I see nothing wrong with brand loyalty stickers, or your conservation group affiliation. However, trucks or cargo trailers splattered with such, "SHOOT 'EM IN THE FACE", "IF IT FLIES IT DIES" , etc. doesn't do anything positive for the sportsman cause.
I suppose if you have those sexy girl silhouettes then we know what your hunting. Probably not real successful, but whatever.
Off topic; is there some meaning to those that I'm not aware of, or are they just stickers? It's usually a devil girl on one side and an angel girl on the other.
"My kid is an honor student at Filmore Junior High"......two craigslist owners previously, and "Kansas Dance Academy" stickers certainly don't give any wildlife area parking lot snoopers any idea of what a ninja turkey assassin they are dealing with when you are dealing with ol' kansasdad!