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The pro-transfer crowd is really excited about a Trump presidency and GOP control of congress.

American Lands Council
Teddy --

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Election Day 2016 saw huge and, in some cases, unexpected victories -- the foremost of which was the election of Donald J. Trump as the next President of the United States. While many underestimated his determination and ability to win, we never conceded that the election was the done deal early pollsters tried to make it out to be. Now that we know the real outcome, we at ALC are pleased to congratulate Mr. Trump and his running mate, the honorable Mike Pence, for their successful campaign and decisive victories. And we look forward to working with them and all Americans for the betterment of our nation!

As a result of Tuesday’s General Election, both the U.S. House and the Senate held Republican majorities in Congress, and local and state elected officials who lead the nonprofit efforts of the American Lands Council (ALC) were re-elected by large margins. In fact, many candidates who campaigned and messaged in support of Transfer of Public Lands won their races decisively!

Although ALC strives for and ultimately believes bi-partisan support will grow as the truth about our cause becomes better known, Republican victories this year are especially relevant to us because the Republican National Committee adopted Transfer of Public Lands (TPL) into the national platform at their 2016 summer convention. Literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ALC supporters helped get this done by enthusiastically sharing factual information about ALC with their friends, colleagues, delegates, and elected officials.

As we stand strong and share the load in making the compelling case for TPL, we are winning!

We are grateful for the growing number of elected officials, resource experts, and citizens who realize the Transfer of Public Lands is The Only Solution Big Enough for better care of our public lands to benefit our communities and our environment. This solution to #RestoreBalance works legally, economically, and socially because it is profoundly grounded in the timeless Constitutional principles of liberty, self-governance, and Statehood equality.

With the support of literally tens of thousands of people like you who persevere every day, the American Lands Council has created a national movement with major support from all over the country. We are pursuing an exciting legislative path for incremental state acquisition of federal lands that is flexible, workable, and protects our public lands in a sensible way. And we now have a President who is much more inclined to support our proposed plan for greatly improved public land management than we have had in a very long time. Although opposition pressure can be intense at times, and their tactics are often outrageous, we believe it is worth it to stay the course of truth and liberty for the benefit of our lands, our lives, our families, and our country. We want healthy air, water, and wildlife, abundant outdoor recreation, and safe, vibrant communities. And we have found the lawful, peaceful, and economically sound path to get there. We know that, with perseverance, truth will prevail.

Ultimately it is our goal to bring people from all sides of the political spectrum together in support of better, more thoughtful, management of our public lands through a reduction in federal bureaucracy. After all, who cares more about our lands and environment than the States in which they are located and the people who live right there and are affected by these decisions every day? Much of this land is rich in renewable natural resources that can produce more than enough revenue to cover responsible management costs AND environmental protections.

It is time to #FreeTheLands from Washington DC bureaucracies so we can tend them more like a park, or a garden, and less like a “hands-off, don’t-touch” museum. We must continue to spread our message so that every household in America understands what a Win-Win this can be -- for our economy, our environment, our families, our States, and our nation.

We can do this! But we need your help more now than ever. Are you willing to step up now and do all you can? Do you really want TPL to be successful? If so, see how you can TAKE ACTION today!

Thank you. May God bless you, may God bless America, and may we never lose faith in what is true and good and just!



American Lands Council
American Lands Council · 859 W South Jordan Pkwy, 100, South Jordan, UT 84095, United States
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Ben, I say get it out there and let's get it settled. Posting all the press releases in the world won't resolve this issue or make it go away. I would rather fight the fight now than depend upon others to do my fighting for me. John
Ben, I say get it out there and let's get it settled. Posting all the press releases in the world won't resolve this issue or make it go away. I would rather fight the fight now than depend upon others to do my fighting for me. John

Don't worry.

The real fight begins on 1/21. Get your battle gear on. It's going to be a rough ride.
No, you didn't stutter, I knew you were talking about Trump. What you have with Trump's sexual liberties is solid hearsay. What you have with Slick-Willie is solid proof that he disrespected and misused lots of women. Got a BJ or two in the oval office and used a young woman as a cigar humidor. Clinton is 10x worse than Trump.

Curious how a actual recording of him saying he grabs women by the _____ is considered hearsay. I'll have to check my dictionary or the definition of that term.

Again, if the best you can do is excuse Trumps behavior by pointing to the Clintons, you have a pretty poor foundation to stand on in terms of your new president elects morals
Curious how a actual recording of him saying he grabs women by the _____ is considered hearsay. I'll have to check my dictionary or the definition of that term.

Again, if the best you can do is excuse Trumps behavior by pointing to the Clintons, you have a pretty poor foundation to stand on in terms of your new president elects morals

Yes, we get a contest betwixt two unsavories a representative democratic republic kicked one of em's ass, soundly.
Have to speak softly in this thread. Kat has already kicked my butt once.

Trump is our president.

New ideas.

Hopefully, a great staff. He is not a politician. He has to rely on his staff. Extremely intelligent, and should pick the right people.

Hope it works out. My total satisfaction is the Hilliary will not appoint the next few Supreme Court justices.

As I have said before, I am afraid of any party that has the House, Senate, and the Presidency!

Donald Trump is our President. Give him a chance.
When did we elect a president by Popular vote? Very Lame and you knew that when you typed it. John

That was a response to soundly kicking ass. He didn't. Dems didn't show up. To look at Trump's election as a mandate ignores the data and the reality of what transpired Tuesday night.
I found it interesting in the article jryoung posted that many of the people voting for Trump disliked him. However, their desire for political change outweighed their dislike and HRC represented the political status quo.

If the Democratic Party had read the tea leaves, they would have gone all in on Bernie and probably would have won easily. I personally feel he would have been a very good president.

Trying to predict the future of he Trump presidency is pointless
Ben please, you don't need civics 101...Tony, you obviously do.

As we've talked about earlier in PM, look at the small data. Trump's win isn't impressive, it's incremental. He didn't increase voter turnout from 12, he along w/ Hillary suppressed it by being awful candidates. The rust belt states would have stayed blue with more of an investment from Clinton, but they whiffed it. Same with Latino outreach. Clinton's bad moves on coal & miners cost her a lot of voters in Penn. The electoral college votes are what they are, but it's not the mandate people think it is.
One last random thought is that looking at the voter map by state reinforces why the electoral college is a good thing. Without it a handful of states would control the presidential election.
One last random thought is that looking at the voter map by state reinforces why the electoral college is a good thing. Without it a handful of states would control the presidential election.

With it, a handful of states control the election.

The electoral college is a good concept, but we need to think about how it remains relevant in the 21st century. This election wasn't decided by a vast swath of voters, but by small precincts that flipped. 5-10 different precincts controlled the balance of power. If we want representation, then perhaps looking at how Maine does their E College votes is a good idea: Award by congressional district rather than the whole state.
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