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This thread shows how wrong he is. Hopefully Trump's boys will educate their dad about Peay.

Who do you think Peay has been working with?

This will be the most challenging 4 years for public lands and wildlife since the Roosevelt era. Every single hunter and angler better suit up, show up and get ready to fight for what we love, otherwise we're going to lose it fast.
Who do you think Peay has been working with?

This will be the most challenging 4 years for public lands and wildlife since the Roosevelt era. Every single hunter and angler better suit up, show up and get ready to fight for what we love, otherwise we're going to lose it fast.

We'll need the REI crowd for this one...

I suspect DKP has better odds of landing on the moon.

Carnies like to dream up their own PR stories. And then believe those stories as though they are some sort of reality. Utah is one of the biggest circus tents in the country.

You don't go to Washington DC and behave the way SFW and Big Game Forever behaved during the wolf issue without lasting consequences. People and groups that get burned by amateurs have long memories.

If for some reason I am wrong, consider it one of the earliest and most telling flip flops of the new Administration.
As a fellow hunter, I see parallels in our political elections.

That is to say, I seek a majestic bull or buck to appear while I’m hunting, but know I must temper my feelings and go for what happens my way, else I go empty handed. Politics is the same way – I seek a candidate who represents many of the things I think this nation needs and deserves, but must take what I can get.

On the Clinton/Trump thing. Everyone is right. Everyone is wrong. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.

If folks are going to discuss Trump and/or Clinton, perhaps name calling should be avoided as it distracts from any meaningful conversation.

WT season opening here Saturday - I'm psyched!!!
So, will this be the first time a billionaire moves into public housing vacated by a black family?
Whiptail did not come up with that. i think it was Stephen Colbert and he was ascribing it to either Trump or Clinton transitioning into the White House as Obama moves out, on Colbert TV late night show weeks ago.

It's intent is to inject humor into an otherwise dire situation. I think we all need to "lighten up" a bit after this campaign season.
As a fellow hunter, I see parallels in our political elections.

That is to say, I seek a majestic bull or buck to appear while I’m hunting, but know I must temper my feelings and go for what happens my way, else I go empty handed. Politics is the same way – I seek a candidate who represents many of the things I think this nation needs and deserves, but must take what I can get.

On the Clinton/Trump thing. Everyone is right. Everyone is wrong. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.

If folks are going to discuss Trump and/or Clinton, perhaps name calling should be avoided as it distracts from any meaningful conversation.

WT season opening here Saturday - I'm psyched!!!

I meant to also include let's leave out any potentially racist, derogatory comments.

Unfortunately racist humor is never subtle.

Leave that to the paranoid cave dwellers who think the world is flat and white people rule everything.
Gotta ad a couple things here. While I am concerned to say the least about our wildlife, public lands, and environment, there are some ridiculous things happening. The protesters need to go home and shut their mouths. I may have concerns but he is my president and deserves enough respect to give him a chance and wish him the best. I think no one truly knows what a Trump presidency will look like and it may be much different than any of us believe. The media and many celebrities, etc. have lost their minds over this election and they truly don't understand how Trump won. Trump won because while our government catered to all minority groups, sexual orientations, and social issues over the past 8 years they didn't pay any attention to the white middle class that isn't racist, bigoted, stupid, or unfeeling. They were tired of being blatantly ignored. Average Americans were tired of being called racist, bigoted, deplorable, terrible people, so they went for the guy who talked about Americas greatness, not how terrible we were. He talked about making us "great again", rather than talk about how we needed to apologize to the world for just being America. Donald Trumps tens of millions of supporters were tired of America being talked down and voted for the man that talked about a brighter America. You can like him or hate him, and I don't love him, but I understand his appeal. The media tried to attack him,but it only made him stronger because he was a voice for the middle class who was angry and tired of being ignored, so they went with the loud voice that refused to be taken down and refused to apologize. Trump deserves a clean slate from today forward from every American. Judge him on what he does from this day forward, and hold him accountable over the next 4 years when he is wrong. Here we go, let's protect our public lands, try to protect our environment and stand up for wildlife and our rights. America is a great place and a Trump presidency could go amazing or bad, but America will still be here.
JRYoung, some of those points are showing up in other analysis of the situation. I do question some exit poll aspects though, they only poll those who go to vote, this does not account for all those that do absentee voting. Almost everyone I spoke with had done absentee, they won't show up in exit polls statistically. I would be curious to see, if they had a way to determine demographic breakdowns of the early voting.

As to the pollsters, Michael Moore wrote about them in his 5 point plan that was posted to the politics pages today (btw, Moore predicted Trump's win in July, and no, I am not regular reader of Moore).

2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn't let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must "heal the divide" and "come together." They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off.

Also of interest, Canada's immigration site went down due to heavy traffic, and internet searches that surged were "how to impeach a president".
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No, as is apparent by my easy to read sentence. That's what I dislike most about Trump supporters, their only real defense is "what about Bill/Hillary" Did I stutter or do you just have trouble reading that my statement was geared specifically toward Trump?

No, you didn't stutter, I knew you were talking about Trump. What you have with Trump's sexual liberties is solid hearsay. What you have with Slick-Willie is solid proof that he disrespected and misused lots of women. Got a BJ or two in the oval office and used a young woman as a cigar humidor. Clinton is 10x worse than Trump.
I have enjoyed all the comments, but here is what I think. We are all about keeping Public Lands...Public! If your plan is to keep a Democrat in the Oval Office to keep Public Lands the way they are, you are missing the big Elephant in the corner of the room. It just is not a way to address this cancer, we all just got our butts handed to us when Bundy got off from his siege. If we are to address this Issue now may be our best chance to get this addressed and put to sleep with Trump in the Oval Office. We will not have this opportunity with any other Republican President, that is why he got my vote. I come from and worked around Clinton country before they were names outside of Arkansas, they have been crooked for so long it is unreal. That will be $.02 John
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