Sheep Show in Reno

I live on the East Coast and am thinking of going to the sheep show. I make just over $135K/year, so after paying the mortgage and other bills, I really dont have much of a hunting budget left over. I do dream of hunting all the sheep, many of the goats, and just love being in the mountains period. Do you think it's possible for a guy like me to go there and have a good time even if Im not booking hunts or bidding on tags, or am I going to be out of place? Thanks for any advice
Go and have a great time.

Long ago I was able to grab a cancellation NWT bowhunt for dall sheep hunt at what was cheaper than normal but a definite push for me financally. All went well for the first 3 days with lots of rams seen. Then the storm hit....60-90 mph winds for 6 days where you could not stand up to pee. Two hunters died in the Yukon in the same storm. Layed in a backpack tent day and night where the rain fly was shredded. All I could think was how selfish I had been and what I could have done for the family with the $$$$ spent on this trip. I felt too much pressure to kill to justify the expense of the hunt.

I did connect with a dall ram on the last day in horrific winds.

But I decided then I would never spend the kind of money again that would make me regret the hunt if I didn't kill something. And 40 years later I have not spent enough money on a hunt not to enjoy the hunt for the experience itself.
@Oak, what is the significance of the huge deadhead in the corner of the booth?
Seems like I have heard about it before.
It died of natural causes in 2005. Here’s a not very good article about it.
It ended up scoring around 195 (light on mass), but it’s the only bighorn in the record book with a 50” horn.
I've been to DSC many times, but will make this show next year. My daughter is moving to Vegas this summer so it will be a perfect opportunity to visit with her and do something new.
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