PEAX Equipment

Trump phenomena explained

Looks like the insiders are keeping their promise. Both barrels, from all sides.

It's going to even more entertaining from here on out.


And from a few of the pop-guns as well.

It's a long way to November.

Well folks, pretty much a consensus the RNC is s chitshow and Trump is capturing the moment..

...and then there's the other gorilla in the room;...I mean, surely there are many many democrats asking wtf?

Sorry Ben, no ankle pics.
I believe what Trump is proving is that 1) Republicans can't stand Republicans and 2) Republicans truly believe in a lot of the same ideas as Democrats but can't vote for anyone with a D in front of their name. Right now, as I see it, Trump is probably the best Democrat in the race. I find it funny because Democrats would not vote for him because he is part of the monetary institution. He is one of those rich guys that are easily demonized by Democrats and would never get through a Democratic primary. However, when you look at his stance on issues both in the past and still currently, he more often than not sides with the Democrat party line. I can also guarantee that Trump (with his ego) will not want less Federal government control while he is in office. He is not one to give up power, in fact I believe he will want that power more centralized. Brian Switzer once said that you can not win an election in Montana unless you wear a cowboy hat, have a dog, ride a horse and carry a gun. In his first try for office, he had none of these...when he won the election, his commercials were about him, on a horse, with his dog running beside him (I can't remember the message but it really didn't matter). Trump couldn't get past a democratic primary...but he knows the formula to get past a Republican primary...
I cant understand for a minute why any democrat on here thinks the Republican candidates are bad.I mean you have Hillary and I don't have the time to go over the reasons why she should never hold the kind of power as POTUS.Then you have Bernie,whom is actually winning the popular vote for democrats but the delegates wont allow him to win.This guy thinks everything can be free,and college age kids cant figure out that someone does have to pay.which will be them once they graduate and get a job.Blows my mind that anyone could possible hit the button for either one of those two in Nov.I understand the welfare crowd voting them,but a working person over 30 that knows all about Hillary????I WILL vote for Trump as I'm tired of politics as usual.I'm a moderate and cant stand the freebie left people who want to take guns and have govt control everything.And, I don't care for the far right either.I mean abortion will never be a deciding factor on who I vote for.They like to go after Trump about that,but to me its a non issue.I want someone with the stones to go hard after ISIS,support 2nd amendment,Keep jobs here and grow our economy,fix the deficit,protect our public lands and the people employed with them,protect our border.Trump was a large donator to a lot of Dems in office so I'm sure he can work thru party lines which the dem candidates will not.Lets also not forget how important selecting the next SJ will be as well for gun owners.You want an anti gun candidate in office still
grbawana,lets be serious, you already hate most white people hows trump going to change that.Obama has done more to separate the races then any president in the countries history.Never has any president come out on the side of gangster thugs that got killed by police,and blasted law enforcement.Yeah, hes been a great one for unity.He really ruined the odds of us having another black president anytime soon.I personally like Ben Carson a lot but hes too soft spoken.So please don't start with I'm a racist because I can stand the president with the worst record in history.To some of us its not about color but ABILITY
I cant understand for a minute why any democrat on here thinks the Republican candidates are bad.I mean you have Hillary and I don't have the time to go over the reasons why she should never hold the kind of power as POTUS.Then you have Bernie,whom is actually winning the popular vote for democrats but the delegates wont allow him to win.This guy thinks everything can be free,and college age kids cant figure out that someone does have to pay.which will be them once they graduate and get a job.Blows my mind that anyone could possible hit the button for either one of those two in Nov.I understand the welfare crowd voting them,but a working person over 30 that knows all about Hillary????I WILL vote for Trump as I'm tired of politics as usual.I'm a moderate and cant stand the freebie left people who want to take guns and have govt control everything.And, I don't care for the far right either.I mean abortion will never be a deciding factor on who I vote for.They like to go after Trump about that,but to me its a non issue.I want someone with the stones to go hard after ISIS,support 2nd amendment,Keep jobs here and grow our economy,fix the deficit,protect our public lands and the people employed with them,protect our border.Trump was a large donator to a lot of Dems in office so I'm sure he can work thru party lines which the dem candidates will not.Lets also not forget how important selecting the next SJ will be as well for gun owners.You want an anti gun candidate in office still
Punctuation is hard.
Everyone holding back? Do you ever read the FDIUS reports?

Annual foreign direct investment inflows over the last
few years have pushed total foreign investment on a
historical-cost basis to $2.8 trillion through 2013.
Foreign companies invested more in the United States
than any other country in the world last year, whether
measured cumulatively or by 2013 investment. There
are any number of reasons why foreign investors prefer
the American economy. First, and perhaps most impor-
tant, the United States has one of the most open mar-
kets and investment climates in the world. Other advan-
tages attracting foreign companies include:
-an unrivaled consumer market;
-a world-class system of higher education;
-a skilled and productive workforce;
-an entrepreneurial culture of innovation and
risk taking;
-a transparent regulatory environment; and,
-the largest venture capital and private equity market
in the world.

As for repatriation, it's unlikely unless some serious restrictions are put in place. The demo got burned in 2004 and haven't forgot it as all the money repatriated went to shareholders and not to Capex/hiring as promised.

Yes JR, there is boat load of investment money that is parked on the sidelines until thsi current term is over with. I deal with a variety of people in different industries. The comment is always the same. First they waited to see what Obamacare would look like and when they found out they cut back on expanding anything and moved toward part time workers where they could.
Granted, a lot of the money you are talking abt went to the shareholders, and why not. who the heck wants to pile it into dealing with bureaucracy. Anyway we are jsut guessing at this point.
My real and only concern is what a Trump supreme court nomination will look like. You got any guesses on that, I'm listening
I cant understand for a minute why any democrat on here thinks the Republican candidates are bad.I mean you have Hillary and I don't have the time to go over the reasons why she should never hold the kind of power as POTUS.Then you have Bernie,whom is actually winning the popular vote for democrats but the delegates wont allow him to win.This guy thinks everything can be free,and college age kids cant figure out that someone does have to pay.which will be them once they graduate and get a job.Blows my mind that anyone could possible hit the button for either one of those two in Nov.I understand the welfare crowd voting them,but a working person over 30 that knows all about Hillary????I WILL vote for Trump as I'm tired of politics as usual.I'm a moderate and cant stand the freebie left people who want to take guns and have govt control everything.And, I don't care for the far right either.I mean abortion will never be a deciding factor on who I vote for.They like to go after Trump about that,but to me its a non issue.I want someone with the stones to go hard after ISIS,support 2nd amendment,Keep jobs here and grow our economy,fix the deficit,protect our public lands and the people employed with them,protect our border.Trump was a large donator to a lot of Dems in office so I'm sure he can work thru party lines which the dem candidates will not.Lets also not forget how important selecting the next SJ will be as well for gun owners.You want an anti gun candidate in office still

I agree 100%..
In the last 8 years my taxes have gone up 35% and the health insurance for my family of 4 has almost doubled. These are big issues for me. I want to protect our guns and have public lands to hunt on, but I don't want to have to wonder if my kids are going to be safe from a terrorist when they get on the bus in morning, and I'd like to be able to put a little money aside so I can take my kids to hunt on those public lands with the guns that our constitution protects.

Anyone that supports Hillary just chooses not the see the truth. Bernie will not represent the D's. Cruz is bought and paid for and Rubio is a puppet. Who's left?...The only person to ever make it this far, win this many caucuses, and still self fund his campaign. Ya he's blunt and arrogant, but you don't want a POTUS without balls, we've already have several of those....Its not working.
Pay $1200 per month for health insurance or pay a fine for not purchasing insurance? Both are like getting kicked in the nuts.

Money is pouring into the US due to emerging markets tanking and currency devaluation. China's bad loans and shadow banking system make the Great Recession look like a penny in the ocean. Flight to relative safety of our stock market pumped up on free money from the fed. Negative interest rates are coming to punish anyone who chooses to save. Don't worry though - the push to outlaw cash is coming so you have to keep it in banks where they can control and confiscate.

I'll take the tinfoil off my head before I go to bed.
Pay $1200 per month for health insurance or pay a fine for not purchasing insurance? Both are like getting kicked in the nuts.

Money is pouring into the US due to emerging markets tanking and currency devaluation. China's bad loans and shadow banking system make the Great Recession look like a penny in the ocean. Flight to relative safety of our stock market pumped up on free money from the fed. Negative interest rates are coming to punish anyone who chooses to save. Don't worry though - the push to outlaw cash is coming so you have to keep it in banks where they can control and confiscate.

I'll take the tinfoil off my head before I go to bed.

.I'll leave my tinfoil on. :D
Don't forget gas is $1.69/gal.

Have you noticed that's helped your prices at the grocery store? Nope.
Luckily the freezer is full with a nice variety of organic meats courtesy of Nosler.

I'd rather pay 700 less per month for healthcare than pay an extra 100 a month for fuel.
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