Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Trump phenomena explained

Personally, my view on the personal integrity and character of a candidate is very important. .

If that is the litmus test for casting a ballot, its damn likely you would never see the inside of a voting booth...

There isn't a politician made that isn't on the take or cant be bought.
I agree. I used to watch with amusement at Trump and what he was saying for what seemed like shock value but now I watch as the house of cards is starting to fall for the Republicans.

I guess I'm sick of seeing the business as usual that has gone on both sides and personally am willing to see something different tried.

I can understand a frustrated electorate who yearns for leadership, for the life of me I cannot figure out why they believe Trump is the antidote for that frustration. Of course given the rest of the field that is trying it becomes some what clearer.

Trump has changed positions so often and with such ease and because of who is sitting in front of him at the time that I don't know how anyone can believe him anything that comes out of his mouth. For the social warriors he has been pro choice crowd until he wasn't, for the NRA crowd he was for the Assault Weapons Ban until he wasn't, for the fiscal conservatives he wants medicare for all like Bernie but he wants to put it on our credit card, it goes on an on.

Pick an issue and there has never been a time Trump hasn't been on multiple sides of it.

He is just a floppy haired cartoon character that some how nothing sticks to but an ego maniac at the controls of power and setting policy usually ends up a huge disaster.


I agree with all of that. At first, I was a bit bewildered by the Trump affinity held by anyone. For much of the reasons you mention.

Then it occurred to me, and maybe my realization is incorrect. It is not about Trump himself. It is not about his stated positions.

It comes down to discontented voters feeling they have no other way to take down the system they see more and more like a nobility of old Europe . They are smart enough to see the hypocrisy by the puppets on both sides. Maybe Citizens United and the resulting spending and disenfranchisement of the average person has accelerated this change. Most of them are not as engaged in policy and students of the framework that you are, so these details are less of an issue than the mere fact that they see some guy appealing to their frustrations and doing so in a manner that the establishment has now openly declared war upon. And the more the establishment declares war on him, the more it confirms to the discontented voter that Trump is correct, it is a game of insiders and those insiders care only about keeping the game going.

The minutia matters little to many. The disparities in power, in income, in so many other things, have caused them to say, "Eff it. Time for a rebuild and worry about the consequences later." Many Trump supporters have come to the point where they feel they have little to lose. With little to lose and the perceived notion they have much to gain makes for an appealing proposition. The same could be said for why Bernie is still standing on the other side.

Like I said, I could be completely wrong. But, there is something to this that is not because people are infatuated with a flip-flopping dude with the worst hair do since James Madison, rather something bigger and beyond that, with Trump being savvy enough to see it and capitalize on it.

I suspect if nothing else, a lot of ivory tower "campaign strategy" textbooks are getting burned as fire starter.
The biggest problem is it is no longer about service to one's constituents and country, but purely about power and money. It is sad when so many people distrust their representatives and leaders, but feel helpless to change anything. I know I have gotten several personal responses from my representatives, and it is basically, I am not sure what to tell you, but let me check with my party controllers, and then I will send you the canned response.

The US is in the top ten countries in the world to immigrate to, I have a hard time the flaw in the logic of actually enforcing our own laws, or putting a little finer filter on the input valve. I have personally fought the same kind of guys that shot up Paris, I can assure you that you don't, and I promise they won't love you if you welcome them with open arms. If that makes me a xenophobe, I am not sure what to tell you.....

I believe that the parties and their mouthpieces (Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, Boehner, insert other career politician name here) have brought this upon themselves. I would be the last to say that Trump is even close to what I would like to see in a president, but I know of at least 4 others that closely resemble the opposite.
I guess when these asshat politicians stop listening to those they represent...a piper needs to be paid.

This has been brewing for a long, long time...the bill has finally come due in the form of Trump.

The miserable part is, rather than learning, the establishment R's are doubling down on stupidity with guys like Cruz and Rubio...

Any lesson worth learning, is worth learning the hard way...and the R's are going to learn a hard lesson.
These were my exact thoughts during the last election cycle yet here we are again:W:
By many accounts, the National Review is the media mouthpiece for those pulling the puppet strings over at the RNC. Yesterday, they called for an all out war on Trump. They are scared chitless. The money hogging franchise model they have is going down the tubes thanks to what Nameless Range pointed out; demographics and the democracy of the internet. Little they can do to stop it, but they will spend billions trying.


The RNC could have just as well sent out an SOS as opposed to having one of their lackeys write this one.

....bloviated desperation.
I agree with all of that. At first, I was a bit bewildered by the Trump affinity held by anyone. For much of the reasons you mention.

Then it occurred to me, and maybe my realization is incorrect. It is not about Trump himself. It is not about his stated positions.

It comes down to discontented voters feeling they have no other way to take down the system they see more and more like a nobility of old Europe . They are smart enough to see the hypocrisy by the puppets on both sides. Maybe Citizens United and the resulting spending and disenfranchisement of the average person has accelerated this change. Most of them are not as engaged in policy and students of the framework that you are, so these details are less of an issue than the mere fact that they see some guy appealing to their frustrations and doing so in a manner that the establishment has now openly declared war upon. And the more the establishment declares war on him, the more it confirms to the discontented voter that Trump is correct, it is a game of insiders and those insiders care only about keeping the game going.

The minutia matters little to many. The disparities in power, in income, in so many other things, have caused them to say, "Eff it. Time for a rebuild and worry about the consequences later." Many Trump supporters have come to the point where they feel they have little to lose. With little to lose and the perceived notion they have much to gain makes for an appealing proposition. The same could be said for why Bernie is still standing on the other side.

Like I said, I could be completely wrong. But, there is something to this that is not because people are infatuated with a flip-flopping dude with the worst hair do since James Madison, rather something bigger and beyond that, with Trump being savvy enough to see it and capitalize on it.

I suspect if nothing else, a lot of ivory tower "campaign strategy" textbooks are getting burned as fire starter.

I agree with all that, my simple little mind just doesn't quite understand it all when it comes to Trump.

It is sad when so many people distrust their representatives and leaders, but feel helpless to change anything.

I believe that the parties and their mouthpieces (Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, Boehner, insert other career politician name here) have brought this upon themselves.

This is a big reason why people are willing to take a gamble on Trump.

I was talking to my grandma from Arizona on the phone the other day and she told me that she would no longer support the GOP, which was shocking because she has been a hardline supporter for her entire life.

She said she is sick of John McCain breaking his promise that he will secure the borders. Now she's putting her faith in Trump and who can blame her after being sold out for so long?

The fact that he has changed his tune on some issues really doesn't bother me. I think that men should be allowed to grow and develop new views on the world.

Besides that, what would we be talking about in this election if there was no Trump? What would the issues be? Would anyone even care, or would it be more of the same half-spirited crap we have been served up in the past?
Strange times we live in. The Democrats base is moving further and farther left, yet their inevitable nominee has historically held very conservative social positions,( anti-gay rights, pro drug war) is funded by Wall Street, and is without a doubt one of the biggest war mongers in modern America.
The Republican base has moved further and further right, yet it is appearing that their nominee is going to be someone who has donated to liberal causes his entire life, supported gun control, partial birth abortion, eminent domain, can't name a single Bible passage, yet has somehow gotten the vote of the Evangelical community. I think if the media truly wanted to go after Trump, they have plenty of ammunition to do so. Instead, they provide him with a free platform on 24/7 new cycles constantly mentioning his name without him paying a cent for the promotion.
If there was ever a time for a third-party, it is now.
I didn't read all the posts so I'm coming in a bit late on this one, but have to wonder, were people already pissed and frustrated with the current system or did they become that way because Trump told them they were pissed and frustrated. Just my opinion but looks very much to me like the latter. People since the beginning of time have been pissed about something, taxes, regulations, corporations, religion, unions,(Government) God how they hate the Government!), etc. etc. etc. I don't hate any of those things just for the sake of hating something. I can't stand certain politicians, others I admire a lot. Never understood the mindset of folks who say the whole system is rigged and every politician should be tossed out on their head, that would be tossing out a lot of good people. I do not think the entire system is rigged, it is what it is. I shake my head, I truly do when I see so many angry people who appear to be angry just for the sake of it. Kind of reminds me of the Militia Tea Bag malcontents the "Cliven Bundy's", they're out there screaming and hollering to basically do what I see the Trump followers doing, demanding an end to Government as we know it because they perceive every one it to be a damn crook. Sometimes ones lot in life is entirely of their own doing, own it and quit always looking for someone to blame!

None or little of the mindless crap Trump proposes is gonna happen. It just isn't, and if he's elected, 4 years from now, 8 years from now, 16 years from now people are still gonna be bitchin even if the whole system is turned upside down like they hope.

"Make America Great Again" what does that even mean? America has always been a work in progress. Point to a specific point in time that you're referring to when America was Great and I'll point out plenty of things that I bet prove you're wrong. How about pre Pittman-Robertson, slavery, blacks riding on the back of the bus, pre Jackie Robinson, pre EPA and Clean Air Act (anyone remember the Berkley pit?), how about before unions who brought about a living wage, pensions, sick leave and lets not forget the Weekend!); is that when America was Great? I don't believe there was ever a time when America was truly great. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but for crying out loud it's never been perfect and it's never going to be. Remember, regardless who you elect as President, even if it's Trump one things never going to change, 50% will hate him or her and the other 50% will love him or her. Then 4 years from now, we'll all be angry again, demand change, and the cycle will continue. I'd be careful what you wish for cause things could get worse, a lot worse. Pretending that just anybody with disgusting hair will suffice just because you want to be ticked off may come back to bite you in the ass. Remember this is the leader of the Free World your electing. But that's just my opinion.
What sums it up was a headline I read today. Something on the lines of Republicans are confused on why Trump is leading. Duh...... So much arrogance.
Unlike my old self, I don't have time to read things and see what everyones opinions are. LIKE my old self, I'll tell you mine.:)

Since before DAY 1, I've been on the #MakeAmericaGreatAgain campaign.

............TRUMP !

I won't change anyones minds, they won't change mine. I'm not a political guy but I like someone that can say how they feel. When someone can stand on stage and say they like FAT people and Skinny people and Rosey is UGLY, They have my vote.

Carry on with the facts.
It's not just illegally we're talking about, he supports a ban on Muslims immigrating to the country. America was built on immigrants, all immigrants, just just select ones from select areas! 99.999% of us have ancestors that immigrated here from elsewhere. But now we're going to stop that flow because of their religion or where they come from or the color of their skin? Yep, because that's 'MERICAN!

DT called mexican immigrants all rapists, even though statistically they commit rape at a fraction of the per capita rate as white people. How is directing lying about a race in order to incite fear and self-promotion not racism?

Nothing new for a country to want to limit who enters the country. That includes legal immigration and certainly illegal criminal entry to a country. Mexico has 50 cal machine guns pointed at Guatemala.

From wiki:

Antecedents to immigration reduction or control exist in antiquity, notably in the Roman Empire, where high living standards were an attractant to poorer tribes at the edge of the Empire. Specifically the immigration from Northern Africa, the Middle East, and of Germanic tribes from the northern European continent and Pictish peoples north of Hadrian's Wall in Brittania were viewed as unwanted population influxes.

More from Wiki, specific to America:

The Emergency Quota Act of 1921 restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number of residents from that same country living in the United States as of the U.S. Census of 1910. Professionals were to be admitted without regard to their country of origin.

The Immigration act of 1924 lowered the 3% to 2% and barred specific origins from the Asia–Pacific Triangle, which included Japan, China, the Philippines (then under U.S. control), Siam (Thailand), French Indochina (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia), Singapore (then a British colony), Korea, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Burma (Myanmar), India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Malaya (mainland part of Malaysia). Based on the Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1870, only people of white or African descent were eligible for naturalization, and the Act forbade further immigration of any persons ineligible to be naturalized.

The 1952 Act retained a quota system for nationalities and regions. Eventually, the Act established a preference system which determined which ethnic groups were desirable immigrants and placed great importance on labor qualifications.

The Immigration Act of 1952 defined three types of immigrants: immigrants with special skills or relatives of U.S. citizens who were exempt from quotas and who were to be admitted without restrictions; average immigrants whose numbers were not supposed to exceed 270,000 per year; and refugees.

The Immigration Act of 1965 was the last major update to America's policy.

Another item to consider. President Carter, during a time of crisis, ordered the cancellation of Iranian-U.S. visas and a moratorium on new visas, with exceptions for humanitarian and otherwise compelling situations.

Bottom line: While we may want to believe we had open arms for all immigrants whether poor or unskilled or sick or this skin color or that country...that is simply not true. Those of us that arrived by immigration had to clear several hurdles and many were turned back from Ellis Island.
How about this one? That is Trumps daughter Ivanka. Notice the humping birds statue:

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