PEAX Equipment

Trump is shot!

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The depth of the incompetence becomes more astounding with every new piece of information. Like it's really tough to wrap my mind around. But the conspiracy angle just doesn't pan out either.

Conspiracy by the left angle: You somehow managed to get that many secret service and local LEO's in on the plan to ignore the shooter for so long, you're going to make sure the patsy is a good shot and is armed with a better "long-range" gun than a 223.
Conspiracy by the right angle: Your patsy isn't going to shoot close enough to graze Trump's ear. Not enough margin for error there, especially with a 223.

So we're left with just a mind-boggling array of failures on multiple levels.

Anyone who thinks 556 as a cartridge from that range being a factor worth noting on whether it's a conspiracy or not has a dumb take. Its the primary issue cartridge for our war fighters for engagements much longer than 140 yards..
So, in some posts, you cite the need for different perspectives, when it comes to history. Trying to add a different perspective is not really the same as removing perspectives.

Again, I asked for examples and you gave generalities.

Off the top of my head, Arkansas, Florida, and Texas have been very active in whitewashing the racial history in their schools.

Lastly, Bill Maher is evidence that enough weed will harm your brain.
Of course this isn't just giving generalities, right?

Felix Ever After, a book by Kacen Callender that claims that girls who hate “being forced into dresses and being given dolls” are transgender, is available in 77 percent of the districts I surveyed. But not a single school out of the nearly 5,000 I searched offers books critical of trans theory. Students won’t find books like Trans by Helen Joyce or Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier, both recent bestsellers that present skeptical takes on the rapid rise of transgender identification among adolescents.
Did you conveniently miss this response?

I have typed up and deleted about half a dozen different responses here, but it's not worth it. Everyone needs to go talk to their families and friends spread around the country for a little bit. I have people in my direct family that will vote for Biden, Trump, and likely RFK, Jr. in the upcoming election. There are homosexuals, devout Christians, Atheists, teenagers, and elderly. There are Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, and a whole pile of mixed nieces/nephews/grandbabies. The nuances of thought within my own family are a clear indicator that it's impossible to know what someone thinks without talking to them. And it reminds me that we all likely have more in common than we'd think; the middle is large and the fringes are small. We need to quit pretending that everyone on the other side is on the fringe. Ignore the loud voices in the media and listen to the small voices in your personal life.

Oh, and small government. Thanks.

Last comment for me on this one. Like @JohnCushman, in before the lock.
Anyone who thinks 556 as a cartridge from that range being a factor worth noting on whether it's a conspiracy or not has a dumb take. Its the primary issue cartridge for our war fighters for engagements much longer than 140 yards..
I read somewhere the 5mph crosswind displaced a 55gr projectile 2". An AR is also less likely to be sub-MOA. Our warfighters aren't required to make one perfect shot before being taken out by counter-snipers, and their aim is to incapacitate (ie, render unable to fight back), not kill with the impossibility of any medical intervention. All I'm saying is that if there were some grand conspiracy, they probably would've tried to minimize variables, and even an entry level bolt gun in manbun or 308 would be a more effective sniper rifle, and if you're paying off that many cops, you probably spring for a high-end gun.
Feel free to offer present examples of the left trying to censor books or curriculum.
No the left is just trying to rewrite the books> tells us men can give birth etc etc. Tells us we can't have a stream named " crazy woman creek" even though its been named crazy woman creek for 170 years!!! wow
Based on the last 14 years. Everything really just seems par for the course to me. Nothing to see here.
We let it get this way by wholeheartedly buying into identity politics and other bullshit politics that really mean nothing in the grand scheme of the country operating. The bucks stops with Kim, but the buck was rolling because citizens miss the forest for the trees as they scream at eachother on if a couple homos should be allowed to marry or if a 14 year old can cut his dick off or if abortion is okay....meanwhile the homos who got married can't afford to keep food on the table or rent because the cost of living is out of $*)Q!#@$ control. But hey atleast were married. Man were $*)Q!#@$ retarded!
Sir this is a Wendy's
I'm guessing a lot of guys on this board wouldn't group 3moa at 140yrds off that roof if shooting at a 220in buck or a 400inch bull a few steps from a fence. That to me explains the miss. There is absolutely no explanation as to how the kid gets on the roof and has enough time to take a shot!!!!

what if the stage was rushed by a jeep full of trained expert experienced comandos!
As others have said "in before the lock" I think it's time to shut this one down. It was started as a notice of an attempted assassination that affects all of us and a place to talk about it. That's pretty well run it's course. Too much off-topic crap and semi-heated back and forths. If @Big Fin would like to lock this one he has my approval, needed or not. Thanks for playing!
I'm guessing a lot of guys on this board wouldn't group 3moa at 140yrds off that roof if shooting at a 220in buck or a 400inch bull a few steps from a fence. That to me explains the miss. There is absolutely no explanation as to how the kid gets on the roof and has enough time to take a shot!!!!

what if the stage was rushed by a jeep full of trained expert experienced comandos!
400” I’d push you off the roof and have a round in that elk before you hit the ground
And this is the type of rhetoric that promotes the existential hyperbole that got us to this thread in the first place. As I criticized the Biden campaign yesterday, I critcize the GOP for the following,


“clear and present danger” is a violence justifying label. Apparently we will not learn. We are incapable of have a debate on merits and must always first lessen the humanity of the other. If we don’t find leaders in both parties who see the harm in such unproductive overstatement then this will not be HT’s last thread on this type of event.
And this is the type of rhetoric that promotes the existential hyperbole that got us to this thread in the first place. As I criticized the Biden campaign yesterday, I critcize the GOP for the following,

View attachment 332997

“clear and present danger” is a violence justifying label. Apparently we will not learn. We are incapable of have a debate on merits and must always first lessen the humanity of the other. If we don’t find leaders in both parties who see the harm in such unproductive overstatement then this will not be HT’s last thread on this type of event.

Walk down any major metropolitan st after dark...If "clear and present danger" doesn't cross your mind you' re braver than me. We just had an illegal driving around town shooting people at random...killed one person wounded a few more.
And this is the type of rhetoric that promotes the existential hyperbole that got us to this thread in the first place. As I criticized the Biden campaign yesterday, I criticize the GOP for the following,

“clear and present danger” is a violence justifying label. Apparently we will not learn. We are incapable of have a debate on merits and must always first lessen the humanity of the other. If we don’t find leaders in both parties who see the harm in such unproductive overstatement then this will not be HT’s last thread on this type of event.
The debate over rhetoric is about as hypocritical and bad faith as it gets. Trump's VP nominee is one of many people to compare Trump to Hitler (extreme? absolutely), and the rhetoric from the right has been laced with the catchy "Let's Go Brandon," "F@#$ your Feelings," and perhaps most notoriously: "Hang Mike Pence."

This "American Carnage" rhetoric has been the status quo across both sides of the aisle since long before this moment in our history, and if we believe in the First Amendment, it will continue for the foreseeable future. People, particularly political campaigns, are allowed to express their views, no matter how repugnant they may seem to one side or another. For many on the left, electing someone who still cannot accept a free and fair election in 2020 is, in fact, a credible threat to democracy. For many on the right, electing someone who cannot fully articulate a sentence due to age is also a credible threat to democracy. We shouldn't silence these people for having legitimate concerns, and using those concerns in their campaigning.

We don't know what motivated this kid to pick up a rifle and put the former president in his sights, and we probably won't for a while... or ever. This kind of thing should never happen if we believe in democracy and the power of ballots over bullets. But can we stop being so exceptionally disingenuous and pointing fingers about language?
Has there been some hunters saftey bans in schools recently.....not so much a ban but pull funding to effectively try to eliminate those programs
Sorry to sidetrack the sniping discussion. But, nope. There was some confusion about the language of a funding rule. It was clarified in HR 5110. That bill was signed into law by President Biden on 10/06/23.

From the bill's opening paragraph: "To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to clarify that the prohibition on the use of Federal education funds for certain weapons does not apply to the use of such weapons for training in archery, hunting, or other shooting sports."

The sources that got everyone whipped into a frenzy about that one didn't bother to follow up and publicize that the problem had been fixed.
The debate over rhetoric is about as hypocritical and bad faith as it gets. Trump's VP nominee is one of many people to compare Trump to Hitler (extreme? absolutely), and the rhetoric from the right has been laced with the catchy "Let's Go Brandon," "F@#$ your Feelings," and perhaps most notoriously: "Hang Mike Pence."

This "American Carnage" rhetoric has been the status quo across both sides of the aisle since long before this moment in our history, and if we believe in the First Amendment, it will continue for the foreseeable future. People, particularly political campaigns, are allowed to express their views, no matter how repugnant they may seem to one side or another. For many on the left, electing someone who still cannot accept a free and fair election in 2020 is, in fact, a credible threat to democracy. For many on the right, electing someone who cannot fully articulate a sentence due to age is also a credible threat to democracy. We shouldn't silence these people for having legitimate concerns, and using those concerns in their campaigning.

We don't know what motivated this kid to pick up a rifle and put the former president in his sights, and we probably won't for a while... or ever. This kind of thing should never happen if we believe in democracy and the power of ballots over bullets. But can we stop being so exceptionally disingenuous and pointing fingers about language?
I mean f your feelings, lets go brandon, and other slogans are crude poltical humor. "Hang Mike Pence" is something a now prosecuted violent mob said - no one is suggesting we compare antifa and white supremecy lingo which is equivalent.

To me - the statement of something being a threat to our democracy isnt nearly as hyperbolic as "time to put trump in a bullseye" or "lock her up."

I want political leaders to stop saying such things - and feel that we should at least hold ourselves accountable to minimizing such rhetoric if we want them to.

There are plenty of threats to our democracy (an unsecure border, questionable and dangerous foreign policy, election acceptance, etc.) and we should discuss them as risks in kind.
Anyone who thinks 556 as a cartridge from that range being a factor worth noting on whether it's a conspiracy or not has a dumb take. Its the primary issue cartridge for our war fighters for engagements much longer than 140 yards..

I'd like to point out that I've once engaged a bad guy in sandals at +/-500 meters with 5.56... and missed...

But he ran away so I technically won that firefight. 💪

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