO or the EU, I can see where someone tries this, even if it's not the US.
Now Kyiv is effectively under siege, which in medium / long term could see the ‘starving out’ of the besieged (energy, medicine, food, water, etc)
If Ukraine can't get this season's crops planted and Russia can't sell theirs in the fall, then there will be profound hunger in many countries in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia (key markets for Uk/Ru grains) at numbers we have not seen in decades. Russia's pointless aggression will generate a very long tail of misery if this doesn't get figured out in the next month or so.
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Don't know if this was a long time coming and/or the result of sanctions, just found it interesting. Is it the beginning of the end of the petrodollar?

If Ukraine can't get this season's crops planted and Russia can't sell theirs in the fall, then there will be profound hunger in many countries in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia (key markets for Uk/Ru grains) at numbers we have not seen in decades. Russia's pointless aggression will generate a very long tail of misery if this doesn't get figured out in the next month or so.
There is twitter account called Forward Observer that is saying there will likely be a reduction of at least 50% of Ukrainian crop yields, I think that may be optimistic. Ukraine would normally be planting within 30-45 days. Also even if they were able to plant /harvest with the Black Sea largely cut off to them how would they get the grain out.
There is twitter account called Forward Observer that is saying there will likely be a reduction of at least 50% of Ukrainian crop yields, I think that may be optimistic. Ukraine would normally be planting within 30-45 days. Also even if they were able to plant /harvest with the Black Sea largely cut off to them how would they get the grain out.
Yup - hunger death toll outside Ukraine could exceed the war death toll - way to go Russia.

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