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Trump: The Useful Idiot

Nothing good will come from the trump presidency, especially when you consider his cabinet appointees.

You've got to be kidding. He's not even president yet and he's already accomplished more than Obama did in 8 years. The best thing he's done is to keep Hillary out. But I'll stop there. It seems like threads get locked anytime anything positive is said about Trump.
You've got to be kidding. He's not even president yet and he's already accomplished more than Obama did in 8 years. The best thing he's done is to keep Hillary out. But I'll stop there. It seems like threads get locked anytime anything positive is said about Trump.

That is like a bad meme.....

Please, he may not have done bad things yet (he may actually have, ie... China), but he has certainly not accomplished more than Obama has over 8 years.

But, let's not look backwards, this ain't about Obama or Hillary, we have to deal with the hand that has been dealt, going forward, and, right now, Putin has in place his puppet, and his puppet doesn't understand, nor care, about issues impacting hunters. And, Putin's puppet seems to have an alarming practice of listening to the last person he talked to, and jumping to "policy" based on the last input. Which, is what is a concern, as he surrounds himself with people from Russia and from the Heritage Foundation and other pawns that support public land transfer.

The question is when do we decide to be alarmed. Some can read the writing on the wall, some need to have a 2x4 up side the head to start reading. Everyone will come along at their own pace.
You've got to be kidding. He's not even president yet and he's already accomplished more than Obama did in 8 years. The best thing he's done is to keep Hillary out. But I'll stop there. It seems like threads get locked anytime anything positive is said about Trump.

OMG and I'm not kidding.
I almost deleted this thread after the original post, knowing what normally ensues in these discussions. But, I thought it would be interesting for posterity to see the claims/defenses made today, then come back to revisit it after two years. So long as it stays civil, it will stay open. If it "hits the ditch," it will be closed.
Wow. So Jose has fallen for the lie about Russia. Man, I thought you were smarter than that!

What lie about Russia and how the hell do you know it's a lie, huh? Give us some facts to back up your assertion otherwise it's nothing more than your opinion.
You've got to be kidding. He's not even president yet and he's already accomplished more than Obama did in 8 years. The best thing he's done is to keep Hillary out. But I'll stop there. It seems like threads get locked anytime anything positive is said about Trump.

Wow! He has done more that Obama did in 8 years!? What an imagination you have.
Wow! He has done more that Obama did in 8 years!? What an imagination you have.

Correct, Obama has done plenty in 8 years. He became one of the worst POTUS in history, and it really only took him the first 4. I said, "second hand duck blind gossip".

I am moving on, hope you all can as well.
The fact that there has been a jug of H4831SC on the shelf at our local Sportsmans for 2 weeks in a row is a sure sign the end is near. :)
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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