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Trump: The Useful Idiot

And, (holy cow, feel like I have to explain myself too much), for the duck-blind story....

The interesting part of the "duck blind story" is that of course, the Trump Transition Team duck blind is on private land, owned by a bunch of rich guys who have bought up land and then started some interesting farming practices that may not be in the best interest of the public land hunters up and down the river.
Trump does have a philosophy and a guiding principle- it's "America first."

I'm confident he will stand by that principle for the next 4 years, or 8 years if he chooses to go for another term.
HuntTalk, like many discussion forums, is addictive. It's not so much the strength of the forum (although it easier to quit other forums with more stupid people) as it is the weakness of the member who would like to quit. I'd like to quit the internet altogether but alas, I am weak. HuntTalk is hard to quit because I see some bright folks here.

Anyway, here is a thought on Trump that should have everyone rolling their eyes:

What if he is keeping his friends close, but keeping his enemies closer?

What if he is a liberal (as I've suspected all along), bound to piss off all the conservatives except the stupid ones who love him because of what he says, and because of the R behind his name; And bound to make all the liberals happy, except the stupid ones who hate him because of what he says, and because of the R behind his name?

You heard it here first (for the record, I've actually been thinking of this possibility since he picked Pence). It's a risky proposition because he could die in office and then we'd be stuck with all those morons he chose. But if I'm right, he could turn out to be the best POTUS we ever had, notwithstanding all the stupid conservatives who are loving him right now.

Yes, I know, these are the ramblings of a desperate man who sees no other light in a future dimmed by the weight of humanity. It's a slender reed, but I cling to it.

Kat: Phenomenal find! And I bet there were some stupid peasants back in the day who made excuses, and carried water for the Lords and Ladies. They were ass-opposite of the peasant who, with nothing left, prayed the lord would turn out to be a good guy.

Oh, and Jose, you are a jack-booted fascist compared to me. :D
I have to admit that I do not have a clue what Jose is up to. It does not make sense. Very intelligent sounding rabble.
And, FYI, "the radical left" has been posting here on Hunttalk, far longer than Mr. Newberg has owned the site,

You are still around. What happened to Ithaca?

I for one don't have anything else to add, but I hope Fin will leave it open a little longer. Some of this is good stuff. I like his idea about seeing where this is going and revisiting this thread in a couple of years.
...... I hope Fin will leave it open a little longer. Some of this is good stuff. I like his idea about seeing where this is going and revisiting this thread in a couple of years.

It was on a fast track to the ditch, until rescued by Kat and Riley with some onpoint and thought provoking posts. Hopefully it can stay out of the ditch.
I would probably be considered one of those whiny liberals by some one here, but I think actions have to speak louder than words. In the past months since signing up here I have contacted my representative and senators, signed Buzz's petition, and in the last two weeks have donated to BHA, and joined them, as well as joining RMEF. I really don't mind if you hold some views that I am diametrically opposed to, as long as we can treat each other respectfully and recognize that we might not be completely right 100 percent of the time, and realize that by considering different positions we might both wind up in a better place. The politicians who work so hard to divide us do not have anyone's best interest in mind other than their own. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they come from. As Rush put it in their song "The Weapon", those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves, and the things that we fear are a weapon to be used against us.
Sure it's nice that Trump's sons hunt, but just because his sons hunt doesn't instantly make him a great leader and does not mean he will be good for public lands. Sure public lands may remain public but what good is that if they become environmental sacrifice zones for rampant energy development with little regulation?
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That's very interesting, because if you replaced "trump" with "Buzzh" most wouldn't know the difference. You bash the man for acting like he knows everything, when you in turn get on the internet and tell people they don't know how to do their job, tell them how to do it better, and act like a pompous asshole (yes someone finally said it). You are never wrong, you know all (per your own chest thumping posts). You are the example of the pot calling the kettle black. Is that why you hate trump? Because you see him as better at your own game?

The "sportsmans issues" and "public hunting" sub forums on hunttalk have turned into a cry baby liberal "we didn't get our way and will pitch a fit until we do" safe space. Most that are complaining and moaning would whine if Trump increased the amount of public land. You would find something to complain about because of either the party name after "trump" (even though he is not a republican and the republican party did every thing they could to keep him out). Continue to cry in your cheerios before he even takes office.

Now Bigfin as I asked you via private message several months ago, please deactivate my account. After the insane anti law enforcement rhetoric spewed a few months ago by the asshat that started this very thread, and the crybaby whining by the hardcore left on this site, I would rather not be a member or have an active account.

I respect Randy Newberg and what he does and stands for, its sad his site has been hijacked by the radical left.

wow this thread has really escalated.

the fact is the republican party has been pushing land transfer. It is a simple fact and has nothing to do with being liberal. If you don't like this fact maybe you should contact your representatives.
I have to admit that I do not have a clue what Jose is up to. It does not make sense. Very intelligent sounding rabble.

Jose is fairly knowledgeable about most all issues, and can throw out the talking points of either side in a provocative way in an attempt to stir the pot. He is a devils advocate.

Makes sense now?
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