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Trump: The Useful Idiot

There is no where in their hunting history where they claim to be avid "public land" hunters.

But like Nemont their idea of hunting is a bit different. I don't find anything to feel good about in regard to public lands related to the type of hunting that Trump Jr. does...Africa, Texas??? Way different than a family elk camp on public lands.

Serious question:

Did either of you listen to Don Jr's interview on bowsite?
Serious question:

Did either of you listen to Don Jr's interview on bowsite?

Yes, now go re-read my last post...nothing there that would change my concerns.

For the record, Jr. wont be the guy making the final calls on PLT, Resource Policy, etc. and Jr. isn't going to be the only person in the world trying to influence Senior.

There's still the big dead elephant in the room regarding the Republican plank on PLT to address as well...
I have a question. It seems like a remember reading on here that the vote to add PLT transfer to the national platform was narrowly passed at the republican convention. Does anyone know the numbers on how that vote went down?
I was doing a search over a month ago, can't remember what it was , but I stumbled across the first verses of an English folk poem, then found the rest of it. In the 1720s, the Enclosure Act allowed the English gentry to fence off the Commons, forced poor farmers off the land, privatizing the Commons. Some of the 1000s of displaced peasants moved to the cities to get whatever jobs they could, others migrated to America.

Considering the Public Lands Transfer movement, the Republican Party platform plank and Trump's many billionaire club choices for cabinets, some of which are vehemently opposed to what it is they may be put in charge of, I thought I would post this to show how easy it was for them to usurp, carve up and privatize The Commons.

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose

The law demands that we atone
When we take things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine

The poor and wretched don't escape
If they conspire the law to break
This must be so but they endure
Those who conspire to make the law

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
And geese will still a common lack
Till they go and steal it back


Protect our "common" public lands.
The one constant with Trump that has me the most concerned, is that he doesn't know the difference between being a leader, and a great leader. Any time Trump is in the room, he's smarter than everyone else, you don't even have to ask him, he will tell you. He knows more than generals, knows more about ISIS than anyone, and sure doesn't need to be bothered with daily intelligence briefings. .

That's very interesting, because if you replaced "trump" with "Buzzh" most wouldn't know the difference. You bash the man for acting like he knows everything, when you in turn get on the internet and tell people they don't know how to do their job, tell them how to do it better, and act like a pompous asshole (yes someone finally said it). You are never wrong, you know all (per your own chest thumping posts). You are the example of the pot calling the kettle black. Is that why you hate trump? Because you see him as better at your own game?

The "sportsmans issues" and "public hunting" sub forums on hunttalk have turned into a cry baby liberal "we didn't get our way and will pitch a fit until we do" safe space. Most that are complaining and moaning would whine if Trump increased the amount of public land. You would find something to complain about because of either the party name after "trump" (even though he is not a republican and the republican party did every thing they could to keep him out). Continue to cry in your cheerios before he even takes office.

Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. After the insane anti law enforcement rhetoric spewed a few months ago by the asshat that started this very thread, and the crybaby whining by the hardcore left on this site, I would rather not be a member or have an active account.

I respect Randy Newberg and what he does and stands for, its sad his site has been hijacked by the radical left.
That's very interesting, because if you replaced "trump" with "Buzzh" most wouldn't know the difference. You bash the man for acting like he knows everything, when you in turn get on the internet and tell people they don't know how to do their job, tell them how to do it better, and act like a pompous asshole (yes someone finally said it). You are never wrong, you know all (per your own chest thumping posts). You are the example of the pot calling the kettle black. Is that why you hate trump? Because you see him as better at your own game?

The "sportsmans issues" and "public hunting" sub forums on hunttalk have turned into a cry baby liberal "we didn't get our way and will pitch a fit until we do" safe space. Most that are complaining and moaning would whine if Trump increased the amount of public land. You would find something to complain about because of either the party name after "trump" (even though he is not a republican and the republican party did every thing they could to keep him out). Continue to cry in your cheerios before he even takes office.

Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. After the insane anti law enforcement rhetoric spewed a few months ago by the asshat that started this very thread, and the crybaby whining by the hardcore left on this site, I would rather not be a member or have an active account.

I respect Randy Newberg and what he does and stands for, its sad his site has been hijacked by the radical left.

Lol....To the trash bin with this thread. Just my vote.
hardcore left on this site... its sad his site has been hijacked by the radical left.

Holy cow man, you clearly haven't spent much him around PNW. Come hang out with my lesbian, vegan, PETA support acquaintances (wife's friends) for a bit to balance out that perspective. The left leaners lean no further than the right leaners.
Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. After the insane anti law enforcement rhetoric spewed a few months ago by the asshat that started this very thread, and the crybaby whining by the hardcore left on this site, I would rather not be a member or have an active account.


Really quite simple, don't log on. No need to bother Fin with deactivating your account.
Yes, now go re-read my last post...nothing there that would change my concerns.

I did re-read it. It said this:

I don't find anything to feel good about in regard to public lands related to the type of hunting that Trump Jr. does.

When I listened to the Don Jr. interview I was pleasantly surprised. The guy actually sounded very "normal" and a lot like many of us. He talked a lot about DIY hunts on public lands, and my BS detector wasn't going off, so I think he was being honest about his experience.

I share your concerns that Jr. is not the one who will be making decisions. But to throw him under the bus is unfair.
The "sportsmans issues" and "public hunting" sub forums on hunttalk have turned into a cry baby liberal "we didn't get our way and will pitch a fit until we do" safe space.

Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. .....I would rather not be a member or have an active account.

I think when we can get past the idea that people need to fit into neatly defined ideologies, we are more apt to listen. I primarily vote Democrat, I'm a gun owner and hunter. Mind blown.
The republican plank of PLT is what has me the most concerned. I tend not to trust any politician, more than ever now. I think we need to keep making our voices heard. I never really have been politically involved or inclined, but the last couple of years have had me emailing my reps and letting them know my thoughts on public land. I've been supporting BHA because the work they are doing is invaluable in that regard.

If Trump has shown anything since the election - it's that he is a wildcard. I have zero faith in anything that he says. Sportsmen need to be involved and barstool conversations just don't cut it.

Zinke as Secretary of Interior is better, but it doesn't give me the warm fuzzies.
Belly Deep,

As Hillary, Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump have proven you can say anything in an interview. Trump Jr. may be the second coming of Jack O'Connor. If push came to shove do you think he worries about where he will hunt? He isn't in government and doesn't make policy. It's great he is a hunter, if he were so powerful and people listened to his land concerns then how come that PLT plank was included in the Republican vision of what they want for America? Would seem to me Don Jr's opinion and $5.50 will get you cup a coffee at any Starbucks.

As for the claim that this is left wing attack on Trump, that is just being a sore winner. I will admit I didn't vote for him but I didn't vote for Hillary either but I do believe he won fair and square and believe all the recounts and demand to change the vote in the Electoral college is corrosive to our Republic. I simply don't trust anyone in DC when it comes to issues. I have no faith in the ability for them to get it right especially given the Party's platform. I am a conservative at heart and believe in conservative principles except when it comes to public lands and what they mean for this country.

Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. After the insane anti law enforcement rhetoric spewed a few months ago by the asshat that started this very thread, and the crybaby whining by the hardcore left on this site, I would rather not be a member or have an active account.

I respect Randy Newberg and what he does and stands for, its sad his site has been hijacked by the radical left.

Holy cow. I am glad you remember my posts more than I do.... And, since I have no idea who you are, what you care about, or anything else, I won't stoop to calling you names.

You might be better served by just not logging on.

And, FYI, "the radical left" has been posting here on Hunttalk, far longer than Mr. Newberg has owned the site, there has been no "hi-jacking". And, for your information, Mr. Newberg has at least one member of the "radical left" on an extremely short leash. You should be most grateful to Mr. Newberg and his thumb if the current level of discourse makes you uncomfortable.

Again, consider not logging on, if it is that uncomfortable to see other people's opinions, and to have your own opinions challenged.
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I did re-read it. It said this:

When I listened to the Don Jr. interview I was pleasantly surprised. The guy actually sounded very "normal" and a lot like many of us. He talked a lot about DIY hunts on public lands, and my BS detector wasn't going off, so I think he was being honest about his experience.

I share your concerns that Jr. is not the one who will be making decisions. But to throw him under the bus is unfair.

Where did I throw Jr. under the bus?

For the third time now, its a good thing that Jr. is a hunter...did you miss that part? Its also a good thing that he will have access to Sr. about this issue...said that before too.

But, I'm not going to hang my hat, nor rely, on Jr. to save the day for public lands, hunters, wildlife, etc. just because he does a hunt or two on public lands every now and then.

The reality is, that to him, its really not a big deal if say PLT happens and the States start peddling public lands. He has the resources, connections, etc. that wont change his hunting in the least. In other words, he really doesn't have as much to lose.

For the 99% who don't hop around the globe shooting elephants, do a majority of our hunts on private land or guided hunts in the States, we stand to lose it all.

Comparing how Jr. hunts, to a 4 generation elk camp on public lands, is a bit of a stretch in your rush to portray him as "just one of the guys".

I'm hopeful that he does have a lot of influence with Sr., I'm hopeful that he really does care about public lands, and hopeful that he stands against PLT.

Just not willing to push all my chips in regarding Jr. and Sr. Actions matter more than words, and I'm in the same camp as everyone else, having to wait and see.

Would like to shoot the chit more...but I have a sub-committee meeting to attend in Cheyenne to stop a State Constitutional Amendment regarding Transferring Public Lands.

Maybe I'll bump into Jr. over there fighting the good fight......
Yeah, well... I'm not even sure what the topic of this thread was to begin with. I mean, come on- it's titled "Trump, the useful idiot." .

WEll, as the "asshat" who started this thread, the point was how people will use Trump, as a "useful idiot" to get what they want.

Trump is a "deal maker", that is what he does. He has no philosophy, not direction, no guiding principles. And, to that end, there will be groups of people, bad people, VERY bad people like the public land transfer guys, the anti-hunting oil company CEO's, etc that will get him into "making deals", where he cuts deals on stuff that I don't care about, and, in the process of the deal, gives up something I care about, just for the sake of the deal.

And, to bring this thread a complete circle, like all great Ponzi schemes, Trump relies on his next deal, to keep his previous deals afloat. And, that will be how his administration runs, on deals. There is nothing in his background that says he knows anything about managing, administrating, manufacturing, producing, operating... just deals. And, the counter-parties in the deals know that, and are licking their chops.

So, we can keep this thread open as a repository for the parties who use Trump and his supporters to further their goals, that don't align with my interests.