Trump is shot!

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The depth of the incompetence becomes more astounding with every new piece of information. Like it's really tough to wrap my mind around. But the conspiracy angle just doesn't pan out either.

Conspiracy by the left angle: You somehow managed to get that many secret service and local LEO's in on the plan to ignore the shooter for so long, you're going to make sure the patsy is a good shot and is armed with a better "long-range" gun than a 223.
Conspiracy by the right angle: Your patsy isn't going to shoot close enough to graze Trump's ear. Not enough margin for error there, especially with a 223.

So we're left with just a mind-boggling array of failures on multiple levels.

I think there are a few more versions:
Second shooter
Blood on assasin is dry
Team that was supposed to be on second
While the Secret Service also agreed to brief lawmakers on Tuesday, the panel's spokeswoman said, the Department of Homeland Security "took over communications" with the committee and has not confirmed a time for the briefing.

Alejandro the apparatchik obfuscator has entered the chat...

Consider playing congressional hearing bingo:
Predict five statements that will be spoken at the hearing-

1: I am not able to comment on an ongoing investigation.
2: We are fully investigating all avenues of violence.
3: We are cooperating fully with the FBI to determine what occurred.
4: I am not able to comment on an ongoing investigation.
5. The Secret Service remains dedicated to protecting the president of the United States as well as the candidates.

The Secret service takes our roll as protector very seriously.
Sure seems like they aren't exactly helping themselves with explanations. I haven't kept up with the news but it seems like the easiest explanation to swallow (which is not the same as an excuse) is that local LEO's had control of that building and SS thought there's no way that guy they did see would be an active shooter as a result.

Not sure what kind of communication and trust between locals and SS is involved in these events but might guess that latter will be changing in the future.
Sure seems like they aren't exactly helping themselves with explanations. I haven't kept up with the news but it seems like the easiest explanation to swallow (which is not the same as an excuse) is that local LEO's had control of that building and SS thought there's no way that guy they did see would be an active shooter as a result.

Not sure what kind of communication and trust between locals and SS is involved in these events but might guess that latter will be changing in the future.
The SS has already tried to blame the local law enforcement. They keep digging themselves in deeper.
A balanced fact-based 7 minutes regarding the assassination attempt and the failure of the SS from someone who actually just reached out to some of those involved. Lot's of "expert" claims and assumptions out there on the internet.

This is the religious sect I simply can not comprehend. 'Merica! I hear Trump now prepping his next religious pandering speech, "I speak with God Sooo much! No one speaks with God as much as I do!". SMH.
Really? How many biblical versus cover all the filth this guy sheds? Again, I give two chits for Biden just as well. No bias simply bewildered by horse blinder guided faith. Sheep off a cliff.
To think this is what I've always accepted as a friend and will continue. Great family though some of the blind allegiance is a challenge to absorb. I'm stunned.
FB message a friend propagated from another, and another, and another.

Curious to hear from those with LEO experience. In the image below, one of the countersnipers is wearing a vest that says "Police." Would that mean he is with a local SWAT team that Secret Service worked with for this event, or is that what a SS countersniper would be wearing?

I suspect that answer would be answered as part of the investigation. Just curious and wondered if any of the LEOs here would know.

View attachment 332804
It says "Secret Service" below "Police"
Curious to hear from those with LEO experience. In the image below, one of the countersnipers is wearing a vest that says "Police." Would that mean he is with a local SWAT team that Secret Service worked with for this event, or is that what a SS countersniper would be wearing?

I suspect that answer would be answered as part of the investigation. Just curious and wondered if any of the LEOs here would know.

View attachment 332804
It's a universal identification. Most all LE agencies have "POLICE" on vests especially in multi agency operations.
Ask anybody I work with. They all love yellowstone.

I just guided two days of horseback riding and fly fishing for a guy from the East Coast who "Watched the Whole Series, it was Great!". I accidentally told him I've only seen one episode and just haven't had time to watch more (or just chose not to), so he proceeded to give me the entire synopsis during a 1.5-hour ride back to the rail while he was living his Western fantasy, including telling me about all the ways the cowboys do things...I was silently cracking up the whole time.
Missed that part but Do you think it would have been changed if enough sportsman didnt raise a concern? who ever put that in there originally knew what they were doing it was not a overlooked they knew what it would accomplish the change was just to try and cover there butt.
I agree that Congress' rare display of efficiency without grandstanding in favor of scapegoating was likely in response to pressure from concerned constituents. I personally wrote to my representatives on the issue urging them to clarify the law. I don't do that on a lot of issues, but this one seemed like an easy non-partisan fix.

However, I don't believe anyone was acting maliciously against hunter's ed. Rulemakers essentially said "The law isn't clear but this the way it is written. We'll follow it as we interpret it to be correct. If we're erroneous in this interpretation then Congress needs to clarify." Congress did just that. The whole affair and the bipartisan legislation that moved quickly in response seems like a rare case of government, you know, governing. Checks, balances, etc. It happened the way it was intended by our framers on this one.

The actual rule is a bit of a wonky policy dive, but it was unclear if any of the money that got "cut" was ever actually used for hunter's ed and if it would have made a difference had Congress not clarified.

I'll stop derailing all the grassy knoll videos and memes now. ;)
This is the religious sect I simply can not comprehend. 'Merica! I hear Trump now prepping his next religious pandering speech, "I speak with God Sooo much! No one speaks with God as much as I do!". SMH.
Really? How many biblical versus cover all the filth this guy sheds? Again, I give two chits for Biden just as well. No bias simply bewildered by horse blinder guided faith. Sheep off a cliff.
To think this is what I've always accepted as a friend and will continue. Great family though some of the blind allegiance is a challenge to absorb. I'm stunned.
FB message a friend propagated from another, and another, and another.

View attachment 333042
Oh, heck yeah! I had a weird ear infection when I was in elementary school and some blood came out of my right ear. I'm going to run with this for sure.
For many of the members of this board, this assassination attempt is the first one in their memory bank.

Yes, there was a screw up, but going for forty plus years without a president or presidential candidate getting shot at is an impressive run.

Does anyone think that there were no risks to Obama's life, while he was president? Does anyone think that there were no risks to Trump's life during his first term? Each of them had many detractors. This is true for every president.

Before I was out of high school JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcom X had been assassinated. Not long after George Wallace was shot. Reagan was shot when I was 30 years old. The last forty plus years are fairly quiet, comparatively.
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