Trump phenomena explained

Make America Great Again!! Somebody please give me a specific date in time when (again) was. Pretend you have a time machine and please let me know how far back you go when you can finally say, now, now is when America was Great. I don't think I'm being a smart ass, I don't mean to be, but if you truly want to make America Great Again, when the heck was that. Please, I want somebody to enlighten me, cause I must be missing something.
I didn't read all the posts so I'm coming in a bit late on this one, but have to wonder, were people already pissed and frustrated with the current system or did they become that way because Trump told them they were pissed and frustrated.

Yes, yes they were.
Make America Great Again!! Somebody please give me a specific date in time when (again) was. Pretend you have a time machine and please let me know how far back you go when you can finally say, now, now is when America was Great. I don't think I'm being a smart ass, I don't mean to be, but if you truly want to make America Great Again, when the heck was that. Please, I want somebody to enlighten me, cause I must be missing something.

You are repeating yourself.
Unlike my old self, I don't have time to read things and see what everyones opinions are. LIKE my old self, I'll tell you mine.:)

Since before DAY 1, I've been on the #MakeAmericaGreatAgain campaign.

............TRUMP !

I won't change anyones minds, they won't change mine. I'm not a political guy but I like someone that can say how they feel. When someone can stand on stage and say they like FAT people and Skinny people and Rosey is UGLY, They have my vote.

Carry on with the facts.

Do you honestly think what comes out of Trumps mouth is indeed how he really feels cause there's a ton of evidence that proves he's said exactly the opposite of what he's saying now, in the past. Which statements do you believe? I believe the statements he's saying now are what he knows the ticked off angry citizenry want to hear, and don't have squat to do with what he really believes. He's got you right where he wants you. that's for sure.
Looks like the insiders are keeping their promise. Both barrels, from all sides.

It's going to even more entertaining from here on out.

I agree with the both barrels quote Randy, but anything in the videos that's not true? Can we at least agree he's a flip flopper? I'm not looking to elect the Pope, and I'm damn sure no angel myself, but the guy should at least showing a bit of humility and human decency when he speaks. Kind of like when I hear you speak compared to when Nugent speaks. That's meant as a compliment by the way.
Make America Great Again!! Somebody please give me a specific date in time when (again) was. Pretend you have a time machine and please let me know how far back you go when you can finally say, now, now is when America was Great. I don't think I'm being a smart ass, I don't mean to be, but if you truly want to make America Great Again, when the heck was that. Please, I want somebody to enlighten me, cause I must be missing something.

You are obviously not old enough to remember Ronald Reagan
You are obviously not old enough to remember Ronald Reagan

Sorry you're wrong , I was 25 in 1980 I remember him well. Didn't he appoint Sec of the Interior James Watt, hmmm?

Reagan was the worst President in this Country's history, just my opinion though.
America at its greatest point was the D day or VJ day,

I do not remember Moosie ever commenting politically. I liked what he said.
Sorry you're wrong , I was 25 in 1980 I remember him well. Didn't he appoint Sec of the Interior James Watt, hmmm?

Reagan was the worst President in this Country's history, just my opinion though.

Keep trolling. Maybe someone else will bite
I agree with the both barrels quote Randy, but anything in the videos that's not true? Can we at least agree he's a flip flopper? I'm not looking to elect the Pope, and I'm damn sure no angel myself, but the guy should at least showing a bit of humility and human decency when he speaks. Kind of like when I hear you speak compared to when Nugent speaks. That's meant as a compliment by the way.

I think you are missing the point. Nobody is denying that Trump is like a flounder on a hot deck. The jist of this discussion is about the establishment going after Trump. On both sides. They have finally opened their eyes and noticed Trump is about ready to run away with it. Now, them having no real counter to what have been effective strategies, they intend to bring him down.

You seem to want a debate about the validity of Trump's positions. That is not why he is winning. He is winning because he is pointing out the obvious and using some tried and true tactics of the other sides, like appealing to people's fears and frustrations, and he is using he media like they are his employees.

And regardless of the quality of the candidate, the strategy is killing all other contenders. The supposed pros, who collectively have been paid billions to handle these campaigns and candidates, look like grade schoolers. Just a fact. The media looks to be owned by him. Now that they have looked in the mirror and realized how they have been played, they are coming after him, the R's, the D's, the media, the dark money, the (insert name of any "insider group" here).

What they fail to realize is the more they come after him, the more it validates to his newly found following, that the insiders want to take him down. In every attack from here on out, he is going to point to them as insiders who are out to get him. And it will be very effective.

Trump can step on his junk from here to November and odds are, he is going to not be held to the same standard as the "professional candidates." If you have not read it, go read the Rolling Stones article and think about the reality he has pointed out and the obvious facts the author has highlighted.

For the masses, to hear Jeb Bush talk about how he has a good plan to replace Obamacare, when he is owned by the pharma industry (fact) is hard to explain away with any sort of credibility. Trump may not have been very tasteful in how he delivered the facts, but how would Jeb push back on a group that gave him so much money? He wouldn't.

For the masses, to hear Hillary rationalize how she got $650K for one speaking engagement with Goldman-Sachs, that somehow she is against the Wall Street bankers, is laughable. She has been on her knees to Wall Street more than anyone. Yet, her and the insiders on that side want to convince people that she is going to do something to balance trade and labor on behalf of the average American. Folks aren't buying it.

Those are just small examples. Trump is the guy who, in spite of his manners and his changing positions, happens to be pointing out the obvious, the hypocrisy.

Honestly, I think the guy raising his family who has trusted the trickle down insiders that trade deals would be good for him while he is still working for the same total compensation package from ten years ago is over it. The single mom who is working two jobs and was told Hillary was in her corner, is over it. The student who worked through college and did all that he was told to invest in him/herself and now finds his/her opportunities to be not much improved, is over it.

The American public knows they have been sold down the river by the parties, but until now, they never really thought there was an alternative. Trump represents that alternative, bad hair, ugly makeup, offensive comments, and all. That is what this is about. Funny part, from the outside, is that the two parties are too damn pompous and conceited to see that the masses are not as obedient as the parties have told them to be. Just took an alternative who could project himself as an outsider, like Trump, to open that gate and start the flood.

And I doubt the insiders are smart enough to turn it around before November. The only way Trump does not ride this circus of inept competitors into the White House is if he completely goes off course from what has been an effective, and at times abrasive, strategy. It is his to lose at this time.
America at its greatest point was the D day or VJ day,

I do not remember Moosie ever commenting politically. I liked what he said.

Good answer, my Dad rest his soul was there on Utah Beach. Still lots of bad racial bigotry going on in the 40's. He'd tell you that himself. Thanks for your response.
And I doubt the insiders are smart enough to turn it around before November. The only way Trump does not ride this circus of inept competitors into the White House is if he completely goes off course from what has been an effective, and at times abrasive, strategy. It is his to lose at this time.[/QUOTE]

I agree.
I was being ridiculed the other day by an Obama/Hillary supporter. I too asked them how much worse could it get. And while Gerald ponders his enema :D I throw out my observations of all this.
Optics, bad behavior and ego aside (don't we already have that?) just what is he likely todo should he get elected? He has been on a tirade for as long as I can remember about trade deficits and currency manipulation. More than likely he stands up for our side and sticks it back. China is already whining about the possibility of he getting elected.

IF he delivers on just a few of his campaign promises I'll be happy.
--Hillary will do the perp walk and the rest of DC politicians are nervous as could be.
--He finally does close the border. At least stops inviting everyone in.
--He replaces Obama care and tells big pharma to take a hike and brings some competition to health care.
--He will get the economy growing again by getting rid of the excessive regulation,political correctness and gov't over reach that has everyone holding back on investing in the US. --Does what he needs to with the tax rates to bring alot of the big tech money back into the US for investment.
Likely he will line his own pockets in doing all of this but he has the appearance at least of not being beholden - or at least bot and paid for by special interests and I doubt he sells the country out like Hillary has allegedly done.
His contempt of p[olitical correctness allows him to combat terrorism better than anyone else has done.

If none of this comes to be than it is corrupt business as usual and we know the other candidates aside from Sanders are all bot and paid for. So, Yeah. How much worse could it be with him in office for the top 4-5 items that most of the country is concerned with?
I can't help but find this highly entertaining and almost much watch TV b/c no one has any idea what might come out of Trump's mouth. He's making a mockery of the idiots that run the republican party and every other politician completely out of touch with main street and I LOVE IT. I almost lost it when he was reminding the other candidates how many jobs they created.

At this point the republican party is so pathetic that it needs someone to kick them in the nuts. Rubio's bought and paid for. Cruz is bought and paid for. The other guys are basically empty suits that the networks don't acknowledge.

What happens if Trump wins the nomination? The R's look like the out of touch idiots that they really are and then what?

Should be interesting if nothing else. I'm still laughing and the debate ended a couple hours ago.
...that has everyone holding back on investing in the US. --Does what he needs to with the tax rates to bring alot of the big tech money back into the US for investment.

Everyone holding back? Do you ever read the FDIUS reports?

Annual foreign direct investment inflows over the last
few years have pushed total foreign investment on a
historical-cost basis to $2.8 trillion through 2013.
Foreign companies invested more in the United States
than any other country in the world last year, whether
measured cumulatively or by 2013 investment. There
are any number of reasons why foreign investors prefer
the American economy. First, and perhaps most impor-
tant, the United States has one of the most open mar-
kets and investment climates in the world. Other advan-
tages attracting foreign companies include:
-an unrivaled consumer market;
-a world-class system of higher education;
-a skilled and productive workforce;
-an entrepreneurial culture of innovation and
risk taking;
-a transparent regulatory environment; and,
-the largest venture capital and private equity market
in the world.

As for repatriation, it's unlikely unless some serious restrictions are put in place. The demo got burned in 2004 and haven't forgot it as all the money repatriated went to shareholders and not to Capex/hiring as promised.
Great article Fin. I think what I find most interesting about all of this is that if you took some of Trump's policy proposals or statements (going after insurance companies for drug pricing, public land support, calling the Iraq war a big mistake, etc), they sound pretty progressive/left. His big fu to the establishment, whether he identified labeled himself a dem or republican, is why he has the support he does. Trump v Sanders would be a great end to this. I'd go Sanders but if Trump won, I wouldn't be nearly as disappointed as if Cruz or Rubio (or Hillary) were elected. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks Trump is just looking to punk the Republican party and voter.
I think what I find most interesting about all of this is that if you took some of Trump's policy proposals or statements (going after insurance companies for drug pricing, public land support, calling the Iraq war a big mistake, etc), they sound pretty progressive/left.

Which, as the article points out, are only considered "left" positions because both parties have beaten that into their constituents.
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