Caribou Gear

Trump: The Useful Idiot

The fact that there has been a jug of H4831SC on the shelf at our local Sportsmans for 2 weeks in a row is a sure sign the end is near. :)

And Scheels here in Billings has more 22LR ammo on the shelf than you could shoot in 5 years with a sign that says "No quantity limit on purchasing".
It was reported the CIA concluded Russia interferred in the election, that's all I was saying.

I'm not so sure about that. Yes I've seen the rumors but I don't know that I've seen the CIA say with 100% certainty that the Russians did whatever they did with the intention of influencing the election. First of all, that's ridiculous. They have no reason to prefer Trump over Clinton. In fact the opposite is true. If anything they'd prefer us to have a weak leader rather than a strong leader. And second, I don't believe anything the CIA would tell us anyway. Because guess what? Obama is in charge of the CIA. He's almost as much of a liar as Hillary. He, and all the Democrats, want nothing more than to delegitimize Donald Trump's win. That's why they are trying to make it look like he only won because he had help from the Russians. What a joke. The liberals are only showing how desperate they are. What really needs to be under investigation is Hillary and the Clinton foundation and what went on while she was Secretary of State. And, all the cheating that happened within the Democratic Party during the presidential campaign.
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Anybody care to share their opinions on the following questions?

1. How did the Russian(s) interfere? Did they share information that was false? If that information was indeed not false and swayed people into voting one way or another, how is that a bad thing?

2. Has US gov't ever been influential in another country's election?

FWIW, I don't think Russia cared who won. They knew what they were doing and achieved a wedge a little bit deeper.
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I'm not so sure about that. Yes I've seen the rumors but I don't know that I've seen the CIA say with 100% certainty that the Russians did whatever they did with the intention of influencing the election. First of all, that's ridiculous. They have no reason to prefer Trump over Clinton. In fact the opposite is true. If anything they'd prefer us to have a weak leader rather than a strong leader. And second, I don't believe anything the CIA would tell us anyway. Because guess what? Obama is in charge of the CIA. He's almost as much of a liar as Hillary. He, and all the Democrats, want nothing more than to delegitimize Donald Trump's win. That's why they are trying to make it look like he only won because he had help from the Russians. What a joke. The liberals are only showing how desperate they are. What really needs to be under investigation is Hillary and the Clinton foundation and what went on while she was Secretary of State. And, all the cheating that happened within the Democratic Party during the presidential campaign.

I'll keep it civil, but seriously, I can't stop laughing. I'm totally speechless after reading what you just wrote. You win, have a good day.
I'll keep it civil, but seriously, I can't stop laughing. I'm totally speechless after reading what you just wrote. You win, have a good day.

Someday you'll learn that you can't believe everything the mainstream media tells you. Oh, and you also can't believe the government. Laugh all you want. I used to be naive like that. This presidential election has really opened my eyes.
Someday you'll learn that you can't believe everything the mainstream media tells you. Oh, and you also can't believe the government. Laugh all you want. I used to be naive like that. This presidential election has really opened my eyes.

You can't believe the mainstream media? You must get your info from Breitbart News.
Anybody care to share their opinions on the following questions?

1. How did the Russian(s) interfere? Did they share information that was false? If that information was indeed not false and swayed people into voting one way or another, how is that a bad thing?

Exactly! And again, Russia may not have had anything to do with the hacked emails. I think it's more likely that a DNC insider did it, you know, the guy who was murdered right after Wikileaks began releasing the hacked emails.
Months ago, I was in the middle of typing some of the tech info involving the Russian connections on a Trump thread that Randy had just locked, of the communication between Russia's elite Alfa Bank and a Trump server at the Trump Towers. These are some of the newer articles and the Oct. 7th Joint statement, that some may think is just gossip. The hacks and attacks are not under dispute by CIA and FBI, or the private cyber security groups investigating. What is being disputed by some of the FBI is Russia's motivation/intent.

Oct. 7th - The Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence—a combined 17 intelligence agencies—issued a statement saying confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations.

Nov. 5th - Cybersecurity Expert: Proof Russia Behind DNC, Podesta Hacks

Dec. 10th - Intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators, CIA's new assessment (FBI agreed about actions, but didn't commit to Russia's motivation). " 'However, Everyone agrees that a foreign power, i.e., Russia, engaged in criminal activity inside the United States,' the former official said."

Dec. 12th - Dmitri Alperovitch, whose firm investigated the DNC hack, said that their firm did, in fact, catch two groups associated with Russian intelligence agencies in the act.

Dec. 13 - 40 Electoral College members demand briefing on Russian interference
I'm pretty sure a thread posted on a public land hunting forum that has digressed to Russian email hacking, regardless each person's position on Russian email hacking, is probably fast-tracking this thread to the recycle bin.

Final request - get back to topics that are pertinent to self-guided public land hunting.
Yeah, well... I'm not even sure what the topic of this thread was to begin with. I mean, come on- it's titled "Trump, the useful idiot." But as for the public land hunting issue, we should all be thankful we've got a new president who's sons are avid public land hunters. It astounds me that some people on this site don't appreciate that fact. Donald Trump is not a hunter but he sure supports his sons' hunting and he looks to them for advice. The best thing that could have ever happened for America, just happened, Trump got elected, and it honestly makes me sick to hear sportsmen complaining about it. We're going to have a guy in the White House who's sons are avid big game hunters! That's exciting to me! These guys are the real thing, they've hunted Alaska, they've hunted Africa, Don Junior was just recently in Montana with his son, shooting their long range rifles. And even more recently he was in Texas. On his Facebook post he was wearing blaze orange- didn't say what he was hunting, or even that he was hunting- but I'm assuming that's what he was doing on a Texas ranch.
Suppose the Trump boys will ever have a problem getting hunting access regardless of the price? There is no where in their hunting history where they claim to be avid "public land" hunters. Your excitement should be tempered by the fact that public land transfer is a plank in the Republican party vision of America, that platform was approved at the same convention that gave Trump the nomination.

if Trump can make a super terrific deal, I highly doubt Junior will influence him and our lands could be gone to get Trump a victory on one of his priorities.

He sure hunted sheep in Alaska on public lands. I've seen the pictures.

Regardless of all that- the alternative was Hillary. A person who hates average, hard working, middle class Americans and who hates guns and hunting.
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As long as the Republican Party has PLT on their plank, every single one of them is going to be suspect and on my "must watch list".

Does it hurt that Trump Jr. is a hunter...not at all. But like Nemont their idea of hunting is a bit different. I don't find anything to feel good about in regard to public lands related to the type of hunting that Trump Jr. does...Africa, Texas??? Way different than a family elk camp on public lands.

I also have concerns about what kind of deal Trump would be willing to make in regard to PLT. I'm also skeptical that the public involvement process is going to continue on many resource policy issues, land management decisions, wildlife decisions, etc. with his administration.

Its all just a guess, but the two things I am not going to do is cheerlead for Trump or bash the guy on PLT, Resource policy, etc. until he does something to deserve it.

The one constant with Trump that has me the most concerned, is that he doesn't know the difference between being a leader, and a great leader. Any time Trump is in the room, he's smarter than everyone else, you don't even have to ask him, he will tell you. He knows more than generals, knows more about ISIS than anyone, and sure doesn't need to be bothered with daily intelligence briefings.

Great leaders are great because what they know for sure, is that they don't know everything...why Trump isn't, and never will be a great leader. His ego wont allow him to listen, and why I'm unsure how much influence Junior will have on his old man in regard to PLT.
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